Ordinary soap is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. With its help, it is quite possible to cause damage or repel a husband. Some ceremonies are performed with “dead” soap, that is, the one that was washed with the deceased, and such rituals have powerful power and influence, which is then difficult to remove. Most commonly used is a regular toilet cleanser, purchased on Thursday, and those who are familiar with soap making use a self-brewed detergent.
Ritual soap
Soap for rituals can be bought, but you can cook it at home. For these purposes, suitable special kits sold in stores for needlework. Self-welded will have more energy, especially if it is done according to all the rules, taking into account the lunar phases, days of the week, hours devoted to certain planets. Add suitable additives and whisper conspiracies. Here you cannot mix up essential oils, you cannot combine "warring" additives in one soap.
For love rituals, the bar can be red or green, with herbs and essential oils that are dedicated to Venus. For collapses, the destruction of enemies and the like, the color is dark, and the herbs are dedicated to Mars or Saturn. To attract money, light is suitable: yellow or green. Essential oils and perfumes are dedicated to the sun.
Conspiracy on soap on her husband from treason
On the growing moon you need to buy a new soap without bargaining or taking change. On Thursday, arrange a "bathing day" and make sure that her husband washed himself with this new bar. Before you give away soap, you need to speak it. Say three times these words: "How close the soap to the body clings, so close the husband will be to his wife. Soap will take treason, let them not be between us."
Then this soap should be hidden until the next rising moon. And as soon as the slightest suspicion arises that the husband may be interested in someone, repeat the ritual, observing the same conditions. But the detergent should be the same, spellbound.
To attract a loved one
In order to attract the attention of a stranger you like, provoke a shy fan to decisive steps or push your loved one to an official marriage, you can plot for soap on your beloved.
They make red or pink soap, or melt a new one specially bought for this purpose. In the process, stir the liquid mixture and say: “I’m twisting the funnel, I want you (name) as a husband. You have to admire me for a century, to translate my word into life! May it be so!"
Then form the finished soap in the shape of a heart and use it for its intended purpose. As soon as the whole piece is washed away, the plot will take effect. Nobody should see this bar, it must be stored separately from other means, wrapped in a white fabric made from natural materials, on which there are no patterns or seams.
To make the meeting take place
If the meeting does not occur, it can be accelerated. A soap meeting conspiracy is one effective way to meet someone who avoids communication for some reason. To do this, on a piece of remnant that has long been in use, write with a needle the name of the person you want to meet, on the other side of the bar write your name. Holding a piece in your hand, look at it and say: "Don’t lie idle, help him (name) help. As has served more than once, help now."
Daily soap should be nourished by conspiracy. Carry it with you in your purse or in the upper pocket of your clothes, look at it at least once a day and say a spell. Do all this until the long-awaited meeting takes place.
Soap rites for health
There are several good conspiracies and rituals to improve health and overall well-being. One of these rituals is a plot for weight loss soap. To do this, you need to buy on the waning moon on Thursday, without bargaining, any soap that you like. Surrender must not be taken.
In the bathroom you need to create the right mood, light candles with your favorite scent, pour water with fragrant foam, that is, arrange a complete relaxation. The ritual is best done at midnight, behind tightly closed doors, so that no one could interfere.
Lying in the bath, you need to completely relax. Then take the prepared bar and lead them to problem areas confidently pronouncing the words of the spell: "I’m losing weight, losing weight and reading a word, I wash off the excess fat with foam. As the aromatic soap gets smaller, let my appetite calm down." You need to read 13 times, imagining how the appetite disappears, how excess weight goes. In this case, you need to feel what sensations will be when the fat will disappear, to feel lightness in the whole body and good mood.
You cannot show your ritual soap to anyone; you need to hide it well by wrapping it in white cloth. Repeat the plot on the soap to lose weight for a week. Be sure to monitor the phases of the moon. From the new moon to the full moon, the ritual cannot be performed.
The fight against alcoholism
One of the effective ways to combat drunkenness of a loved one can be a conspiracy on the soap from drinking. Soap is not taken simple, but the way the dead man was washed. In the old days, healers wiped the fence with such soap and condemned: “As the dead man didn’t take soap and did not see with his eyes, he didn’t take alcohol in his hands and didn’t see hops. Soap isotra foam, God's servant ( name) I’ll pump out the green serpent. The castle to the spoken words, the key to all the words. So be it. "
Then the healers could give the soap to the one who came for help, but they themselves could continue the ritual. It was necessary to grate the piece to a minimum, and preferably completely. The ritual takes a lot of time, but its action is manifested immediately and lasts quite a long time. Such a plot for soap can be repeated as needed.
Soap damage
Soap in magic is also used to induce damage or "pads." The easiest way to use it in love magic. But there are many goals, as you know. Health and even life can be the target of corruption.
For the "pad" usually take black soap, for example, tar, and they speak of it for separation or failure. Then, by any means, they put a piece into the house where the person lives, to whom corruption is intended. Now there are many varieties among detergents, and there are exotic varieties of black in particular. Such a soap is quite suitable as a presentation and will not cause unnecessary suspicion. If there is no opportunity to bring soap into the house, you can also bury it near the house.
Love spell on soap
There is a love spell for soap, which helps to regain a relationship, tie a loved one to yourself or turn him away from other women. To do this, take a new bar and speak in a special way. All words are pronounced with confidence in a happy future. This detergent will be intended for a loved one, but in his absence, a woman who wants to bewitch a man should also use it. The rest of it should not fall into the hands.
The first plot must be read on the new moon. This ritual cannot be performed on a waning moon, otherwise all love will go away. The words of the conspiracy are: "Wash you, frothy vodka with (name) sadness for girls. As soap clings to my body, (name) will come to me. Press it to my heart, love will not go away."
After a while, the plot must be repeated using the same soap. When it ends, if necessary, you can repeat everything. But you need to ensure that the moon is growing, not waning. Otherwise, you can make the usual lapel for love in pairs. To restore the previous relationship in this case will be very difficult, if not impossible.
To keep money
Buy a new soap of yellow or green color, or make it yourself by devoting it to the Sun. Tie in two layers of woolen or cotton red thread crosswise. Put a coin on the first layer and secure it with a second layer. Leave on the windowsill for the night so that the moon shines on it. Over the bar, pronounce a conspiracy on soap for money:
“Soap - to wash, to me - to get rich! How much foam will be in the soap, so much money will come to me. As soap never rinses away, so poverty is forgotten. Verily! ”
In the morning, without removing the threads from the soap, soap them with hands, achieving plentiful foam, then remove the thread, wash the foam from it and wear it on your hand, without removing it for exactly a week. The coin will be a magnet for money, you can’t spend it, you just need to put it in your wallet and always carry it with you.
It is not advisable to take detergents from dubious people as a gift. A soap conspiracy can be quite tough, and it’s rather difficult to understand how the spoilage is done during the diagnosis.
The consequences of conspiracies do not appear immediately and last a long time. For the ritualist, the consequences can also have an effect. If you do not take into account the phases of the moon, choose the wrong day or hour for the ritual, you can change your life for the worse. Making self-conspiracies is a difficult task even for those who practice magic constantly. In the worst case, you will have to deal with the consequences yourself.