Ear piercing - a procedure requiring attention

Ear piercing is a procedure that should only be trusted by specialists. Previously, women did this themselves or asked their loved ones. Of course, such disorderly behavior can lead to negative consequences. Complications are possible. If you want to avoid this, then a piercing of the ears should be done by a person familiar with all the subtleties and nuances of this process.

Now piercing is very popular among young people. For boys and girls, this is a great way to prove themselves, to show others their love of freedom and unwillingness to look, according to any norms. Ear piercing is one type of piercing. It is currently difficult to meet a woman without earrings in her ears. They decorate, make more attractive and stylish.

Ear piercing is a wide field for experimentation. Now cosmetology has painless ways to complete this procedure. It is a puncture of the ears with a gun that will not give you almost any unpleasant sensations. This special tool is equipped with medical earrings, needles, they are disposable. It is because of this that young mothers decide to pierce the ears of their children, whose age sometimes does not reach even one year. If you decide that it’s time for your baby to get earrings, then you should look for a good specialist who will conduct the procedure at the highest level. You should not have any doubts about his competence, qualifications, as well as the sterility of the tools used.

When making punctures in the ears, do not forget that their lobes are associated with brain activity. Oriental medicine says that the ear is nothing but a powerful acupuncture system that responds to the work of internal organs. There is even a cartography of the ear, on which the parts of the body and the points projected on them are indicated. Most often, punctures are made closer to the cheek, at the bottom of the lobe. In this zone there is a point that is "responsible" for conjunctivitis, glaucoma, myopia. If the baby has or has already shown vision problems, it is recommended that you puncture the ears in another place.

Currently, piercings are quite diverse. People pierce not only the earlobes, but even the auricles. According to the latest trends, thick cylinders are used. They are inserted into the lobe. And some pierce several holes, then insert a silver or gold chain into them . This creates the effect of "stitching" the ear.

Typically, the piercing is carried out with a sterile needle. An earring is threaded into the resulting hole; it should be made of white or yellow gold. If you puncture the ears with a gun, then they will remain earrings-cloves. They are made of surgical stainless steel.

You should not remove earrings for 5-6 weeks after the procedure. At the same time, they must be periodically moved so that ingrowth does not occur. The puncture site is washed daily with an alcohol solution. In addition, for about a month, you better not swim in open water, as well as pools. Do not use other people's mobile phones. All this can lead to infection.

Are there any contraindications to ear piercing? Yes, but not many. If you have eczema, cystic acne or any kind of blood disease, you will have to wait a bit with the purchase of new earrings. In addition, do not pierce your ears if you are prone to various allergic reactions.

So, have you decided to decorate yourself? To pierce ears? Then make sure that you have no contraindications to this procedure. After that, find a good specialist. You need to clearly follow all of his instructions on how to care for puncture sites. After several months, you will be able to battle on the spot surrounding your ears with elegant and sparkling earrings in them.

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