Apple charlotte is a cake loved by many. It is quite delicate in taste, beautiful in appearance and very nutritious. It is very simple to prepare such a culinary product: it is enough to make the dough, which in its consistency will resemble thick sour cream, pour apples (or other fruits) with it, and then put in bake. Step-by-step recipes for apple charlotte provide various methods for its preparation: in the oven, in the microwave, as well as in the slow cooker. However, despite this, the first option is considered the most common and convenient.
So, consider a few recipes (with photos) of apple charlotte. As practice shows, they are so simple to perform that affordable even for novice cooks.
Features of the preparation of the pie
Despite the fact that the recipes of charlotte (apple pie) are quite simple, in the process of translating them into reality in the kitchen, a considerable number of nuances arise related to how to cut apples, to what temperature the oven is heated, and for how long to bake the cake.
The advice of most culinary experts focuses on the sort of apples that is best chosen for the preparation of such a confectionery. As a rule, it is proposed to use hard varieties that have a sour taste - they do not have the ability to fall apart during the heat treatment, turning into slurry - on the contrary, such fruits retain their shape perfectly, very beautifully located on the surface of the pie. An ideal option is Antonovka. Another factor that allows you to maintain the integrity of the fruit slices during baking is laying them in a mold with the skin.
As for the baking temperature, in most recipes of apple charlotte in the oven, it is provided that it should be about 180 degrees. On average, in such conditions, the cake is cooked for 30-40 minutes, depending on its thickness and type of dough.
Also, in the process of baking, it is not recommended to open the oven too early, when the dough has not yet browned and has not taken a crust - in this case, it will necessarily βfallβ when interacting with air and the finished product will turn out to be thin and hard.
Actually, on this all the tricks of preparing such a product end. Consider below a few step-by-step recipes (with photos) of apple charlotte, which can be prepared with a minimum of ingredients in the kitchen.
Simple recipe
Classic apple charlotte is made from the most ordinary products, which, as a rule, are in the kitchen of any housewife. The process of making such a pie takes about 50 minutes (with baking).
To bake charlotte (apple pie) in the oven, according to a simple recipe, you should prepare the dough. To do this, beat four chicken eggs in a deep bowl until they turn into high foam. As soon as this happens, a glass of sugar should be gradually introduced into the mass without stopping the procedure. Next, in the future dough, you need to start introducing flour (a glass). In order to make the cake very lush, you should sift it in advance so that the product is enriched with oxygen. After mixing all the ingredients, the mass that will turn out should resemble thick sour cream in its consistency.
When the dough for charlotte is ready, you have to start processing apples. They should take about five pieces, wash, cut in half, remove the core, and then grind into slices. When this is done, the pieces must be laid out at the bottom of the mold, previously greased with a small amount of vegetable oil (so that the cake does not stick and does not burn). Pour the dough over the fruit and evenly distribute it.
This recipe for Charlotte apple pie (in the oven) involves baking it at a temperature of 180 degrees for 40 minutes. When the product is covered with a delicious golden crust, you can check it for preparedness with a wooden stick.
Classic Charlotte
This is another recipe for delicious apple charlotte, which is presented in the classic version. For its preparation, you should take five medium-sized apples that have sourness. They should be washed, remove all unnecessary elements (the skin must be left), and then cut into slices and put on the very bottom of the form. As a form of slicing, you can also use medium-sized cubes.
In order to prepare the correct and very tender dough for classic charlotte, you should break four chicken eggs into a deep bowl, combine them with an incomplete glass of sugar and begin to beat with a mixer at a low speed until the foam begins to form from the products. When this happens, pour an incomplete glass of flour into the egg-sugar mixture, which must first be sieved so that the product is saturated with oxygen. At this stage, it is also necessary to introduce a baking powder into the dough (a teaspoon without a slide).
When the dough is almost ready, you should add four tablespoons of cow's milk (must be fresh), three tablespoons of vegetable oil, and a teaspoon of vanillin, which will give the finished product an unusual aroma.
After the dough has the consistency of thick sour cream and becomes completely homogeneous, it must be poured into the form where the apples are already, and evenly distributed over the entire plane. If you follow the cooking technology described in the recipe for apple charlotte, then bake it should be approximately 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. When the product is ready, it must be kept in the oven turned off for some time
Very lush and crispy charlotte
Cooked according to such a simple recipe, apple charlotte in the oven turns out to be incredibly lush and has a pleasant crisp. To create such a pie, you need to divide four chicken eggs into proteins and yolks. After that, in a separate bowl, beat the whites until a very thick foam forms. When this happens, the mass should be refrigerated for 10 minutes.
