Chinese zodiac signs: characteristic

According to the outlook of the Chinese people, everything that happens in people's lives is directly related to their ability to build relationships with others. Nowadays, almost everyone knows the Chinese zodiac signs. Detailed astrological forecasts based on them are compiled for years and months.

General characteristics of signs

Astrology in China divides twelve animals into four triples. Chinese zodiac signs and their meaning are characterized on the basis of belonging to a particular troika.

chinese zodiac signs

The first three consists of signs generously endowed with initiative and indefatigability: Rats, Dragon and Monkey. It brings together companionable, discreet and charming people who can go beyond.

The Chinese zodiac signs Bull, Snake and Rooster belong to the second three signs. They are able-bodied, can accurately assess their capabilities, achieve all the benefits only by their own efforts.

The third three are Tiger, Horse and Dog. These signs are endowed with selfishness and at the same time philanthropy.

The fourth zodiac Chinese signs are represented by the Rabbit (Cat), Sheep (Goat) and Pig (Boar). They give people insight, craving for creativity and well-being, the ability to love beautifully.

Characteristics of the signs of the Rat, Bull and Tiger

Chinese zodiac signs according to year of birth have a correspondence with each animal.

chinese zodiac signs by years

The first sign of the zodiac is the Rat. All people born under this sign tend to be at the beginning of events, support each other and can lead others. They have the necessary connections that help in the implementation of plans.

These people manage the family budget spontaneously, sometimes emotions gain victory, not reason. Family relationships do not play a major role in their lives, independence allows the Rats to establish their life far from their homes.

The next Chinese zodiac sign over the years is the Bull. Representatives of this sign are patient, do not shy away from boring work, prefer the old and proven, rather than the new and unknown.

Reliable and responsible Bulls are favored by career growth; they can occupy leading positions in various fields. Bulls tend to accumulate money, not invest it.

Deep in the heart of these sedate people there is a romantic streak that can be traced only in a narrow circle of close people.

The zodiac sign Tiger gives people confidence. Those born under the sign of the Tiger do not perceive the likelihood that they can be inferior to others. A large number of Tigers manage to achieve high posts.

They succeed in resolving monetary issues if there is a goal on the horizon: to manage people to improve well-being. Living in a friendly Tigers family is full of stability and discipline.

Chinese characters by year and month

Characteristics of the signs Rabbit, Dragon and Snake

Rabbits have qualities inherent in people who adore children and our smaller brothers. They are endowed with tenderness and the ability to give their attention to others, like flowers and plants.

Rabbits need communication, can create strong friendships. Love surrounds them in the family, they are always ready to help and rarely load relatives with their problems.

People born under the sign of the Dragon are original, extravagant and unbridled extroverts. Dragons are prone to freakishness.

They do not tire of flaunting their wealth, endowed with a sharp mind. Dragons have a large number of friends and fans. In the family, these people can express conflicting opinions on all pressing issues.

Born in the year of the Snake are able to collect information and be aware of everything that happens for their own benefit. They are able to occupy a high post, using the accumulated information.

Snakes follow rigorous moral principles and ethical standards; they contain truthfulness. They prefer privacy, the doors of their houses are not open to everyone.

Characteristics of the signs of the Horse, Sheep and Monkey

The Horse Sign unites very sociable people who prefer their work in a team. They have leadership qualities and the gift of direct and frank conversation.

Horses often make ill-considered decisions in the financial sphere, their main goal is to make a positive impression on others.

The nature of people born in the year of the Sheep is inherent in blind trust in people. They have a whole baggage of good qualities, which include worship of music and dance.

In a personal relationship, Sheep are distinguished by constancy and devotion. Family life is an important part of the lives of these people.

Monkey zodiac sign gives people a light character. Monkeys are very eloquent and capable of touch.

In the houses of active Monkeys, a calm atmosphere is rarely observed, all family members tend to be like them. Monkeys can act as protection and support for their loved ones.

chinese zodiac signs by year of birth

Characteristics of the signs of the Rooster, Dog and Pig

Roosters are excellent speakers and storytellers. They can express their thoughts directly and frankly, sometimes this is regarded by others as a manifestation of rudeness.

At home, Roosters position themselves as real owners, their authority is undeniable for all family members.

People born under the sign of the Dog are faithful and reliable friends, sometimes they too trust others. These people can always help unselfishly in difficult times.

The house for representatives of this sign is a harbor full of cleanliness, comfort and tidiness.

People born under the sign of the Pig are able to make a pleasant impression on others. Friendliness, generosity and sociability are inherent in them.

The houses of these people are comfortable and even luxurious; their doors are always open for guests.

The animal of the month on the Chinese calendar

Astrologers turn their attention not only to the year, but also to the month, date and time of birth, when they use the Chinese zodiac signs to make horoscopes. Basically, calculating the animal of the month is not so difficult.

Distinctive features of the Chinese calendar are that the months originate in the middle of the West. They begin between the fourth and ninth days of our months. If a person was born on the tenth of a month or later, to calculate the sign of the animal, you need to add one to the month.

Chinese zodiac signs and their meaning

Chinese zodiac signs are able to open the curtains over the secrets of fate.

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