Communication and activities. The role of communication in professional activities. Communication as a way of communication

Living in a constant environment of people, it is very difficult to imagine life without communication. It is so deeply rooted in all areas of social activity that without it a person simply could not be able to fully live. But what is communication? What is meant by this concept? How are communication and human activities generally related? What is its role in the professional environment? All these questions are very important for understanding the psychology of people and how they interact with each other in society.

Communication concept

Communication is incredibly important for people. It is a special form of interaction between two or more people, the essence of which is the exchange of information, experience and emotions. The communication parties in this case act as equal partners who, moving together in one direction, achieve their goals. It is thanks to him that the process of socialization of a person in society takes place, his self-development, the formation of new ideas, views, thoughts, individual and social experience.

Communication of people in everyday life

Communication Communication and Activities

Communication, as one of the main needs of a person, is closely related to his activities. Some psychologists, especially foreign ones, believe that communication and activity are opposite concepts. When considering this issue, it is necessary to take into account different approaches to determining this connection.

Representatives of Russian psychology put forward the theory of the unity of communication and human activity. Such conclusions were made because of the belief that human communication is a living and real relationship between individual individuals. They, in turn, are always born on the subject of something, for some reason or because of some activity of this or that person. This means that their communication is mediated by the presence of some kind of common occupation, which means that communication itself is part of the entire active process.

There is a third point of view, the adherents of which say that human activity and communication between people are not elements of one whole, but rather, varieties of each other. According to this theory, communication is a special kind of human activity.

Despite these differences, all three opinions have common points. They confirm the close and inextricable connection between communication and activity as such and believe that it is worth analyzing them only in the context of each other.

Communication and communication

The importance of communication is difficult to describe in words. It is needed everywhere: in everyday life, in social activities, at work. The success of the whole undertaking sometimes depends on the degree of its effectiveness. If communication is well built, the likelihood of conflict and uncomfortable situations between people is minimized.

Communication and communication

However, communication and communication are not the same thing. Often these concepts are used as synonyms, although, if you delve into their very essence, it will become clear that there are differences between them. Communication is any interaction of two components, the main function of which is the exchange of information. If we consider communication as a stream of information, then we can say that communication is a way of communication. However, in the broad sense of the word, this is a complex multifunctional process, as a result of which there is not only an exchange of information data, but also the influence of one person on another.

Forms of communication

The task of communication and communication in its narrow sense is to establish interaction and further joint activities. People realize their communicative needs in both written and oral forms. The traditional forms of oral communication include conversation, public speaking, presentation, negotiations, meeting, business conversation.

Written forms of communication include correspondence, essays, letters, including electronic ones, reports, documentation, essays and many other varieties. Each of the above forms of communication has its own characteristics and features that allow you to determine in which cases it is better to use one or another communication form.

communication writing

Communication tools

Everything that a person does while in the process of communication has a certain communication meaning. Words, intonation, speech speed, posture, gait, posture, gestures, facial expressions and many other things merge together and are perceived by people as something indivisible. However, psychology distinguishes between verbal and non-verbal means of communication, because their influence on people's perception of information varies.

The verbal means of communication include directly human speech, the words used, the types of grammatical structures, the style of speech, literary techniques. As a rule, verbal means are more straightforward.

Verbal communication

The group of non-verbal communication tools is much more diverse and interesting. It consists of the following components:

  • Facial Expressions.
  • Gestures.
  • Pantomime.
  • Poses.
  • Posture.
  • The position of the body in space.
  • Eye contact.
  • Extralinguistic factors (timbre of voice, pace of speech, intonation, pauses).
Nonverbal Communication

The balance between verbal and non-verbal

Communication as a way of communication is not an ideal balance between the verbal and non-verbal components. Words, as a rule, carry only a small part of what people really want to convey. Nonverbal signs are of great value. The results of numerous studies have shown that more than 50% of the information is transmitted directly by posture, gestures, gaze, movements, 38% falls on the tone of voice and only 7% - directly on the words.

All communication is a single semantic concept in which words are the content of the message, and all non-verbal signals are its context.

Communication and professional environment

The role of communication in professional activities is especially great. Thanks to him, people can exchange ideas, opinions, influence each other. It allows you to improve in your chosen field of activity. Communication of business people, its rules and norms is nothing but the result that has been developed by practice and experience.

Successful business communication enhances the effectiveness of a particular organization, as well as the emergence of new ideas and improve old ones. In addition, it is thanks to communication that experience is transferred from the older generation of workers to the younger.

Business conversation

The basis of business communication are: discussion of important issues, settlement of disputes and conflicts, discussion of plans, decision making. In this type, the moral side of the issue occupies a special place. Both managers and subordinates should be aware of all the norms and rules of business communication. After all, it is significantly different from the usual. Ethically correctly constructed communication in any professional environment contributes to the growth of the pace of development, team building, achievement of goals and high results.

Principles of communication in a business environment

Professional communication is represented by both horizontal and vertical types. The “boss-subordinate” model refers to vertical communication, and “colleague-colleague” refers to horizontal. Every day, in hundreds and thousands of organizations, many people enter into communication with each other precisely at the workplace.

Culture, respect, business approach - these are the basics of communication in a professional environment. In addition, there are a number of principles that should be adhered to when communicating in business circles:

  • Interpersonality - personality as such significantly affects communication and its results.
  • Multidimensionality - taking into account all communication components, both verbal and non-verbal, in the aggregate.
  • Purposefulness - taking into account the possible presence of not one, but several goals among the participants of business communication.
  • Continuity - communication continues, even if nothing is verbally transmitted, at a non-verbal level. In this paragraph, it is important to note that even silence can be part of communication, and especially in the business world.

Psychology of professional communication

In the business sphere, there are a number of unwritten rules and norms that dictate how to behave properly in a given situation and how to communicate correctly with colleagues and superiors. Business communication will be successful if its representatives are honest, decent, fair and responsible.

Successful business communication

It should be borne in mind that often business communication is far from neutral. Very often you can find interaction that resembles more a struggle or competition. This happens because the psychological aspect and personal relationships are always integrated into professional communication.

Communication is important, it is necessary and it is inevitable. Successful communication requires certain skills, abilities and knowledge, especially in a professional environment. But if you master the basic rules and use them, you can achieve great heights both in the business world and in everyday life.

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