Engine oil: can semi-synthetics and synthetics be mixed

Motor lubricants, depending on the chemical composition, are divided into mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic.

Types of lubricants for car engines

Is it possible to mix semisynthetics and synthetics

Mineral oils are essentially oil that has been refined somewhat after being extracted. These oils are fairly stable and inexpensive. In addition, machines over five years old still prefer mineral material.

Synthetic oils are produced in laboratories using special chemical formulas. They are less dependent on external factors, increase engine wear resistance and save fuel consumption.

Semi-synthetic oils are obtained by properly combining the previous types of lubricants. They are now the undisputed market leader.

Each type of lubricant has its own circle of admirers. The choice mainly depends on the mileage of the car and the temperature conditions of the environment.

Is it possible to mix semisynthetics and synthetics? After all, various situations may arise on the road, for example, sometimes there is a need to urgently pour oil, but the necessary one is simply not available.

The combination of different oils: the pros and cons

motor oils how to mix synthetics and semi-synthetics

There are polar points of view of manufacturers and motorists on the question: is it possible to mix different oils? Mixing oils has both its supporters and opponents.

Opponents say that not just so different types of oils were invented. They have already incorporated the correct optimal chemical formula, and its violation will not lead to any positive results.

The followers of the opposite point of view are not so radical to the questions about whether semisynthetics and synthetics can be mixed, as well as synthetics and mineral oil, respond positively. This is explained by the fact that semi-synthetic materials are already a mixing product, more than half of the composition of which is the mineral base. And nothing bad can happen if you add more synthetic material, purified and processed, to such a mixture.

Most experts adhere to a moderate position. And to the question posed about how to change engine oil, is it possible to mix synthetics and semi-synthetics, you are likely to get a positive answer, but with some reservations.

How to connect the oils correctly?

Not all lubricants are recommended for mixing. It is possible that there will be no particularly serious negative consequences for the engine, but still this is an extremely undesirable measure, and it will be useful to observe some rules when connecting oils, especially if you can choose a more gentle option.

Combination of oils from different manufacturers

what happens if you mix synthetics and semi-synthetics

Is it possible to mix synthetic oil and semi- synthetic oil from different manufacturers?

Ideally, combining oils is better than one brand. This is due to a similar set of additives and a similar chemical formula. Lubricants will definitely not compete with each other and will serve well until their next replacement.

So, it is better to use lubricants from the same manufacturer. But since, due to the insufficient choice of oils at hand, the question of whether it is possible to mix synthetics and semi-synthetics arises quite often, modern manufacturers have found a way out.

Most oil manufacturers today meet the criteria of API and ACEA standards, which allow the ability to connect products to each other. Thus, by mixing any lubricants that meet these standards, you can avoid negative consequences when operating your engine, but this is recommended only in an exceptional case.

Oil change taking into account performance classes and viscosity

Is it possible to mix synthetic oil with semisynthetics, if they different class and different viscosity?

Manufacturers do not recommend changing the class and viscosity of the oil, but if you can not do without it, it is preferable to use the same brand as before.

If the grade is lower, it is recommended that all engine parts be thoroughly flushed. It is advisable to ride a bit in moderate mode, pouring a pre-cleaning agent.

The consequences of mixing oils

Is it possible to mix different oils?

What happens if you mix synthetics and semi-synthetics? Choosing quality manufacturers, you can not be afraid of large failures in the motor. If you purchased the oil and are not completely sure of it, it is recommended to conduct an experiment. By mixing the products in small quantities, you can warm them up and follow the chemical reaction. If a precipitate forms or foaming occurs, such substances cannot be combined.

In the absence of an obvious conflict of components, you can safely combine these engine oils. How to mix synthetics and semi-synthetics of different viscosities and what will come out in the end?

As mentioned above, lubricants of different viscosities can be mixed, but it is preferable to use the same brand. So, if you mix the products, you get approximately average results. Suppose, if you combine synthetic materials 5w-50 and semi-synthetics 15w-30 in equal proportions, 10w-40 oil will come out.

To the question of whether semisynthetics and synthetics can be mixed different classes of operational properties, was answered above. As a result of such a mixture, lower quality oil will come out. Suppose, when mixing oils of classes H and L, we get a lower class of H.

Possible negative effects of the compound

whether motor oil can mix synthetics and semi-synthetics

Differences in the chemical formula, a different set of additives can conflict with each other during operation. Even if you experimented by mixing small quantities of oils, this does not guarantee that there will be no problems with the mixture.

If you are faced with the problem of whether semisynthetics and synthetics can be mixed, in the absence of other options, this can be done, but then it is recommended that you use the same oil.

As a result of repeated mixing of oil or falling into a fake, or with a large difference in the chemical formula in the engine, deposits or slag may form. This leads to rapid wear of the motor and to a significant reduction in its service life.

If you take one oil in parts less than 15%, then this will not be dangerous for the engine. This amount of material remains in the car with a simple grease change.

Mineral oils and the possibility of their connection with other types of oils

Is it possible to mix synthetic oil with semisynthetics

Is it possible to mix synthetics and mineral water? This question excites many motorists using natural lubricants.

It is allowed to combine synthetic products, which are released on the basis of polyalphaelins (PAO) with mineral oil.

Other types of synthetic materials combine with minerals worse. Therefore, it will be relevant to check with the official representatives of the manufacturer or at least specialists of service centers about the possibility of such a mixture.

With less risk, mineral oil can be mixed with semi-synthetics.


Is it possible to mix synthetics and semi-synthetics oil

Synthetics and semi-synthetics. Can these oils be mixed? The answer to this question is yes, but when connecting, you must remember the basic rules:

  • it is better to use oils of the same manufacturer, the same viscosity and class;
  • when changing the class of material, use one brand of product, this will reduce the negative consequences for the motor, while the class of the mixture at the outlet will be lower;
  • with different viscosity of oils also try to take products of the same brand, the final viscosity will depend on the proportions of the materials;
  • the transition from one manufacturer to another is extremely rare and undesirable, before that it is better to consult a specialist;
  • Try to take quality products that meet the requirements of American and European quality standards;
  • use a cleaner before applying oils.

Mineral oils can also be mixed with other products, but in most cases this is undesirable.

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