In the meantime, you need to take on the preparation of other ingredients. It is necessary to combine the yolks in one bowl with a glass of sugar and begin to whisk this mass. After the crystals dissolve, a glass of sifted flour should be introduced into the mixture, and the cooled proteins should be gradually added. After the mass is homogeneous, you need to do the preparation of apples.
To do this, take 4 medium fruits, cut them into slices and carefully lay on the bottom of the mold, greased with butter, after removing the cores. Then they should be poured with the prepared dough and put in the oven for 40 minutes.
When the baking process is completed, you need to remove the cake from the oven, let it cool for some time, and then carefully turn the mold and remove it. After this procedure, apples laid on the bottom of the mold will be on top of the product. The pie should be laid on a beautiful serving dish and sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Curd Charlotte: A Simple Recipe
The recipe for an apple pie made on the basis of tender curd dough is quite simple to execute in the kitchen, but despite the fact that it is with such a product that you can surprise all households and guests invited to tea.
To prepare a tasty and airy dough, you should take: 150 g of butter and put it in a water bath for heating. When the butter is melted, add half a glass of sugar, as well as 300 g of cottage cheese. To prepare such a confectionery product, it is best to take a dairy product with a low fat content. The combined ingredients must be mixed very well until a homogeneous mass is formed and set aside for a while.
Now you can start processing proteins and yolks. To do this, divide into five eggs, and then add half a glass of sugar to each mass. Then individually, beat the whites and yolks. When each mass turns into foam, they must be very carefully introduced into the curd mass and mixed well. There you have to send half a glass of flour, as well as half a teaspoon of soda, slaked with a few drops of vinegar. After this, you need to knead the curd dough. It should be completely homogeneous and have the consistency of thick sour cream.
After all the preparations have been made, five green apples with a sour taste should be peeled off of the cores, cut into slices and put into the form in which the baking will be done. Before this, it must be lubricated with melted butter or vegetable oil. On top of the fruit, pour the dough and evenly distribute it throughout the mold.
This simple recipe for apple charlotte made from cottage cheese dough involves baking it for 35 minutes at a standard temperature of 180 degrees.
Spiced Sugar Free Cake
This technology of preparation of the product will especially appeal to people suffering from diseases in which the use of sugar in food is not recommended. The recipe (with photo) of apple charlotte in the oven also involves the use of cinnamon - a spice that will make the product very fragrant.
To create a dough, melt 40 g butter in a water bath. As soon as this happens, you need to pour five tablespoons of liquid bee honey into it. In the event that the beekeeping product has a thick consistency, it should be put in a bathhouse along with oil. After the creamy honey mass is ready for use, it is necessary to add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, 10 g of baking powder for dough, three chicken eggs, and also a glass of flour, which must first be sieved. All components should be mixed until homogeneous - the dough is ready.
In the form, greased with a small amount of sunflower oil, you need to lay out the desired amount of hard apples, peeled from the cores and cut into medium slices. Pour the cooked dough over them. The cake must be baked in the oven, having previously set the temperature to 180 degrees, for 40 minutes.
Sour cream pie
As you know, pastries, the recipes of which include the use of sour cream for the test, are very magnificent. The recipe for apple charlotte (with photo) offered here is no exception.
To prepare a gentle dough for the product, you need to beat four tablespoons of sour cream with a glass of sugar in a separate bowl. There you need to pour half a glass of kefir (fat content of 1 or 2.5%), and also add a couple of chicken eggs. All components must be mixed, and then sifted directly into them half a glass of flour and pour the same amount of semolina. Next, all components should be thoroughly beaten using a mixer. The dough should be set aside.
While the base for the pie is infused, you need to do the preparation of the fruit. To do this, you need to cut five sour apples into slices, remove the cores from them and beautifully lay on the bottom of the form in which the baking will be done. It is recommended to pre-grease the form with vegetable oil or melted butter. Pour the cooked dough over the fruit. Now the pie can be sent to bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes.
