Jacques Lacan, French philosopher and psychiatrist: biography

Jacques Lacan is a great French psychoanalyst and philosopher. He devoted his whole life to changing the world of psychology, to make it more understandable and accessible. Because of this, he is considered one of the most outstanding specialists in this field. In its popularity, it is second only to one person - the father of modern psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud.

So, what is the life story of Jacques Lacan? How could he achieve such heights in psychology? Who was his teacher and mentor? And how popular is Jacques Lacan's theory?

Jacques Lacan

Happy childhood

The full name of the psychiatrist is Jacques-Marie-Emile Lacan. The boy was lucky to be born in one of the most beautiful and melodic places on the planet, namely in Paris. It happened on April 13, 1901 in the family of a vinegar merchant. It should be noted that the Lacan family was very conservative and devout. That is why in 1907 he was sent to study at the Catholic College of St. Stanislav.

It is not known exactly when it was Jacques Lacan who wanted to become a psychoanalyst, but his passion for knowing the human mind was noticeable from an early age. Probably because of this, he wanted to connect his life with medicine.

Education and early years

Immediately after graduating from college in 1919, Jacques Lacan enters the local medical university. Naturally, he chooses psychiatry as the main direction. It was also during this period that he first became interested in the theories and practices of Sigmund Freud.

After graduation (in 1926), he was sent to practice at St. Anne's Hospital. Here, the prominent psychiatrist of that time, Clerambo, known for his work on the analysis of the autonomous work of consciousness and paranoid delirium, becomes its curator.

A new student immediately wins the heart of his mentor with a genuine interest in the craft. And therefore, the teacher transfers to Lacan all his knowledge and best practices, which greatly inspires the future doctor. A little later, he will share with his audience the following words: "Clerambo is the only real teacher whom I was lucky to meet on my way."

Jacques Lacan workshops

Key dates: pre-war period

  • 1931 - obtaining a diploma of forensic psychiatrist. This date can be considered the starting point from which Lacan's path as a psychotherapist began.
  • 1932 - defense of a doctoral dissertation on the topic "Paranoid psychosis and its effect on the individual." This work caused a real sensation among researchers of psychology and philosophy. Even Salvador Dali himself noted its significance and value for the future of psychotherapy.
  • 1933 - a wedding with Marie Blondin. Their marriage was an unstoppable impulse of passion that gave Jacques three wonderful children.
  • 1936 - speech at the International Psychoanalytic Congress in England. It was here that he first presented his theory of The Mirror, which would subsequently become one of the doctrines of his teachings. True, his speech was interrupted due to misunderstanding on the part of his colleagues.
  • 1938 - Jacques Lacan becomes a member of the Paris Psychotherapeutic Society. This allows him to work on his research with even greater zeal and enthusiasm.

jacques lacan books

Key dates: post-war period

When the first shots sounded over the heads of Europeans, Lacan decided to help his people with all they could. That is why throughout the war he worked as a field doctor, saving the lives and souls of soldiers.

  • 1953 is the time of great changes in the life of Lacan. His first wife dies this year, after which he marries Sylvia Bataille. He is also elected as president of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society. But in the same year, he left him, as his innovative policy aroused the indignation of students. Ultimately, Lacan establishes his own Psychoanalytic Society of France (POF).
  • 1962 - the culmination of a misunderstanding of Lacan's theory. The broad masses do not want to study his works, and therefore he is forbidden to give lectures at ordinary universities. The only exception is Freud’s school, which he founded.
  • 1966 - the release of the book "Written". This is a turning point in the life of Jacques, as his work has overcome the wall of misunderstanding and has become a real bestseller.
  • 1969 - universal recognition. In addition to the usual success, he also opened the door to the teaching staff of universities. Moreover, he was even offered to head one of the departments of psychology.
  • 1975 - now the whole world knows who Jacques Lacan is. Seminars and conferences with his participation were held throughout Europe, as well as beyond its borders. In particular, he began to lecture at some colleges in America.
  • 1980 - Jacques closes Freud’s school in Paris, as he cannot manage it. But he opens a new Freudian Affair society in the hope that his ideals will not be forgotten in the future.
  • September 9, 1981 - Jacques Lacan dies. They say that his last words were the phrase: "I will stay my way ... I am leaving."

psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan

Jacques Lacan: books

Unfortunately, most of the works of Lacan could not survive to this day. After all, the great scientist did not like to write down his thoughts, and therefore many books about his teachings were recorded from the words of his friends and colleagues.

Nevertheless, you can study the psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan by reading his best-selling book, Written. Also in print there are most of his seminars, which over the years have been translated into almost all languages ​​of the world.

His books are also very interesting, revealing the connection between speech and human consciousness. Their names are: “Function and field of speech of language in psychoanalysis” and “Instance of letters in the unconscious, or the Fate of the mind after Freud.”

Theory of Jacques Lacan

Jacques Lacan Quotes

I want to finish Lacan's biography with a small set of his quotes. After all, only they will be able to show exactly what Jacques was in real life.

  • "Before the beginning of the speech, there is neither true nor false."
  • “In order for fiction to bring me pleasure, there must be something strange in it, even for myself.”
  • "Hatred, like love itself, is a limitless field."
  • "Censorship is needed only for deception through lies."
  • "The world of words always breeds the world of things."

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