Dentin is a special substance that gives the tooth its shade, as well as providing nutrition and protection from adverse environmental conditions.
What is this substance
Dentin is the main part of the tooth, which has a mineral component that conducts nutrients to tooth enamel, and also protects the pulp from mechanical damage and aggressive influences.
Dentin makes up the inside of the tooth. Its structure is even harder than bone tissue, but it is softer than the enamel covering it. This part of the tooth is quite elastic and strong, therefore, it easily withstands various influences and destruction.
Dentin is an internal and very important part of a tooth that performs a very important nutritional and protective function in the oral cavity. Moreover, its thickness depends on the location of the teeth and is about two to six millimeters. Many people think that dentin is a white colored substance. But in fact, this is far from the case. The color of this material is quite diverse, so each person can have a certain shade. Most often it is a little yellowish or grayish. That is why people with very white natural teeth are extremely rare. This is not a pathology.
It is worth considering that in different parts of the tooth, dentin may have a different coating. For example, in the crown area, this is an enamel coating that is very easy to see. But in the root area, the enamel is replaced by cement. This material is not as durable as enamel, but also performs a protective function.
It is important to pay attention to how enamel combines with dentin. This is due to special irregularities that are clearly adjacent to each other.
Histological structure of dentin
The described part of the tooth has a very complex structure. Let us consider in more detail what fabrics it consists of.
Predine is a kind of tissue that envelops the pulp and is responsible for its saturation with nutrients. This tissue consists of cells called odontoblasts. They are related to tooth sensitivity and regulate the metabolism of their internal part.
Intreglobular component - fills the free space between the dentinal tubes.
Dentin tubules - responsible for the nutrition of the tooth. The larger their number, the longer the tooth is in a healthy state. With age, as well as with a slowed metabolism, such channels begin to lengthen and narrow, as a result of which tooth decay occurs .
Peritubular dentin is a very important substance with a high mineralized structure. It envelops the walls of the tubules themselves.
Also, the dentin of the tooth has sclerotic tissue (transparent). It increases in volume with age.
The chemical composition of dentin
This material is significantly different from the structure of other tooth structures, since it is seventy percent composed of various minerals. Dentin is based on calcium phosphate. Also constituent elements are calcium fluoride, sodium carbonate and calcium, and magnesium phosphate.
Twenty percent of this material is organic. This includes various amino acids, polysaccharides, lipids, as well as collagen. And the remaining ten percent is water. Due to this composition, the dentin material is a very flexible and hard tissue capable of withstanding sufficiently high chewing loads.
Varieties of dentin
There are several varieties of this material, each of which performs its specific functions. Let us consider each of them in more detail.
Primary dentin is considered to be the very first dental tissue that forms in infancy and exists until the first milk teeth appear. This tissue begins to form during the prenatal period during pregnancy. At the same time, the tubules available in this fabric are very wide, even and have an ideal shape.
Secondary or replacement dentin begins to exist when a tooth begins to appear above the gum. Such tissue continues its existence and development throughout the life of a person. Moreover, the main source of the appearance of such material as dentin is pulp. It is worth considering that with age, all dental tubules change their structure, so the tooth becomes not so protected and begins to decay. To maximize this process, you need to eat right, brush your teeth regularly and visit dentistry on time. Keep in mind that pulp security depends on the structure of these tubules. The better they are, the more difficult it is for the bacteria to spread.
And the last kind of dentin is tertiary. It is able to appear only during an aggressive effect on the structure of the tooth, as well as in the presence of dental inflammation and diseases. For example, dentin caries is a disease in which a special tissue is produced that tries to protect the tooth nerve from dangerous and harmful microorganisms. Such a fabric has a rather chaotic structure, so it copes well with its protective function.
If you did not have time to turn to the dentist in time, then expect the appearance of another type of tissue called necrotic. For proper tooth treatment, the dentist must completely remove it.
Caries dentin
It is considered the most common dental disease. Usually such an ailment is very unpleasant and begins to bother a person from the first moment of his appearance. It destroys enamel, dentin. This pathology appears in this way: over time, quite large carious cavities form in which small particles of food accumulate. It is they who contribute to the settlement there of a large number of bacteria that destroy the structure of the tooth itself. The patient begins to feel pain when exposed to the tooth hot and cold. If you stop exposure to these stimuli, then the pain may subside. However, note: this is not a reason not to go to dentistry.
Rules for the treatment of this disease
If you came to the doctor with the initial stage of the disease, then the treatment will be very quick and painless. If the case is quite neglected, then local anesthesia can be applied.
During treatment, the dentist will very carefully clean the cavity from all contaminants and germs. This is done so that the disease does not recur. After that, he will restore dentin using special modern filling materials.
Caries prevention
Keeping your teeth healthy is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow a few simple rules regularly, and then you will show off a beautiful smile until old age.
Pay attention to a few points that will help preserve the beauty and health of the teeth:
- Eat right. Try to minimize the use of harmful industrial products (especially sweets).
- Observe the correct diet. Eat always at the same time, and also have light and healthy snacks.
- Use special products to keep your mouth clean.
- Visit your dentist regularly.
As you can see, a few simple rules can guarantee your beautiful smile. Be healthy.