What foods contain magnesium the most?

Magnesium is a useful microelement that our body needs constantly and in large quantities. Without it, the normal operation of most organs is simply not possible.

This element plays an important role in the functioning of the heart. The body, receiving magnesium and processing it in food, saturates it with blood and directs it through the bloodstream to the heart, where it stabilizes the heart rhythm. Therefore, it is so important to include foods with magnesium in the diet for all those who have heart problems, as well as people whose work is associated with increased physical activity.

magnesium in food the most

The value of magnesium for the body

The health benefits of this element have been proven long ago, back in 1808. Gumphrey Devi made this discovery, for that time it was a real event. Already later, scientists found that in the body the total magnesium content is about 22-26 grams, of which 1/3 are in the tissues of organs and 2/3 in the bone tissue. And a small part is dissolved in the composition of the blood.

As you can see, magnesium is involved in the work of all organs and is involved in 350 different life processes that occur in the body. It also promotes the absorption of calcium, which without magnesium, the body is simply not able to use in the structure of bone tissue.

Doctors say that foods rich in magnesium not only saturate the body with this trace element, but also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, since they all have a natural origin.

magnesium content in food

What is magnesium for?

Eating foods that are high in magnesium has a direct effect on the body. It is expressed:

  • in increasing intracellular respiration;
  • magnesium has a visible vasodilating effect, which improves the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • in a diuretic effect, due to which the body better detoxifies and toxins;
  • in the stimulating effect of intestinal motility, which is especially important for the elderly;
  • replenishes reserves in the body of adenosine triphosphate, an irreplaceable trace element;
  • in a beneficial effect on the nervous system, magnesium also helps to normalize sleep and relieve stress;
  • in participation in the formation of phosphorus metabolism;
  • in early adaptation to cold, therefore the presence of magnesium in food is so important for residents of the northern regions;
  • a positive effect on the genitourinary system of men and women.

Why is it important for athletes?

Each person should eat fully, but it is especially important to follow his menu to people leading an active lifestyle. For them, the presence of magnesium in food is most necessary, because without it, neither muscle gain nor the formation of hard bones is possible.

So, what does magnesium affect in the body of athletes:

  • promotes the elimination of toxic elements from the body, which are formed during muscle load;
  • improves the work and passage of nerve impulses;
  • allows muscles to contract properly, which reduces the risk of salt deposition or sudden myocardial infarction;
  • promotes the absorption of vitamins and other metabolic processes.
    magnesium foods

Daily rate

Although magnesium is useful for the body, one should not forget that its use should be normalized. Otherwise, a negative effect from it is also possible.

It is estimated that for athletes, the daily intake of magnesium in foods should be 400 mg. At competitions and during muscle gain it is permissible to increase it to 500 mg per day.

As for the average person, then 200-250 mg per day will be sufficient for him. Typically, cereals, fruits, vegetables can serve as a source of magnesium in foods, in which case there is no need for special additives.

The daily norm is directly related to motor activity, the more you move, the more you need magnesium. Well, if you have sedentary work, then there is no need for a large amount of this trace element.

Features of the absorption of magnesium

In official medicine, magnesium is considered an indispensable trace element, it is recommended for use by almost all patients. But magnesium absorption has a number of features that you should be aware of. So:

  1. The body absorbs well magnesium contained in organic compounds, such as lactate and magnesium citrate, and poorly present in inorganic salts.
  2. In order for the intestine to better absorb this element, it is recommended to take vitamin B6. It contributes to the absorption of magnesium, and also allows you to better fix on the walls of the intestine.
  3. It is also recommended to combine foods rich in magnesium with those in which the content of vitamins D and C is high - often these microelements are involved in the internal processes of the body in just such a bunch.
  4. Negative habits such as alcohol and coffee abuse can affect the absorption of magnesium in the body. With an excess of fats, sodium, potassium and calcium, poor absorption of this trace element is also possible.
    source of magnesium in food

Where is the most magnesium?

So, what foods contain magnesium? The answer to this question can be extensive, but the main thing is not just to know where it is present, but also from which products it is better absorbed. Without this, it will be difficult to properly incorporate magnesium into your daily diet.

The highest magnesium content of food is recorded in seaweed, this is one of the reasons why it is so often served as a salad in dining rooms and kindergartens. It contains up to 900 mg of magnesium for every 100 grams, there is no such concentration anywhere else.

High content in wheat bran - up to 600 mg for every 100 grams of bran.

The leaders in the content in its composition of magnesium include:

  • cocoa - 420 mg for every 100 grams of product;
  • sprouted wheat - 320 mg per 100 grams;
  • Sesame - contains 320 mg of a microelement;
  • cashew - the concentration of magnesium in 100 grams is 270 mg;
  • soybeans and buckwheat - contain 260 mg each;
  • pine nuts - contain up to 230 mg.

Also on this list include onions, spinach, lettuce, broccoli and many other products. Magnesium is also present in bananas, almonds, beans, rice, various cereals, cheese, persimmons, fennel, etc.

What foods contain magnesium

Which products are better to choose?

Although magnesium is present in many foods, it is worthwhile to choose which ones are suitable for inclusion in your diet. This is due to personal taste preferences and possible medical contraindications. You may simply not like a product, then it will be easier to replace it with another.

Although seaweed is the leader in foods rich in magnesium, this does not mean that you need to eat it. You can choose something else that goes better with your daily diet. Just keep in mind that magnesium is better absorbed from some foods than from others.

Worst of all, this process occurs when an element enters the body from nuts. Magnesium from legumes, various cereals and fresh greens is much better absorbed.

magnesium rich foods

Reception of magnesium in the form of vitamin complexes

One of the symptoms that indicate problems with a lack of magnesium in the body is regular fatigue, lethargy, and slow recovery. In this case, it would be better to visit a doctor who, after carrying out all the necessary tests, will prescribe you to take the necessary vitamins.

Today it is often prescribed: "Magne B6", Magnesium Caps, Magnesium Malate, Magnesium from Inkospor and a number of other drugs. The exact dosage and frequency of administration is prescribed by the doctor, without his consent it is better to refrain from taking such vitamin complexes.

Sprouted wheat

In the sprouted grains, the magnesium content is one of the highest, in addition, there are also a lot of other useful trace elements. Especially relevant is such a method of replenishing vitamins in the winter-spring period, when there is nowhere to get fresh herbs.

To germinate wheat, you will need unprocessed grain, it is sorted out, separating the husk and any litter. Then it is washed under running water, then a flat dish is taken and wheat is spread in an even layer.

magnesium in food

From above all this is poured with water at room temperature, its level should only slightly cover the wheat. The dish is covered with gauze or a lid (it is important that there is air access) and is placed for a day in a warm place.

After this period, the wheat is washed and eaten. So that it is better absorbed, you can grind it with a blender or in a coffee grinder to a mushy state. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey.

Sprouted wheat will help not only make up for the lack of magnesium in the body (magnesium is easily absorbed from it), but also solve other problems. In particular, sprouted grain improves skin condition if cooked regularly.


Do not save on your diet, try to include as much greens, fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet as possible. Do not give up good products because of imaginary savings - subsequently you risk spending much more on medicines.

Take care of your health yourself, and the sooner you start doing it, the better!

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