Pomegranate: calories and benefits

From time immemorial, pomegranates have been called the "king of fruits." This name was given to him not just for his beautiful appearance. It is so useful that even certain diseases, such as anemia, are treated with it. Its rich composition, which includes iron, manganese, ascorbic acid, amino acids and other elements, has a wonderful effect on our health.

The oriental fruit pomegranate, absolutely unique in its properties, has a rather low calorie content. Due to this, it is actively used in diet food. Using pomegranate during weight loss, you can, in addition to eliminating extra pounds, also improve your body and saturate it with vitamins and minerals.

indian pomegranate

There is such a variety of pomegranate as momordica, or Indian pomegranate, whose homeland is Southeast Asia. In this pomegranate, all parts are edible, even the roots, stems, peel and red fruits inside. It is pickled, salted and eaten while losing weight. Pomegranate, whose calorific value is insignificant, can be eaten in large quantities, observing, however, reasonable limits. Momordica has medicinal properties and has a pronounced antitumor effect.

Dwarf pomegranate is another variety of this oriental fruit. You can grow it even in an apartment on the windowsill. Watering must be abundant, do not allow overdrying of the soil. Then very soon the dwarf variety will delight you with its edible fruits. Such dwarf pomegranate, whose calorie content is lower than that of other fruits, can also be included in the diet menu.

dwarf garnet

Blooming dwarf pomegranate on the home windowsill is a truly spectacular sight. Its flowers bloom with fiery red flowers of amazing beauty. The taste of dwarf pomegranate resembles the taste of a familiar fruit.

You can talk endlessly about the benefits and healing properties of pomegranate: this unique fruit cannot be compared in quality to any of the existing ones in nature. With its low calorie content, which is only 72 calories, it is very highly valued in dietary nutrition. When observing many diets, pomegranate is used, the calorie content of which is so low that, taking it for food, it is simply impossible to recover. Be sure to include these fruits in your diet whenever possible . It is especially useful for children. A growing children's body especially needs a nutritious and varied diet.

pomegranate calories

Do not forget that there are some contraindications for the use of pomegranate. These include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - such as gastritis, gastric ulcer, chronic colitis. With increased acidity, oriental fruit can cause a sharp exacerbation of a chronic disease. In addition, fresh pomegranate juice is not recommended undiluted. It is usually half diluted with clean water and drunk through a tube so as not to spoil the tooth enamel. After eating pomegranate, it is recommended to brush your teeth with a paste for sensitive enamel.

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