Bull-female and Rat-male: compatibility in love, marriage, friendship, character traits

The female bull and male rat have very positive compatibility. They are a couple who can achieve incredible success in love and marriage. According to the eastern horoscope, these signs are predetermined to be together, despite the existing barriers.

Characteristics of Male Rat

People born in the year of the Rat have a special charm and aggressiveness. Initially, they seem calm and balanced. But this is completely wrong. Behind the apparent serenity of men hides nervousness and constant anxiety.

A man is able to create confusion and scandals. Rats do not shun gossip, so they have more friends than friends. Rats rarely trust anyone. Personal benefit and profit are extracted from everything - these are friends, acquaintances, own or other people's money. A man does not want to limit himself to anything, although he is constantly worried about his future.

Bull and rat compatibility friendship

The rat can set a goal and move clearly in its direction. For this sign, one of the first places is occupied by mental activity, therefore scientists are often obtained from them.

The main character traits of the female Bull

People born this year are poised. The woman has an original mind, which she hides under her appearance.

Despite the apparent calm, Bull is choleric. Woman's anger is rare, but it can even scare others.

Bull female and rat male compatible

Despite the lack of leadership in the character of the representative of this sign, people around her very often listen to her opinion.

A woman is a homebody who constantly takes care of her home. She is a very attentive hostess, and often it is she who leads the family forward. The compatibility of these two seemingly different signs is very high.

Compatible Female Bull and Male Rat

Women born under the sign of the Bull are one of the most powerful in the eastern horoscope. These are strong-willed and strong natures. Usually women do almost everything: home, family and work. They bring all their undertakings to completion, overcoming all sorts of obstacles in their path. A woman can perform even the most complex tasks.

She has good organizational skills, she makes high demands on herself and others. A representative of the Bull’s sign can act as a boss or performer. Sometimes she replaces work with home and family. The main purpose of her life is the organization of everyday life, housekeeping and raising children. A woman is ready to completely abandon her professional career if her husband can provide for his family financially.

Bull and Rat horoscope compatibility

They have a complaisant character, calm and balanced nature. In the family, a woman will not allow cheating and cheating on the part of her husband. This causes her attacks of anger.

Thanks to the positive qualities of the partner, the compatibility of the marriage of a female Bull and a male Rat is simply wonderful.

Life partner has activity and energy. The man is talented, endowed with intuition and quick wit. He easily leaves the most difficult situations. The rat is creative in his tasks, he always knows exactly what he needs and how to achieve it. He can easily realize his abilities in commercial activity and in art.

The man is in a state of movement and development. He has a large number of necessary acquaintances and connections, easily fulfills the tasks assigned to him. A real breadwinner is able to provide for his family financially.


The Male Rat has congenital nervousness and constant anxiety. The Bull Woman, thanks to her poise and solidity, will help him calm down and become self-confident. The spouse will be able to direct her husband’s ebullient energy in the right direction.

Usually, after the romantic period, the female Bull takes on the main role. She likes to raise her husband. If the Rat can get used to his wife’s constant moralizing, then the marriage will last a long time.

A woman is able to free a man from worries about housekeeping, while ensuring comfort and the necessary rear. In return, the Rat will fully provide for the family financially. At the same time, he is fully confident that in the event of various critical situations, a woman will go to work and provide the necessary emotional support.

Bull and Rat compatibility in a love relationship

A calm and slow-moving spouse will be able to receive from her partner a charge of the energy she needs and a new impetus for development. As a result, the woman will become more active, and the Rat will make her life truly vibrant and eventful. At the same time, the man will show sensitivity and attention to his wife so that the spouse does not feel unhappy.

Due to their common character traits, the compatibility of the female Bull and male Rat in love and marriage is high. They are easy in each other’s company. Relationships are calm and light.

The main place in the family life of spouses is occupied by children. As caring and loving parents, they will be able to provide them with everything they need for proper development. Mom will be able to give her child the necessary upbringing, and dad will organize vibrant trips and new interests for him. With proper parenting, they will become the pride of their parents.

Love compatibility

Between a Female Bull and a Male Rat, a love relationship is based on strong feelings and sex. Their love is full of passion and vibrant relationships. A man surrounds his chosen one with romance, tender care and attention. The Bull Woman happily accepts courtship from her partner.

Despite the cuddle, for the sake of a beloved man can spend the latter. If a woman finds herself in a difficult situation, he will do everything to solve all her problems. The girl will definitely appreciate the responsiveness of her partner.

Compatibility in the love of the Rat and the Bull

One of the main components will be an intimate life. The compatibility of the Bull and the Rat in a love relationship is truly beautiful. Both partners are able to give each other joy and pleasure. A man in the sexual field is responsible for diversity, imagination and fantasy, which completely suits a woman.


In the friendly relations of partners, complete harmony. They complement each other with those character traits that are necessary at a certain moment. The Bull and Rat have full friendship in friendship. They are passionate about similar ideas and value similar things. Friends constantly spend together all their free time.

When a woman lacks self-confidence, a man will happily support her. If the Rat has problems, the Bull Girl comes to the rescue with joy.

Bull female and rat male compatible

Business cooperation will certainly lead to success. If a female Bull occupies a leadership position, then she will definitely pull the Rat along with her. Together they, complementing each other, are able to create a masterpiece from the smallest details.

After all, they make up an ideal union not only for friendship, but also for love and marriage. Friends find a lot of positive in each other's personality traits. Together they are able to turn mountains. Therefore, the Bull and Rat compatibility in the work is complete.

Useful tips for a married couple

Horoscope and Bull Rat compatibility is high. Usually their union is strong and prosperous. Each of the spouses in the marriage will be able to get everything necessary for the implementation of their life plans. Spouses can perfectly complement each other. In order for their union to fully take place, they should constantly express admiration for their other half, as well as be interested in all its problems and look together for ways to overcome difficulties.

Bull and Rat work compatibility

Male Rat does not have to constantly criticize his companion. A woman will be able to endure criticism for a long time, but if she does not stand it, then this can lead to the termination of the relationship.


The compatibility of the Bull-woman and the male-Rat is high, which gives them hope for a common future. To do this, they just have to learn to listen to each other, as well as calmly accept critical comments and always find a compromise. Only in this way will they be able to create the perfect marriage that lasts their whole life.

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