Three-ingredient pie
This recipe for apple charlotte provides for its preparation in a very fast way, using only three main components: flour, eggs and sugar. In addition, for baking you will need a greased form and three apples, which must be cut and put on its bottom.
How to make dough for a pie? Following this recipe for apple charlotte, you need to combine three eggs and a glass of sugar in one bowl. Beat the ingredients with a mixer until a thick foam is formed from them. Without stopping the beating process, one should gradually pour a glass of previously sifted flour here. After bringing the ingredients to a state of homogeneous mass with the consistency of liquid sour cream, they must be poured over the fruits and, evenly distributed over the entire surface, sent to the oven for half an hour.
In milk
Cooked according to the recipe indicated here, apple charlotte in the oven turns out to be very lush and delicate in taste. It can be made from the simplest ingredients.
To prepare the dough for the pie, you need to take 400 g of flour, sift it so that the finished pie is very lush. After that, it must be combined with a teaspoon of dried yeast and three tablespoons of sugar. In a separate bowl, you need to heat an incomplete glass of cow's milk, and then pour it into flour with yeast. Now the combined ingredients must be mixed well and left so that the dough is a little "fit" - it will take about 20 minutes.
After the allotted time, other ingredients must be added to the dough: 150 g of margarine, four egg yolks, and half a teaspoon of salt. The mass must once again be well kneaded and left for an hour.
By the time the dough is finished, it is necessary to start cooking fruits. To do this, take five apples of hard varieties, wash them, remove the middle, and then cut in any way (slices, cubes, circles).
Before you need to lay out the dough, you need to grease the form in which the cake will be baked. The bulk must be divided into two parts and roll out each of them. One should be laid out at the very bottom of the mold, then the apples should be laid out, and on top everything should be covered with a second layer. The top of the product can be greased with an egg, combined with a small amount of vegetable oil. In this form, the cake must be sent to the oven for 40-45 minutes, after preheating it to 180 degrees.
In a slow cooker
As mentioned at the very beginning, you can make a pie in various ways. One of them is in a slow cooker. To create the right product in this way, you need to prepare the dough.
First of all, in a separate bowl, beat 3-4 eggs, combined with a glass of sugar and a pinch of salt. First you need to do this at slow speeds, and then gradually increase them to faster ones. After the mass turns into foam, there you need to add a teaspoon of baking powder for the test and gradually introduce a glass of sifted flour. Now the contents of the bowl should be kneaded to a thick sour cream.
When the dough is ready, you need to do the preparation of apples. To do this, take 3-4 fruits, peel them of unnecessary parts, leaving the peel, and then cut into smaller pieces. After this, apples must be combined with the dough. When the whole mass for baking is ready, you should pour it into the bowl of the multicooker, greased with butter, and distribute it well over the entire surface of the fruit.
The recipe for apple charlotte in a slow cooker involves preparing the product in the "Baking" mode for an hour. As you know, on some devices it is possible to set the temperature conditions manually. In this case, it is necessary to set the indicator equal to 30 degrees, and note the cooking time of 35-40 minutes.
Yogurt Pie
A very tasty and rather inexpensive cake is obtained, the dough of which is made on the basis of yogurt. To prepare it, you need to beat a couple of eggs with a mixer, combining them with a glass of sugar, which you can previously grind additionally in a coffee grinder. When the mass turns into a thick foam, it is necessary to add a glass of yogurt or kefir into it, and once again bring everything to uniformity.
The pre-sifted flour should be sent to the egg-milk mass - a couple of glasses. It must be introduced gradually to avoid the formation of lumps. Next, pour a teaspoon of soda, extinguished with a few drops of vinegar, and once again thoroughly beat everything using a mixer. After this procedure, the consistency of the test should resemble thick sour cream.
When all preparations regarding the basis for charlotte are completed, you need to start creating the filling. To do this, 3-4 cores of the hard variety should be peeled from the cores and cut into medium-sized cubes. After that, they must be laid out in a form that must first be greased with vegetable oil (or melted butter). Pour the dough over the apples and distribute it evenly over the entire plane.
The form with the contents must be put in the oven, preheated to a temperature of 180 degrees, and bake a pie in it for half an hour.
Most culinary experts recommend serving such a product in combination with delicious berry jam, honey, chocolate cream, condensed milk or ice cream - this is how its taste will reveal itself to a greater extent.