How and how to mask a bruise under the eye?

Hematomas (bruises) are one of the most sensitive problems, especially when they cannot be hidden from society. The process of the appearance of a hematoma is quite simple: after damage to soft, especially sensitive tissues or disruption of blood vessels mechanically, a blood cavity forms in the skin. The human brain perceives information about damage and includes the processes of resorption of a blood clot. Because of this, there is a color transformation of the bruise site - from a violet-cyanotic shade to yellowish.

how to mask a bruise under the eye

The most "colorful" hematomas are considered to be damage to the skin of the face, especially the female. The resorption process often takes no more than two days. But at this time, many girls begin to think about how to mask the bruise under the eye as believable as possible.

Most women have become unsurpassed magicians thanks to the daily struggle with the hated bluish circles around the eyes. But all previously used methods can not always cope with a large-scale hematoma.

Concealer is a good helper

First of all, in such an extraordinary situation, many cosmetologists advise attracting a high-quality concealer to help. The famous company for the realization of a woman’s dream Yves Saint Laurent in the last century gave ladies the opportunity to create magic on their own, using the tool during makeup.

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And how to mask the bruise under the eye with the help of a concealer and how to choose the desired type?


This tool worldwide is available in several types, which allows you to optimally choose a masking agent for each individual woman and situation. To hide a large-scale and rather pronounced bruise, professionals advise using a stick. This concealer has an inimitably dense texture, the product malleably lays on any part of the face. You can apply the stick concealer with both your fingers and a convenient brush.


how to mask bruises under the eyes

How to mask a bruise under an eye that has already begun to fade? To do this, you can use a cream concealer. It will help to hide small areas of bruises, its dense texture lends itself to neat brush strokes. Before applying, it is worth stocking up with patience and endurance. Excellent results always require scrupulousness and accuracy. This cream also can hide freckles and even significant skin defects, such as small scars.


The concealer pencil has a soft, light texture, which greatly complicates the mission of masking a bruise. A similar tool will perfectly show itself in the case of an almost resolved hematoma of small dimensions. The pencil is insanely convenient to use, but its scope is more blue circles under the eyes than noble bruises.


A liquid concealer in a tube is an ideal way to eliminate dark circles in the eye area. But its use (especially regular) requires the highest skill from a woman. The skin around tired eyes is very sensitive and moody. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the liquid composition with a soft sponge, without the use of tensile movements.

Choose the tool correctly

disguise the bruise under the eye from the impact

To mask the bruise under the eye from a blow with the help of a concealer, it is worthwhile to carefully choose the color of the product, because the dense texture of the cream in the case of an incorrectly selected color will not only not hide the hematoma, but will also reveal all skin imperfections.

If you want to get an excellent result, you should remember:

  • to hide the purple halo of fatigue in the eye area, you need to stock up with a yellowish dense concealer;
  • But the bluish-green defects will perfectly hide the orange concealer; this product enriches the skin of cold (even a little puppet) shades with warmth and health; greenish hematomas also do not resist such a remedy;
  • a blue (blue) concealer will help to hide problem areas (pigments or freckles), as well as bluish skin of the eyes and a mesh of blood vessels.

Having decided on the color and texture of the product, you should learn how to properly mask the bruises under the eyes. The first stage of masking will be the preparation of the skin in the eye area. The ideal option is to use a high-quality (not expired) eye cream, it must be applied with light movements. Then even the skin costs about 15 minutes to absorb it. In places where hematomas form, the concealer should be applied in even, pointed movements. Do not completely cover the eye with a means. The purpose of using the concealer is bruising, not alignment of the entire area.

how to mask bruises under the eyes urgently

For smooth delicate shading, use brushes (fingers in their absence). A liquid agent must be applied along a clear contour of the bruise and normal skin, do not climb on intact areas. Otherwise, the mission will be completely failed, the color of the smeared bruise will again differ from the color of the whole face. The applied product should be lightly hammered into the skin so that quality particles grapple with it.

Urgent assistance in case of a problem

How to mask bruises under the eyes urgently, especially in the case of a pronounced blue tint? This situation requires the intervention of a color concealer. It must be applied with very light movements after the cream for the eyes. On a color basis, a light remedy is further laid: for fair-skinned (closer to ivory) women, a yellowish concealer is suitable, and Asian beauties need to use golden-orange means.

To choose your remedy, it is worth slowly exploring how to mask bruises under the eyes and at the same time treat damaged tissue. In this matter, you can safely seek help from both the recipes of old Slavonic folk remedies and choose masking agents that have been tested for decades, which include concealer. High-quality products have the advantageous ability to dry pimples, revive the skin with small facial wrinkles and slight defects. Unfortunately, not everyone can help the body cope with the resulting blood clot.


how to mask bruises under the eyes

Pharmacy products are gaining more and more popularity every year. After all, pharmacists are trying to combine masking and treatment in one drug. Over the past 5 years, primacy among such funds has been held by those that perfectly stimulate the resorption of clots. How to mask a bruise under the eye with the help of pharmacy products, for example, ointments based on heparin, troxerutin?

  • The bruised area must be thoroughly cleaned. It is better to wash with cool or cold water, so the work of the vessels is slightly normal.
  • A pea-sized product should be lightly shaded around the perimeter of the bruised area.
  • After application, do not use powder or foundation. They disrupt the process and clog pores. You can lightly powder your skin without touching the bruise, this will even out the overall tone a little.

We renew blood flow

Having figured out how to mask the bruise under the eye from the blow, it is worth thinking about the resumption of blood flow in a bruised place. The body is under stress. Why? Because bruising is stressful. The body needs help, it is advisable to choose the most practical solution to the problem. Now we will consider these methods.

The first step is to use compresses. It would seem that the medieval method of treatment in the modern world has sunk into a ghostly nonexistence. But these remedies are truly effective ways to treat bruises.

A warm salt compress gently enhances the resorption process. To prepare such a bath you will need:

  • glass of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l sea ​​salt.

how and how to mask bruises under the eyes

First, a tablespoon of high-quality sea (ocean) salt should be dissolved in a glass of warm water (not boiling water). During the application of the dressing, it is necessary to monitor the safety of the mucosa. After all, sodium chloride can cause a wild burning sensation. Apply salt dressings several times a day until complete recovery.


A more effective compress is vinegar. To prepare the product, you need to pour a tablespoon of sea salt with two vinegar. After stirring, add three to four drops of iodine to the mixture. As in a salt compress, with vinegar lotions it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Little conclusion

Now you know how and how to mask bruises under the eyes. We hope that our methods will help you. Good luck!

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