Facial skin care in winter: cosmetologist tips and rules

During colds, the skin needs special delicate care, because, in addition to the negative effects of the environment, it experiences stress at home. Beautician tips for facial skin care in winter converge on intensive nutrition, hydration and protection. Due to the operation of heating devices in the room, the dermis lacks moisture, and the cold air in the street only exacerbates the situation. Observing some features of facial skin care in winter, you can quite comfortably endure the frosty period.

General recommendations

winter care

To prevent dehydration of the epidermis in the cold period, the use of moisturizers and nourishing agents is mandatory. Indoors, during the heating season, the skin loses a huge amount of moisture, so it must be replenished from the inside and out. Drinking plenty of water and using thermal water as well as moisturizing sprays can solve this problem. A wide assortment of β€œwinter” cosmetics is on sale, which prevents the loss of moisture from the surface of the skin. The oils in the composition of such products form a protective film, so that a sufficient level of moisture is maintained. Special winter skin care is not possible without the use of makeup. Foundation and powder create an additional protective layer.

Seasonal treatments

skin care

Most salon skin rejuvenation procedures, such as peels, laser resurfacing and many others, are recommended to be performed in the cold period, since in summer there is a high risk of pigmentation. After such cosmetic procedures, the upper stratum corneum is exfoliated and enhanced regeneration begins. Facial skin care in winter, on the advice of cosmetologists, it is advisable to supplement with mesotherapy or biorevitalization. Such procedures deeply moisturize the skin, enhancing the production of hyaluronic acid. For women after 40, winter facial skin care can be combined with laser rejuvenation or RF lifting. This is a great way to make her young and healthy, thanks to such procedures, elasticity improves, and the contours become more clear. Facial skin care in the winter after 50 years should include active nourishing creams and masks. It is better to choose chemical peeling from salon procedures, it will provide active renewal and rejuvenation of the epidermis, without the risk of hyperpigmentation.

Winter combined skin care

Ladies with mixed skin types are quite difficult to choose the right care option. On the cheeks and around the eyes, the epidermis lacks moisture and needs to be nourished, and in the T-zone, on the contrary, it needs to be dried. In winter, the picture changes slightly, matting moisturizers should be light and gentle, it is advisable to refuse gel textures. Even for oily skin, it’s worthwhile to use more saturated textures in winter. In dry, heated rooms, the epidermis loses a lot of moisture and peeling may appear. Do not neglect nutritious creams, they can be used in the evening. It is better to cleanse your face from makeup and impurities with micellar water. Acid salon peels perfectly complement the care of combined facial skin in winter. Reviews of most ladies after such procedures indicate a quick and noticeable result. Peeling, rashes, enlarged pores disappear, small wrinkles are smoothed out, the complexion becomes more even.

leather in winter

Delicate skin around the eyes

Very often in the warm season, ladies ignore creams for this sensitive area. In winter, it’s better not to do this, because the delicate skin around the eyes needs special care. Due to lack of moisture, it dries up, and the "crow's feet" will not take long to wait. Unfortunately, getting rid of them is much more difficult than preventing them from occurring. Especially if wrinkles are already present, it is necessary to use an active cream with a rich, nutritious, oil-based texture. Such a tool can be used once a week as a mask, applying a denser layer for 10-15 minutes, after which the excess is removed with a paper towel.

Do not deprive the attention and delicate skin of the lips. In the daytime, nutritious lipstick or regular hygiene will be an excellent protection against chapping. Indoors, you can use balm or shine, this will protect against dryness. Sugar scrub with the addition of any cosmetic oil, made at home, will prevent the appearance of peeling and protect the lips from frost.

Delicate care

Care for sensitive skin in winter should be given special attention. After all, sensitivity is not a type, but a state. Oily or dry, it does not matter: inflammation, irritation, peeling are its main symptoms. A sharp temperature difference, insufficient humidity can very negatively affect the condition of the skin. To avoid problems, it is necessary to choose the right care products. To cleanse sensitive skin, it is advisable to use mild products such as milk or micellar water. You can wash yourself with mineral water without using alkaline products. Moisturizing lotion or tonic after cleansing will restore the hydrolipidic film. In sensitive skin creams, the content of vegetable oils is desirable, due to which a protective film forms on the surface. This barrier protects against the negative effects of the environment, both outdoors and indoors. The cream must be used at least an hour before release to fully absorb it.

home recipes

Intensive nutrition and hydration

Dry skin needs good protection from external influences. The main companions of the owners of this skin type are irritation, tightness and peeling. However, regular and perfectly selected care will help to avoid this. When choosing tools, it is worth giving preference to saturated textures based on vegetable oils. Care for dry skin in the winter should include rich moisturizing and nourishing creams, enriched with vitamins and natural extracts. In addition to morning and evening application of funds, it is necessary to use moisturizing sprays throughout the day. For makeup, it is better to use cosmetics with creamy textures containing a large number of moisturizing ingredients.

