Young people often avoid communication with the opposite sex, not because they do not feel self-confidence, but because of a banal lack of knowledge of etiquette. How to say hello to a girl? Oddly enough, not everyone can answer such a question.
Of course, if a girl is an old acquaintance, for example, a classmate or neighbor, then such a question is irrelevant. But in the case when it comes to a pretty stranger who wants to make a good impression, etiquette rules become important.
What do we have to do?
The main points of the rules on how to greet a girl do not depend on the closeness of the relationship. Welcoming a young woman, you should:
- look into her eyes;
- raise the headgear, if any;
- say after “hello” a general phrase, for example, about good weather or “I'm glad to see you”;
- to smile.
These are the basic rules that must be followed when greeting a girl.
What can not be done?
As a rule, when a guy greets a girl, he makes the following mistakes:
- violates her personal space, coming too close;
- shows familiarity in speech or uses obscene, slang words, slang;
- grabs her by the arms or tries to get her shoulders, waist;
- looks away or into the ground;
- not smiling;
- clings through teeth, speaks too quietly, or, conversely, loudly;
- pronounces something unintelligible.
All this happens because of the excitement and lack of a clear understanding of how to behave. But not every girl will understand this. Most young women will come to a logical conclusion: in front of them is “some kind of moron”, an ill-bred boor or a bore. If a guy does not look in the eyes and does not smile, then the girl immediately decides that she is uninteresting, and, of course, will not seek communication.
Do I need to shake a hand?
A girl should be greeted by the hand only if she becomes the initiator of this action. The ritual of a handshake is significantly different from the male. In the event that a young woman reaches out, a man has two options for how to react to this action.
Option one is to shake your fingers. It is the fingers, and not the whole palm, as is customary with a handshake between men.
Option two - kiss your hand. As a rule, middle-aged men resort to kisses, among young people such a gesture is rare. But he impresses the girls. Of course, you do not need to slobber on a young woman's fingers or make smacking sounds. A kiss from a non-close man should be on the outside of the hand, just above the bones of the base of the fingers. From a loved one - on the back of the palm or wrist. If a young man caring for a girl kisses his hand, then it is appropriate to touch the lips with his fingers.
What to talk about?
The concept of how to greet a girl properly means not only the greeting itself, but also a couple of common, non-binding phrases. This is an important point that should not be neglected.
For example, if you say "hello" and nothing but this, then there will be no reason for further communication. In response, the same short “hello” usually sounds, the girl continues to go about her business or, if the meeting happened on the street, she goes on. Guys, as a rule, sigh and also continue actions that were interrupted by the meeting.
But the situation can completely change if you add the same banal “how are you” to the template “hi” and at the same time look the girl in the eye, waiting for an answer. Usually young women say that they are doing well and ask a similar question. You can answer anything, because the dialogue has already begun.
That is, the meaning is in any phrase that complements the greeting. This is a chance for communication. These phrases may not lead to a long conversation, but in any case will contribute to establishing contact. And this means that after a couple of such greetings, the girl will begin to perceive the guy already as a good friend or even a friend.
What to consider?
Modern etiquette does not particularly limit a young man in how to greet a girl. The young gentlemen of the century before last were much more difficult, because there were much more different conventions in life.
When considering how best to say hello to a young woman, you should clearly understand who she is. You need to greet a friend or neighbor differently than with a lover or a girl to whom you have sympathy. The greeting said to the colleague should be different from how they greet each other's girlfriend or their own girlfriend. And, of course, the degree of closeness and prescription of an acquaintance affects the greeting.
What to focus on?
There is a small psychological trick in how to greet a girl so that she is pleased and communication develops. It consists in the perception and repetition of her communication style, the so-called mirroring.
This means that you need to greet a young woman in the same way as she does. For example, if a girl hugs or kisses on the cheek when meeting, then it is not necessary to assume that this is a sign of manifestation of feelings. Most likely, this is the custom to welcome people in her family or company. No need to be embarrassed or remove a young woman, on the contrary, you should behave in a similar way, but without crossing borders. That is, do not squeeze the girl strongly and for a long time.
The same can be attributed to the manner of speaking, and to many other things. However, this style of greeting, that is, duplication of the girl’s behavior, is suitable only for communicating with relaxed and active women. Shy people should be greeted by the traditional rules of etiquette.