The birth of a child makes a lot of changes in the life of parents. In the first months they have a lot of questions that need to be answered. For example, how to make a diet for a mother and child, how much a baby he should sleep, how to ensure comfort and safety of crumbs, is it possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream ... One of the most important issues is the diet.
Breast milk is an indispensable food for the baby. It is produced with the help of lactocytes, thanks to a special hormone - prolactin.
Breastfeeding will not only provide the baby with all the necessary substances, but also form a strong psychological connection between mother and newborn. The main task of young parents is to preserve breast milk itself and its usefulness. This can be achieved by following a diet. After all, all the products that a woman consumes affect the taste and nutritional value of milk.
So is it possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream? There are no bans, but subject to certain conditions. There is a golden rule - the gradual introduction of new products into the diet. In the first months of a child’s life, this issue must be taken very seriously. After all, it is then that the baby is especially at risk of allergic reactions.
Is it possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream? Yes, but introduce all new products gradually and in small quantities. This, as you know, also applies to sweets. Try to eat about 10 grams of ice cream on the first day and track the baby’s response. If there is no redness, rash, loose stools, colic, then the next time you consume 20 grams. But know the measure! Even if the child normally accepts this product, then this is not a reason to eat several servings at once.
Is it possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream from store shelves? You need to know that it consists of milk, sugar, chocolate (and then, if it is of high quality). Perhaps the addition of fruit, berry fillers, which often provoke allergies. These components (in moderation) should not harm the baby. But manufacturers, in search of greater benefits, can easily add preservatives, stabilizers and other chemicals to ice cream. For an adult, they, with infrequent use, will not bring harm. But the crumb body is very sensitive to such things. His digestive system and liver can only cope with the components of breast milk. Therefore, if you are a sweet tooth, and adore ice cream, then it is better not to tempt fate and cook it at home. Then you will know which components actually go there. Such a product can be beneficial due to its high nutritional value, because the composition will include fats, amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts.
A healthy dish for nursing mothersHere is a banana ice cream recipe that you can make with your own hands at home. Take 400 grams of milk, 400 grams of cream, 100 grams of sugar, 2 ripe bananas. Grind the fruits to a puree state, gradually add the remaining ingredients. Simmer the mixture without boiling. When it cools, put in a mold and put in the freezer.
Can I give mom an ice cream or not? Only parents should decide, guided by their knowledge and feelings.