Ovarian fibroma: symptoms, causes, treatment

Ovarian fibroma is a tumor of connective tissue. In this case, the disease does not show hormonal activity. The tumor is benign. Specialists diagnose this ailment in 10% of all cases associated with such neoplasms. Fibroma occurs, as a rule, in women aged 40 years. However, the disease can also develop in younger individuals.

What does it look like

Ovarian fibroma has an oval or rounded shape. The surface of such a neoplasm is usually flat or nodular. The size of the fibroids can reach more than 10 centimeters. The neoplasm, which has all the cavities, acquires a dense elastic consistency. Swelling of the tissues makes it softer. If calcium deposits are present, then the tumor becomes solid.

ovarian fibroma

It is worth noting that in some cases, fibroids may have a leg. Because of this, the neoplasm becomes mobile. Such fibroma grows much more slowly. However, some dystrophic changes can only accelerate its growth.

Why does ovarian fibroma occur?

The causes of such neoplasms have not yet been determined precisely. Experts believe that the tumor forms and gradually grows from the stroma of the organ. In certain cases, the neoplasm arises from fibrous tissue. The risk group includes those women who have an unfavorable premorbid background. Often, representatives of the weaker sex begin to develop pathologies of the endocrine system, a chronic inflammatory process in the ovary and appendage, and a decrease in immunity is also noted.

Types of tumors

Ovarian fibroma can be of two types, if you classify it by structure. The first form is a limited tumor, which has a clear-cut capsule that separates fibroma from the tissue. Such neoplasms are usually oval. The second form is diffuse, since it completely affects the ovarian tissue. The capsule in this case may be absent. This type of neoplasm is diagnosed more often. However, the histology of both forms of fibroma is almost the same. They are formed from fibrous substances, as well as cellular elements. However, the quantitative ratio is completely different.

ovarian fibroma treatment

It should be noted that ovarian fibroma, the treatment of which will be described below, may contain cysts. Tumors are usually swollen. With tissue degeneration, the growth of tumors is significantly accelerated. This disease often causes more serious complications. This may be twisting the legs, hemorrhage, tissue necrosis, degeneration into a malignant tumor, suppuration of the neoplasm, and so on. Ovarian fibroma is very often accompanied by uterine myoma and ovarian cysts. These diseases have a similar etiological development.

Does ovarian fibroma affect reproductive health? Pregnancy may occur. If the tumor is small, then it is not able to cause disturbances in the work of organs. A woman in such a situation has a chance to conceive a child and bear him.

Ovarian fibroma: symptoms

If the tumor has a small size, for example, no more than 30 millimeters, then the organs continue to properly perform their functions. The main symptoms of the disease may not appear for a long time. If fibroma begins to increase in size, then signs of Mays syndrome appear: ascites, anemia, pleurisy, and so on. Often a woman has bloating and discomfort. In this case, tachycardia, shortness of breath and general weakness may occur. A woman with ovarian fibroma gets tired much faster. Ascites is the main sign of an ovarian cyst, which is often formed when transudate is released directly in the abdominal cavity.

ovarian fibroma symptoms

Signs of ovarian fibroma can be completely different. Often with this disease, cachexia and polyserositis are noted. These signs indicate the presence of malignant neoplasms. It is worth noting that the symptoms, as well as the severity of the disease, depend for the most part on the degree of compression of the neighboring organs with the fluid. With necrosis and hemorrhages in the neoplasm, more pronounced signs of peritoneal irritation occur. Ovarian fibroma does not cause menstrual irregularities.

Who to contact?

At the first symptoms of the disease, a woman should undergo a thorough examination. First of all, you should visit a gynecologist. The doctor in such cases examines the two-handed method. In this case, the specialist can determine not only the location of the neoplasm, but also establish its surface structure, stony consistency, density, soreness and mobility.

ovarian fibroma pregnancy

Basic diagnostic methods

After a thorough examination, the woman should undergo an additional laboratory study. With ovarian fibroma, it is necessary to take not only a general blood test, but also an analysis of tumor markers. The diagnosis is confirmed only after ultrasound, which allows you to determine the main parameters of fibroma.

In some cases, pleural puncture is required . After that, cytological material is carefully studied in the laboratory. At the end of the diagnosis, specialists should examine the removed tissue.

Fibroma therapy

How is ovarian fibroma treated? With such a disease, conservative therapy does not give results, since such neoplasms are not subject to resorption. In this case, surgical intervention is recommended, in which ovarian fibroma is removed. The operation is carried out only after a thorough examination. In this case, the doctor takes into account the presence of any pathologies, the condition of the uterus and second ovary, the age of the patient, as well as the size of the neoplasm.

ovarian fibroma causes

In addition, the specialist must determine the completeness of the surgical intervention and the type of access. If ovarian fibroma is small, then it is removed by the most gentle method - laparoscopy. In this situation, the tumor is husked. The functions of the organs are fully preserved.

If the tumor is large

The elimination of large tumors is carried out with the removal of the ovary. In such situations, the organ is compressed, stretched and gradually transformed into a capsule of the cyst. Follicles may undergo complete atrophy. For women who are at the age of postmenopause, with large fibroma, not only the ovary, but also the appendages are removed . If both organs are affected, then they leave part of what is less affected by the disease.

signs of ovarian fibroma

Prevention of ailment

Ovarian fibroma is a serious disease that can occur for a long time without any signs. Preventive measures in this case do not exist. To prevent the development of the disease is simply impossible. As for the postoperative prognosis, it is always favorable. The degeneration of ovarian fibroma into a malignant neoplasm occurs only in 1% of all women who underwent surgery. The process of rehabilitation after surgery is easy, and patients quickly recover. During this period, the doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics.

ovarian fibroma operation

In conclusion

Now you know what ovarian fibrosis is, how it manifests itself and what its consequences are. Therapy of this disease is carried out only through surgical intervention. Alternative medicine in such a situation is simply useless. Since preventive measures of the disease do not exist, a woman should undergo a thorough examination by a gynecologist annually , as well as conduct an ultrasound examination. This is the only way to diagnose ovarian fibroma and prevent its further development.

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