How to wash a jacket: washing methods

Washing jackets is a delicate matter, requiring a delicate approach. That clothes after the first wash did not lose their shape, it is important to adhere to some rules. We will talk about them below. There are several ways to wash a jacket in order to preserve its original appearance.

Features of the care of the thing

Every person in the wardrobe has a jacket. Men and women wear this part of the costume regardless of occasion. Like any other clothing, the jacket requires periodic cleaning. While wearing, dust remains on it, traces of sweat and various kinds of spots, which must be disposed of. In addition, cleaning the product allows you to refresh it.

how to wash a jacket

Do jackets wash at home? Most people prefer dry cleaning services. But if you carefully follow the technology, you can take care of jackets yourself.

The choice of washing technique

A jacket is a type of clothing that requires special care. If the trousers can be washed in any convenient way, then the upper part of the suit needs to be cleaned more carefully. The fact is that in every jacket there is a lining. As a rule, it is sewn from thin light fabric. It is during improper washing that there is a great risk of damaging it. A spoiled lining will hang or just burst out. As a result, you have to either alter the product or buy a new one.

it is possible to wash a jacket

The most common way to clean your jacket in a quality manner is to dry clean it. But if there is no time, and you want to save money, you can do it yourself. So, let's figure out how to wash a jacket in ordinary home conditions.

Laundry Prep

The quality of cleaning of any product depends on the correctness of this procedure. Before washing the jacket, it must first be inspected. To do this, the product must be hung on a hanger and under daylight carefully examine the sleeves, front, back. Then you should turn the jacket inside out and assess the degree of contamination of the internal parts.

Particular attention should be paid to the collar and bottom of the sleeves. As a rule, these places are most often dirty. Such an inspection will identify areas requiring cleaning. Then you need to check the pockets. If there are any things there, it is better to take them out.

do jackets wash

Salted places can be wiped with a brush or a cloth dampened in a solution of ammonia. More pronounced spots can be tried to remove special compounds. It is necessary to apply a small amount of the product to the problem area and leave it to work. Then rinse this area with running water. Jackets made of velveteen or other expensive fabric are recommended to be cleaned with vinegar. For this purpose, it is better to use a brush or a lint-free cloth.


This method can be used on products made from inexpensive fabrics with sufficient strength.

How to wash a jacket by hand, every housewife knows. To do this, you must first find the label on the product, on which the manufacturer indicated the permitted cleaning methods. Following the recommendations on the label, you need to prepare a soap solution and soak the thing. Half an hour is enough for the dirt to move away from the fibers. Then you need to rinse the jacket in clean water and without twisting, hang it in the bathroom on a hanger so that the glass is excess water. In the same condition, it can dry to the end.

how to wash a jacket

Hand washing is one of the most gentle cleaning methods, as the product is not amenable to strong mechanical stress.

Washing in a washing machine

If you choose the right mode, you can wash the jacket in the washing machine. Some models sew from fabrics that can be pressed in a drum. This method is ideal for jackets made of natural materials with a dense lining. Machine wash is the most convenient method, requiring a minimum of time. By setting a delicate mode, low temperature and a small number of revolutions during the spin cycle, you will not damage the product at all. If the fabric is wrinkled badly, the spin function can be omitted.

For washing jackets in the washing machine, it is recommended to use liquid detergent. It will quickly foam and evenly disperse throughout the product. When washing with ordinary powder, it is advisable to include an additional rinse so that there are no white streaks on the fabric.

How to wash a jacket in the shower

Jackets with glued parts (shoulders, sides) are best cleaned under running water. Rinsing the shower is the most harmless type of washing, which allows you to maintain the shape of the product and not damage the decorative elements. First you need to remove stains in separate areas, and then you can wash your jacket. If the lining is dirty, it can be brushed.

you can wash the jacket in the washing machine

Washing under the shower is as follows:

  • Shake the jacket to knock out all the dust.
  • Hang the product on a hanger and place it under the shower.
  • Turn on warm water and gently wet your jacket.
  • Evenly apply liquid detergent with your hands and walk over all areas with a soft brush.
  • Wash off soapy water with a shower and leave it to drain.


Before washing the jacket in the machine, it can be pre-soaked in warm soapy water. Then you should rub a little with your hands, but not hard so as not to damage the fabric. Then you can wash the jacket in the machine according to the scheme described above.

Each time, before soaking, be sure to look at the label. If not, then check the effect of the cleaning agent on the fabric sample. It’s good to use an old product of a similar composition.

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