Types of dentures: description, classification, rules of care

Even if you can provide complete oral care, it still will not be a 100% guarantee that you are insured against the loss of one or more teeth. Our life is full of stress, various loads, the environment has worsened greatly. All this inevitably leads to the fact that our teeth begin to deteriorate, collapse and fall out. This problem does not affect some people very much, but some have to think about the aesthetic appearance of their smile. It is in this period of life that a person begins to study the types of dentures.

General classification

In modern dentistry, there are two main areas, in accordance with which distinguish between removable and fixed structures. Each of them has its pros and cons, which we will talk about a little later.

It should be noted in advance that removable structures are much cheaper than fixed structures, but they are inferior to them in quality and do not look so beautiful. So, let's look at a more detailed classification of dentures.

Removable designs

Patients who install such prostheses have the opportunity to independently remove them when they need it, and then absolutely securely attach them back. There are several categories of removable dentures:

  • Complete. Such dental prosthetics are used if the jaw is completely devoid of teeth. A full denture is attached to the gums and the upper palate. This is not a very reliable mount, with which you need to be careful so that the prosthesis does not accidentally fall. Usually, nylon or plastic is used for their manufacture.
  • Partial removable dentures. This type of prosthetics can only be used if there is at least one healthy tooth on the jaw of the patient. Such structures are attached not only to the gum and palate, but also to existing teeth, which makes the attachment more reliable. Partial dentures are made from the same materials as the full ones. However, metal can still be used here, which is necessary to fix the prosthesis to the surviving teeth.

Be prepared for the fact that caring for this type of dentures requires a bit more free time and responsibility. Otherwise, you just spend your money in vain, and your designs will not serve you the time allotted to them.

classification of dentures

Fixed structures

Such prostheses have practically no drawbacks, because they are very reliable and are installed for a long time. Their only minus is considered only a rather high cost. And expensive is not only the material for the manufacture, but also the work of a specialist.

Fixed dentures have the following classification:

  • Crowns. Crowns are often made of metal, but can also use ceramics or cermets. They are one of the most reliable methods of prosthetics. Crowns are attached to existing teeth, as well as to implants.
  • "Bridges". Another fairly common type of fixed dentures. Its main advantage is the reliable fixation of the prosthesis. To install bridges, you need teeth on the jaw, but if they are missing, the doctor can install implants for you, which will also be an excellent attachment for the bridge. Also, such prostheses have an affordable price, unlike implants. Another positive feature is that after installation, the patient practically does not feel any changes in the oral cavity, all taste qualities remain normal.
  • Veneers. They are most often installed only in order to create a beautiful picture. Veneers, like crowns, are made of ceramics, metal or cermets.
  • Dental implants. Perhaps one of the most expensive methods of prosthetics. However, the implants fully justify their cost, since they are incredibly reliable. Such prostheses can completely replace your real teeth, and their service life is measured in tens of years. Therefore, it is worth saving up money and installing high-quality teeth that will not differ from real ones.
manufacturing dentures

Types of prostheses

It should also be noted that removable dentures have several types that distinguish them by the material from which they are made, and their capabilities.

Clasp prostheses

This type of prosthesis is based on a reliable metal frame. Manufacturers themselves imitate gums on this framework, and then the dental crowns themselves are fixed, which subsequently will faithfully perform the functions of real teeth.

To install clasp prostheses, there is one indispensable condition, without which their use is simply impossible. The patient should have his own teeth on the jaw. They are needed in order to securely fix artificial teeth, which must be held firmly. For their fixation, special hooks are used that are attached to the patient’s real teeth. It is possible to install this type of prosthesis without your own teeth, but in this case you will have to additionally spend money on installing dental implants, which will also serve as a support.

Such prosthetics has quite a few advantages. It has a high level of reliability, is convenient to use, can last you a long time, and its price is affordable for almost every patient who wants to have a beautiful and healthy smile. But we must not forget about the disadvantages that clasp prostheses have. If the design will be fixed to the front teeth, then it is likely that the hooks for which it is attached will be visible to others. And since the prosthesis frame is made of metal, for some time the patient will feel its taste in the mouth, and there is a risk that an allergic reaction will occur.

full denture

Nylon denture

These are removable flexible prostheses that are made of very soft material. They are good because they do not use metal at all for their manufacture, which means that such prostheses are suitable for people who suffer from allergic reactions. If the previous type of structures was attached using special hooks, then this one is, as it were, attached to the gum. If you are worried about the reliability of fixation, you can make special plastic hooks that will serve as fasteners, or purchase special gels or creams that modern medicine offers.

