Psalm 90: why read 40 times? The meaning of the text, the meaning for man

Unfortunately, people turn to faith more often during life's difficulties. Many people know what helps psalm 90, for which they read it more than once. What is the meaning of this event? Why repeat the same text? Let's figure it out. After all, anyone can be face to face with such trials that one will have to hope only for the help of the Lord.

psalm 90 for what they read

History of prayer

This text is ancient. He is better known by the first words: "Alive in help." It is placed in one of the books of the Old Testament (psalter). At different times, these verses were used in various ministries. For example, on Good Friday , Psalm 90 surely sounded. For what this text is read, it is clear from its contents, as well as from the explanations of the first followers of Jesus. Its text can be found in the Gospel of Luke and Matthew. It indicates that these verses are pronounced by believers subject to devilish temptation. The fact is that at all times a person has to face serious trials. For the most part they relate to the so-called temptations of the spirit. Some can not resist the opportunity to enrich themselves at someone else's expense, others lust for the wives or husbands of neighbors and so on. In addition, the faith of man is constantly subjected to blows from devilish entities. Many tricks are used by the messengers of hell to lead the follower of Christ from the true path. At such moments, Psalm 90 comes to the rescue, for which they read it as much as necessary to get rid of sinful thoughts.

psalm 90 for what they read in Russian

Clergy Advice

You know, prayer is considered a special work of a believer. This is the work of his soul. As they say, not with bread alone. The essence of this expression is very deep. Any person must develop his spirit, work tirelessly in order to learn the commandments of the Lord. After all, from birth they are not given. They should be studied, comprehended, comparing their behavior with the standard that Christ gave us. Of course, many texts are used for these purposes. But psalm 90 best helps against temptations and sinful desires. The text of the prayer for which they read it, as well as the essence of this action, was well explained by Theophan the Recluse. This Saint insisted that verses (psalms) must be memorized. And this is not done for vanity. On the contrary. When a believer works with Scripture, he comprehends it, constantly finds more and more new facets of thoughts and feelings laid down there. Gradually, prayers become not a โ€œlessonโ€, but an urgent need. For example, a believer feels fear for himself or a loved one. Then he would have to remember if he had learned the indicated verse earlier. Indeed, understanding it allows you to calm down and direct thoughts to obedience and humility. It turns out that in this way they get rid of unnecessary pride. Psalm 90 also applies from doubt and anger, for which they read it until the sinful feelings in the soul calm down. But not just whispering a verse is necessary, but constantly thinking about the content. So a person plunges into the world of righteousness, under the wing of the Lord.

psalm 90 why read reviews

Psalm 90: why read 40 times

Do you remember where we started? The Gospel of Luke says that this verse is needed to protect against temptations. They all have their own. But any person understands when he deviates from the true path. His feelings are in a mess, peace leaves the soul. Thoughts are confused or captured by devilish temptations. Such a poor fellow looks at others not as brothers in Christ, but as enemies, blaming them for their own troubles. This is where psalm 90 is needed. For what they read it (in Russian), we have already made out: the essence of the verse is to feel the connection with the Lord, his protection and good protection. It is clear that this takes time. So they thought up reading the psalm forty times. While a person thinks about the meaning of verses, his doubts disappear, and faith in the Lord comes to life in the soul.

psalm 90 for which they read 40 times

Should you trust mages and sorcerers?

It is no secret that people turn to all kinds of specialists who assure them of their extraordinary abilities. Mages claim that their prayers to the Almighty are more powerful. That is, it turns out that the person himself does not need to do anything. He will give the money, but they will save him from damage or the evil eye, they will correct his fate. Of course, this can be believed. However, the Lord says that the soul of all must work. After all, no specialist can artificially make a person realize the duty to others, relatives and himself. Namely, this is the rejection of the temptation. It turns out that there is a certain deception in this, or, if you like, complacency based on laziness. No need to go to someone when anyone can use prayers. They are accessible to everyone. And the work of the soul is priceless. And nothing can be replaced with it. And even more so, you should not let people who do not deserve trust in your own dialogue with the Lord.

Psalm 90: what they read

Feedback from believers indicates serious work that is necessary to achieve a result. And it should be carried out constantly. It is better to learn the text and remember about it every time unnecessary thoughts climb into your head than to catch oneself when the trouble is on the threshold. The same Theophan the Recluse, when he spoke of the 90 psalm, advised people to read it everywhere. Nowadays, no one will forbid to whisper a text in the subway or on the way to work. To do this, you only need to learn it. And then the travel time, it turns out, can be useful to spend. He also recommended that the Saint, along with this verse, read 26 and 69 psalms. Together they allow us to better understand the essence of the goodness of our Lord.

psalm 90 prayer text for what they read

How to perceive 90 psalms

Here are some guidelines for the meaning of the text. If you read it carefully and thoughtfully, it will become clear that it is saturated with kindness, life-affirming ideas. Any fear that naturally arises in a person who observes modern events should be dispelled like smoke. Basic phrase: โ€œLord is my hope.โ€ Why worry and be afraid if everything happens according to His will. And the kindness and love for the people of the Lord are not in doubt. Everyone feels this throughout his life. Although, unfortunately, not everyone agrees with this conclusion. The essence of their arguments, however, is shallow and purely selfish. But if you just try to understand the words, it turns out that there are no temptations that a person canโ€™t cope with, and a sin that he canโ€™t refuse. The one with the Lord in his heart is capable of everything. And the psalm described in it and other ancient biblical texts helps to achieve this state.

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