Uranus in the 7th house: horoscope description, natal charting

Uranus in the 7th house of the natal chart will definitely bring a lot of concern in all matters. They can be related to marriage, business partnerships, and other forms of interactions with people. The seventh house or ecliptic sector is traditionally ruled by Libra and Venus. Therefore, the unstable planet Uranus brings disagreements and unexpected events that are not combined with the gentle energies entering this sector due to the influence of Venus.

Uranus in the 7th house makes people feel a strong need for freedom. This can often be manifested by a desire to avoid marriage. Thanks to experience in relationships, a person can understand that his confidentiality and freedom of action are an important priority, and achieve more open communications with loved ones. Uranus in the 7th house gives people a tendency to easily perceive relationships.

Uranus in the 7th house

Matrimonial Issues

The presence of this planet in the 7th sector of the ecliptic does not mean that a person will never marry. Indeed, few people with the Uranus-ruler of the 7th house eventually decide to marry, but this does not mean that all of them are initially doomed to loneliness. Sometimes this combination can lead to an unexpected marriage at an early age, when the couple still do not know each other very well.

Such family relationships are likely to end as suddenly as they began. Uranus brings not only a hasty wedding, but also a divorce. In many cases, this experience becomes a lesson that a person must learn in an attempt to understand their needs. He gains wisdom regarding what he wants in his life, gradually realizing that he cannot fully live in a stable family environment. In addition, Uranus in the 7th house will have a great influence on a possible wedding ceremony.

Uranus Ruler 7 Home

The eccentricity of the blue planet

Does Uranus make stable marriage impossible in the seventh sector of the ecliptic? No, the eccentric nature of the planet goes beyond this stereotype. Sometimes he points to a happy family bond, saturated with non-conformism. Transit Uranus in the 7th house can bring to your life a partner who can be a genius or an eccentric. If a couple does not adapt to the models and standards imposed by society, this can make their married life very interesting and fun.

A well-located Aquarius can bring even more harmony to your relationship. You will relate to each other as friends, and not just lovers, be very altruistic or even have relationships at a distance where each of you will also maintain a parallel personal life and respect the individual space of the other.

Uranus in the 7th house of a woman

Difficult aspects

If Uranus has difficult connections with the planets, the individual will ultimately discover that he is trapped in a situation that, to put it mildly, he does not enjoy. Even if he loves his partner, everyday routine kills the original magic of their relationship and creates an atmosphere of frustration. Most likely, a man with Uranus in the 7th house will suddenly dodge and run away from his soulmate.

The faster he does it, the better it will be for both in this situation. Moreover, there is even the opportunity to maintain their partnership, since a person may have problems not with the spouse, but with the routine that such a life gives. Indeed, if the basis of such a relationship changes, they will have great opportunities for reunion. But their love will already be different.

Uranus in the 7th house of a woman's solarium

Emotional dryness

Keep in mind that people with Uranus in the 7th house (including women) do not like drama out of the blue. Excessive outbursts of emotions can even make them break off relationships. Exactly the same patterns apply in business partnerships. Uranium definitely will not provide any stability; partners will have a lot of unpredictability in terms of relations with each other, especially in the emotional sphere. If this is a business relationship, then the unpredictable nature of Uranus will clearly not contribute to the development of a common cause.

Transit Uranus in the 7th house

Legal and financial issues

Such a natal deployment of Uranus is disadvantageous for legal affairs. There may be problems associated with testing and losses due to them. Man must avoid public standing because Uranus will bring scandals and lawsuits that he probably will not be able to survive. This can happen even if a person is honest and principled. The grave aspects of Uranus here indicate the victimization of open enemies or human partners who use it to cover up their dirty deeds.

Other characteristics

The seventh house is one of the most difficult in astrology, because it has a lot of psychology. It reflects how we look for ourselves in other people, how they look in ourselves, how these two perspectives are mixed to form our relationship. It shows what we want to get in these close ties with other people, as well as what we ourselves can give. However, Uranus imposes a veil of indifference and indifference on all these relations.

The seventh house is that side of ourselves that we reveal as soon as we let someone into our lives on a personal level, remaining alone with this person. But in Uranus there is an unpleasant element associated with indifference, therefore its combination with the seventh sector of the ecliptic in astrology is one of the most unpleasant of all.

Earth and Uranus

Mr. Uranus

The man with Uranus in the seventh house is very secretive and mysterious. No one knows what he really is. People meeting him are asked many questions. Such mystery can attract some eccentrics to the person who are obsessed with everything mysterious and inaccessible. However, most of the people who meet such an individual on a life journey will remain suspicious of him.

Not so bad

All of the above does not mean that people with Uranus in the 7th house are bad. It just means that they maintain their close relationship in a way that most people around are sincerely incomprehensible. Just the thought of entering into really strong, stable relationships is quite enough to bring them out of emotional balance. A woman's solarium with Uranus in the 7th house is a special risk group. Such ladies may look fickle and not too romantic. However, this year can bring them a meeting with a person who is very important for their future, constructive decisions, popularity, recognition.

In fact, they long for holiday and magic in their hearts, but they feel truly happy when they are in a freer relationship. If someone really gets close to them, too much intensity of feelings can lead them in the opposite direction in the blink of an eye. Whatever the seventh sector of the ecliptic, they nevertheless come to a predictable conclusion: relationships are needed. But with Uranus in the 7th house, people think that relations should be different from everything that is accepted in society.

Uranus in the 7th house of the natal chart

Emotional masochism

The less someone is interested in being too attached, the more they become addicted to this person. People with Uranus in the 7th house are tied to themselves freely and in cold blood. But in general, a close relationship occurs when they feel that they have met a person who is a free, independent person and lives his own life. They fall in love with the same cold-blooded egoists that they themselves are. This is a fraction of emotional masochism.

From the point of view of romance, the 5th sector of the ecliptic displays people with whom they communicate or meet, and the 7th - those with whom they are in business relations. The irony here is that a person with Uranus in the 7th house will be sincerely devoted to the coldish egoist of his choice for relations, whose spell is in the grip of power. They say that the same charges repel. But this is true only for the exact sciences. In life, people are more often drawn to their own kind than to those with whom they have nothing in common.


There is nothing wrong with love and affection, even if you become the unlucky owner of Uranus in the 7th house. Making your way through the thorns of love affairs, estrangement and misunderstanding, you will surely find the person who will accept you as you are. He will appreciate your personality and freedom-loving disposition. For the owner of Uranus in the seventh house, this is the most important. The spirit of freedom will be with you forever. Your partner will definitely appreciate it.

You will become a strange, pretentious, eccentric, but really happy couple who will shock, and sometimes even shock others. You will both truly enjoy this.

Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment and open yourself to the world! Try to make yourself public. After that, soul mates who are capable of appreciating your unique personality will certainly reach you. And the transit of Uranus through the 7th house with all its unpredictable and complex events will be a very happy time for both of you.

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