Winter facial skin care at home

Each woman has her own individual care rituals. However, during cold weather, home treatments have their own characteristics, they are necessary to maintain the beauty and health of the skin. Let's consider step by step all the steps to beautiful skin:

  • Cleansing. The skin needs cleanliness at any time of the year, the effect of all further manipulations depends on this. It is not worth neglecting this stage, you just need to make some adjustments. In winter, it is better to give preference to delicate cleansers, such as foams or milk. Instead of hot water, it is better to use boiled room temperature, mineral water or a decoction of herbs will be an ideal substitute.
  • Exfoliation. Without high-quality peeling, not even one of the most expensive cream will give the desired result. He simply cannot get to the deeper layers of the skin through the shell of dead cells. However, it is not worth using coarse scrubs in the winter, they can easily damage the epidermis and reduce protective functions. It is better to opt for soft gommazh and peels on fruit acids. An ideal solution would be visiting a beautician.
    winter care
  • Toning. It is advisable to use alcohol-free lotions and tonics. In addition to the function of completing cleansing, they also restore the hydrolipidic balance on the surface of the skin, preparing it for basic care.
  • Moisturizing is the most important need of the skin, regardless of its type, at any time of the year. In the cold season, you only need to give preference to more saturated textures. It is advisable to use a moisturizer at least an hour before going outside. Also, the lack of moisture is perfectly compensated by masks that can be done 2-3 times a week.
  • Food. Saturated creams and masks based on natural vegetable oils perfectly nourish the skin. It is preferable to use them in the evening, especially for the care of mature and dry skin. Masks can also be used up to 3 times a week, they perfectly restore protective functions and return softness and velvety.

These simple winter skin care tips will help her stay healthy and beautiful.

Homemade Beauty Recipes

Not all store products can cope with the task, and some can even exacerbate problems. To help in this situation, folk recipes that do not lose their relevance will come.

To enhance the effect of a moisturizer, you can add vitamin E or a few drops of natural oil, for example, almond, to it. The result from such a tool will be much better, but you need to mix the ingredients immediately before application.

The most popular home helpers are masks. Their variety is very large, favorite ingredients are honey, fruits, dairy products. Masks can also be made based on avocado, jojoba, olive, shea, coconut and many other plants. With regular use, they will significantly transform the skin of the face and help it cope with any aggressive factors.

face masks

A mask with honey and olive oil is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. Preheat a spoonful of oil in a water bath, add 1 teaspoon of honey and apply a thin layer on the face. Wash off after 20 minutes with lotion or a decoction of chamomile. Such a tool has excellent nutritional and regenerative properties.

The mask with sour cream and apple is an ideal assistant for owners of oily skin. To make it, you need Β½ grated apple and a couple of spoons of sour cream. Apply the finished mixture for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.

A mask of honey, egg yolk and coconut oil will quickly solve the problem of peeling. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients in equal proportions, pre-melt the oil in a water bath. Keep on skin for no more than 30 minutes, then rinse off excess with lotion.

Home scrubs are also very popular, mainly combinations of products such as salt, sugar, ground coffee, oatmeal, honey and butter are used. A great substitute for store peels is a mixture of retinol and jojoba oil. This tool causes accelerated skin renewal. The only possible minus from such assistants is the individual intolerance of the individual components.

Body care

In winter, the skin suffers not only from the face, but also from the body. The point here, of course, is not the cold, because we dress according to the weather. The main enemy of skin and hair beauty is heating appliances. You can purchase a special device for humidification, but this will solve only half the problem. At work, unfortunately, he will not be able to help, so you need to fight with other methods. For body care, it is better to use creams with a rich rich texture. They can be completely replaced with natural oil, for example, coconut or olive. Since the body has much less sebaceous glands, dryness and peeling come almost immediately with heat in the batteries. Many women suffer from dehydration of the skin, to solve this problem you only need to increase fluid intake, often apply moisturizing and nourishing creams and regularly use scrub.

Hair care

Due to excessive moisture loss, hair can become brittle and lose its former gloss. To protect against dryness, it is necessary to apply special sprays and regularly maintain the level of moisture with masks. You can buy them at any store or cook yourself at home. The best homemade mask recipes include the following ingredients:

  • pharmacy vitamins (retinol, tocopherol);
  • Castor oil;
  • dairy products;
  • honey;
  • aloe;
  • mustard and pepper (to accelerate growth).

A mask with sour cream, honey and castor oil will transform the hair, make it soft and shiny. To make it, you need to mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply for at least 60 minutes, covering with a film on top. After that, rinse with shampoo and apply balm.

In addition, many cosmetic companies produce special lines of daily care products in the winter. Such shampoos and balms have an increased concentration of oils and protective components.

Inside beauty

leather in winter

All of the above methods to maintain the beauty of the skin and hair are quite effective. However, do not forget that the internal state of the body plays a key role. A lack of vitamins or an unbalanced diet is very detrimental to human health. The complex of vitamins, the correct, healthy diet, as well as sufficient fluid intake will negate all skin problems. Flaxseed oil and fish oil will give shine and provide additional hydration from the inside. Love yourself, take care of your health, and be beautiful at any time of the year!

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