Pearls - magical properties and healing possibilities

There are a lot of beautiful, unusual precious and semiprecious stones. But it’s worth separately to talk about such a stone as pearls, whose magical properties are truly impressive. He also has interesting healing opportunities, has a strong positive energy.

pearls magical properties

Pearls, the magical properties of which have been known since antiquity, are sometimes called the widow's stone. However, this name slightly contradicts its healing mystical properties, thanks to which it is appreciated even by those people who do not know about them, but feel the beneficial influence of the stone. It should be considered in more detail such a stone as pearls, the magical properties of this jewel and healing possibilities.

river pearls Price

This stone has long been used in powders, ointments, tinctures. In particular, pearls are a very common component of cosmetic products, which are committed to maintaining youthful skin. This means that the ancient people were right in saying that this stone brings youth to its owner.

The pearls are very important in the treatment of various diseases. For example, it is used for diseases of the kidneys, intestines, liver, stomach. They say that this stone is able to help with hypertension, saves you from allergies, stabilizes the central nervous system, and protects against migraines. Esotericists say that if you put a stone in your mouth and hold it there for a while, it will soothe the pain in the heart and stabilize the pressure.

pearl beads

Products from this stone are not only decoration. They can report problems and disruptions to the body. You can make rings from such a stone as pearls, beads, earrings. At any contact with the body, the stone will signal violations or malfunctions by loss of gloss and tarnishing.

Pearls, the magical properties of which even in the healing aspect are simply amazing, have more specific mystical possibilities. However, this is typical only for natural stones.

The ancient Egyptians greatly appreciated this jewel , calling it a stone of “beauty and longevity”. Pharaohs drank drinks from pearl glasses to preserve youth and beauty.

Modern psychics claim that pearls contribute to the awakening of clairvoyance abilities. In esoteric shops you can often see products made of stone such as river pearls. The price of it varies depending on the complexity of the product itself.

In ancient times, there was a custom when a husband gave a string of pearls to his wife on their wedding day. It was believed that this contributes to the loyalty of the wife and fortress of a young family.

Pearls, the magical properties of which were recognized by alchemists and magicians, are considered a stone only for strong-willed people. For the weak-willed, he can lead to disorganization and complete confusion. This stone is contraindicated for actors, travelers. It is also strictly forbidden to redistribute it. If he serves you as a talisman, and you decide to donate it, then pearls can bring misfortune both to you and to the person who received it.

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