Another plus of this type of dentures is that it is not necessary that there are teeth on the jaw. And also nylon prostheses are suitable for those people who have problems with gums. Further, another plus should be mentioned - low price, but high quality. Materials for making a soft denture are inexpensive, and the doctor’s work itself will not have sky-high prices. But, despite this, if you can provide the prostheses with proper care and be as accurate as possible during operation, then their minimum service life will be five years.

There are soft dentures and cons. If you eat too hard or stretched food, then, most likely, there will be a shift, and the pressure on the gums will be unevenly distributed. Also, some patients are faced with the fact that the prosthesis sags. In this case, you must again go to an appointment with a specialist who will correct the problem. If you have installed a nylon prosthesis, then be prepared for the fact that you have to give up too hot and cold dishes, you can’t eat too hard food, you may even have to quit smoking. As for the price, nylon prostheses are almost twice as expensive as clasp ones.

Acrylic dentures

For the manufacture of dentures of this type use acrylic plastic. Such prosthetics can be performed both for those patients who have completely no dentition, and those who have partial tooth loss. In the first embodiment, the attachment is due to suction to the gums, and in the second use a special wire attachment, which is fixed on existing teeth.

You can install such a prosthesis at a fairly low price, due to the simplicity of manufacture and low cost of materials. But, despite all the advantages, some patients refuse to install such prostheses. This is due to the fact that they can rub the gums, thereby causing great discomfort. And also the design of this prosthesis is too large, and because of this, taste sensations are disturbed. Getting used to such a design in your mouth is quite difficult, in some patients speech is noticeably impaired, and even vomiting can occur. If you allow yourself solid food, then you are at great risk of damaging the prosthesis.

Fixed prosthetics

Experienced specialists recommend choosing non-removable prosthetics for those patients who have not lost all their teeth, but have lost only a few. Such designs can help you solve the aesthetic side of this issue. So, in more detail about the classification and manufacture of dentures that are not removable, we will talk below.

types of dentures


Crowns are divided into three groups: metal, cermet and just ceramic. The first type of crowns is most often used in places where teeth are not visible, since they have a not very attractive appearance. The second version of crowns is very reliable. During their wear, it is even allowed to eat solid food. Their service life is quite long. With exact certainty we can talk about ten years of service, but this is not the final figure. Their minus is that for installation it is required to grind adjacent teeth strongly. And the third kind is ceramic. They are chosen for installation in places where teeth are especially noticeable to others. They have such natural shades that even dentists can not immediately distinguish them from real teeth.

soft dentures


It is believed that this type of dentures can only be installed if there are abutment teeth on both sides. This is actually not the case. If the patient has no teeth at all, then the specialist simply makes him several implants, which then perform supporting functions. In addition to supporting function, they also help when chewing especially solid foods.

When using this method of prosthetics, the doctor tries to choose a color for artificial teeth so that they do not differ from real ones. Modern technology allows you to do this. Most often, patients choose adhesive bridges that are affordable and high quality. Such bridges are attached using special glue, do not cause discomfort and perfectly cope with food of any kind.

Such a prosthesis has drawbacks, but there are not too many of them, however, if you study all the features of the bridges, then perhaps the patient’s decision regarding the need to install them will change. The main disadvantage is that when installing bridges on existing teeth, they have to grind a lot. If the bridges will be installed on implants, then you will have to spend too much time on this process. In addition to all this, adhesive bridges are too fragile and require special attention and care.

fixed dentures

Veneers and Lumineers

These types of dentures are micro prosthetics, which are resorted to if the question is about aesthetics, the protection of chips or cracks.

This is a kind of plate that is simply applied to damaged teeth to make them more beautiful and attractive. They are attached only to the front wall of the tooth, and the back remains intact. These plates are most often made of porcelain.

Ceramic tabs

Ceramic lining is needed in order to protect teeth that have recently been filled or cleared of caries. The tab can not only protect the teeth from damage, but also give them whiteness.

Terms of Use

It’s not enough to just install dentures and forget about them. You should also learn the rules for caring for dentures if you want them to last you for many years:

  • If you notice that your prosthesis has been deformed, then do not try to fix it yourself. You need to immediately go to an appointment with a specialist who did the installation of this design.
  • Removable dentures are recommended to be removed only in order to clean, as well as before bedtime.
  • The first few times when removing and putting on the prosthesis try not to rush, perform all movements slowly so as not to damage the structure.
  • In the first days after installation, try to chew food as thoroughly and slowly as possible.
  • Make a rule for yourself daily to clean the prosthesis and store it only in a special solution. And also it is necessary to keep the oral cavity clean.
partial dentures
  • The first few weeks after installation, it is recommended to forget about solid food.
  • If you notice that after the appearance of the prosthesis in your mouth you have any sores or wounds, then this is a serious reason to seek the help of a specialist.

We examined the types of dentures.

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