Oil "Mobile 3000" 5W40: characteristics and reviews

High quality and excellent technical characteristics of 5W40 Mobil 3000 engine oil provide reliable, long- term operation of the car engine.

Engine oil prescription

An automotive internal combustion engine is the main source of energy for a vehicle. The working process of the power unit is associated with high temperatures, friction forces and related processes (deformation, scoring, overheating, vibration). Such working conditions should be classified as difficult, capable of causing various defects and breakdowns. Repair of any engine is a rather time-consuming, almost always expensive undertaking.

mobile oil

To protect the automobile engine and ensure a high-quality working process that allows the power unit to obtain the required technical parameters, a special lubricant is used, which is called engine oil. The main tasks of the oil are:

1. Reduction of friction between the interacting engine nodes.

2. Cooling of motor elements.

3. The output of the oil filter from the zone of interaction of metal particles arising in the process of friction.

4. Removing unburned fuel during the working process.

Oil brand "Mobil 3000" 5W40 (its characteristics are discussed in the article) allows you to qualitatively maintain the working process of the engine.

Motor oil composition

To create a lubricating fluid that can perform its tasks and at the same time maintain technical properties for a long time, use a special base. Such a basis is of the following types:

  • synthetic;
  • mineral;
  • semi-synthetic.

In order to form the required properties for the oil, special additives are used. By their functional parameters, such additives are divided into anti-wear, cleaning, anti-seize, anti-corrosion. The specified properties for additives are created using various combinations of phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, disulfides and a number of other materials. The amount of additives in the oil can reach up to 25% of the volume.

mobile oil 3000 5w40 specifications

High characteristics of "Mobile 3000" 5W40 are ensured by the use of a combination of a synthetic base as part of the oil and a set of high-quality additives.

Oil producer "Mobil"

The initial development, and then the further production of the Mobil 3000 engine oil series, is carried out by ExxonMobil, which began operations back in 1870. The company got its current name in 1999 after the merger of Mobil and Exxon. The main activities of the world's largest oil company are:

  • production, transportation, processing of oil and gas condensate;
  • oil and gas based fuel production;
  • development and production of lubricants.

All fuels and lubricants produced by the company are of high quality and high technical properties obtained as a result of using high-quality raw materials, innovative production technologies and modern technological equipment.

Mobil 3000 Series

The range of this series of motor lubricants is made up of the following synthetic oils:

  • 5W40;
  • 5W35;
  • 5W40 "Diesel";
  • 5W30 Formula FE.

Of these oils, the Mobile 3000 5W40 variant is the most widespread, the characteristics of which provide year-round use in a large number of power units of cars of various brands. For this product is appreciated by many motorists.

oil mobile super 3000 5w40 specifications

The Mobil 3000 engine oil viscosity designation, characteristics 5W40, is deciphered as follows:

  • number 5 - indicates the maximum temperature of winter operation up to minus 30 degrees;
  • index W - the possibility of all-weather use;
  • number 40 - determines the maximum permissible summer temperature - plus 40 degrees.

Given these parameters, it should be noted that the technological characteristics of Mobil 3000 5W40 oils are stored only in the specified temperature regime.

Oil performance

The main characteristic of Mobile Super 3000 5W40 oil is given in table 1:

Parameter Nameunit of measurementIndicator
Kinematic viscosity (100 ° C)cSt14.0
Kinematic viscosity (40 ° C)cSt84.0
Density (15 ° C)kg / l0.86
Sulphated Ash%1.10
Flash point° C220
Pour point° C-39

mobile super 3000 5w40 diesel specifications

The main characteristics of "Mobile Super 3000" 5W40 ("Diesel") are given in table 2:

Parameter Nameunit of measurementIndicator
Kinematic viscosity (100 ° C)cSt14.0
Kinematic viscosity (40 ° C)cSt84.0
Density (15 ° C)kg / l0.86
Sulphated Ash%1.10
Flash point° C220
Pour point° C-39

The use of Mobile Super 3000 "5W40 (" Diesel ") motor lubricants in diesel engines is indicated by the CF parameter (API classification) in the designation.

mobile 3000 5w40 specifications

The features and advantages of these oils must include:

  • implementation of reliable engine protection at high temperatures;
  • good washing properties, allowing to reduce the level of carbon deposits, deposits, sludge, and further protect against their occurrence;
  • high lubricating qualities in conditions of cold engine start;
  • increased antiwear and anti-corrosion performance.

The use of “Mobile 3000” 5W40 having the specified properties and characteristics as a lubricant for an automobile engine will ensure reliable and long-term operation of the vehicle’s power unit, while maintaining technical parameters.

Reviews on oil "Mobile 3000"

Mobile brand products are well known to domestic motorists and are in stable demand for high quality and functional properties. Among the main advantages and characteristics of the "Mobile 3000" 5W40 based on numerous descriptions and feedback from car owners, it is necessary to highlight:

1. Affordable cost for a lubricant of this level.

2. High cleansing properties. If during the transition to the use of "Mobile 3000" 5W40 during the first change the lubricant may have a dark appearance, especially in older cars, then during the following changes the oil color becomes lighter. Such a change indicates a good initial cleaning of the engine from carbon deposits, sludge, deposits and further prevention of their occurrence.

mobile engine oil 3000 5w40 specifications

3. Improving engine starting. This advantage is especially noticeable when operating a car in winter. This quality of oil is very important in the Russian climate.

4. For an engine with a large operating time, the interval between the need to top up the oil to the required level increases. This property is primarily associated with a low amount of oil fumes.

5. Decrease in noise of the working engine due to high lubricating qualities.

Original Mobil products have all the characteristic advantages. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase engine oil in trading enterprises that have the status of an official dealer of the Mobil company.

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