Name day of Vasilisa in the church calendar

Vasilisa is a female form of the masculine name Vasily. Translated from ancient Greek, it means "king." A similar meaning: "queen", "royal", "royal" has the name of Vasilisa. Name day (angel's day) she celebrates several times a year:

  • January 21;
  • February 18;
  • March 23;
  • April 28;
  • April 29;
  • 16 of September;
  • April 04;
  • July 4th.

These days, the church recalls the holy martyrs who lived at different times and bore the name of Vasilisa.

Vasilisa of Rome (April 28)

Two close friends, Vasilisa and Anastasia, lived in Rome in the 1st century. During one of the sermons of the apostles Peter and Paul, they converted to Christianity and did not betray their faith until death.

From 54 to 68, Emperor Nero ruled in Rome . He carried out cruel persecution of Christians, tortured him to renounce the faith, and in case of disobedience, executed the martyrs. Vasilisa and Anastasia buried the bodies of the dead according to Christian canons. For this, the emperor ordered to imprison them in prison. Soon Vasilisa and Anastasia were tortured for their faith. But they were able to endure all torment and retained faith in Jesus Christ. For this, in 68, women were beheaded.

name day of Vasilisa
Memorial Day of the Martyrs Vasilisa and Anastasia is celebrated on April 28. You can worship their relics today in the Church of Our Lady of Peace, which is located in Rome.

Vasilisa of Egypt (January 21)

The holy martyrs Julian and Vasilisa were from the Egyptian year Antinus. They both came from noble, wealthy families, and at the insistence of their parents soon became husband and wife.

Despite this, Julian and Vasilisa remained deeply religious people. They fully devoted themselves to the Lord, did not enter into a close relationship with each other, and remained innocent. After the death of their parents, Julian and Vasilisa founded the male and female cloisters and became their rectors, having accepted monasticism.

Vasilisa name day angel day
In the III century, during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, believing spouses were captured and imprisoned in prison. They indulged in severe torture several times, but were able to endure all the torment. Julian was even able to convert to the Christian faith the son of his tormentor Kelsius and his wife Marionilla, as well as several other pagans. Soon, Julian, Vasilisa, and other martyrs received death from the sword.

Vasilisa's birthday is celebrated on January 21. On this day, the church also recalls Julian, Kelsius, Marionilla and other martyrs who were truncated with a sword in 313.

Martyr Vasilisa: Orthodox birthday on September 16

During the reign of Emperor Diocletian in Rome, terrible persecution of Christians was carried out. But most of the innocent blood was shed in the ancient city of Nicomedia (Nicomedea). In just one month, over 17 thousand Christians were truncated with a sword here. The tormentor did not have mercy on either adults or children.

The nine-year-old Vasilisa suffered in Nicomedia. She was brought to court by the hegemon Alexander, who ruled at that time in the city. He invited Vasilisa to renounce faith in the Lord, but the girl remained adamant. She even entered into an argument with Alexander and spoke of Jesus Christ as if she were not a child, but an adult.

orthodox name Vasilisa
Vasilisa was tortured several times. First, they beat her in the face, then with rods all over her body, and when it was completely covered with ulcers, the girl was hung upside down and a fire was made under her body. But neither fire nor fierce animals could kill Vasilisa. Then the ruler of Nicomedia fell at her feet and began to repent. After that, he believed in the Lord, and was baptized.

Soon hegemon Alexander died, and Vasilisa left the city. One day she felt thirsty, stood on a stone and asked the Lord for water. At that very moment a fountain began to beat out of stone. Vasilisa drank water and immediately died. Near this stone, she was buried by the bishop who found her body.

The name day of Vasilisa of Nicomedia is celebrated on September 16th. On this day, the martyr gave God her innocent soul.

Name day of Vasilisa on the church calendar March 23, April 29

During the reign of Emperor Decius (circa 251-258), cruel persecution of Christians continued. They covered all the ancient cities, including Corinth. Here, the mission to exterminate Christians was entrusted to the military commander Jason.

name day of Vasilisa according to the church calendar
The tormentor was informed that a Christian Kondrat lives in the desert near the city, and hundreds of people come to listen to him. Among them was young Vasilisa. For faith in the Lord, Kondrat and his disciples received martyrdom. At first they were given to beasts for wild animals, but they did not touch the believers. Then they were truncated with a sword.

The name days of Vasilisa and the rest of the Corinthian martyrs are celebrated on March 23 and April 29. On this day, the church recalls their names.

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