Cranial is in anatomy ...

Latin, although an extinct language, is widely used. In many sciences, all terminology is based precisely on Latin. Anatomy is no exception. In anatomy, in general, the entire base of terms is exclusively of Latin origin.

If Latin is a whole language, then it has its own rules and alphabet, and translation from this language into other languages ​​is also possible. So what does the word cranial mean?

Translation of the word "cranial" in Latin

In Latin, the word "cranial" is an adjective that comes from the word "cranium". The ending "mind", according to the rules of this language, indicates that the word is masculine.

Latin language

So, cranial is an adjective from the word "cranium". The question then becomes, what does the word “cranium” mean in Russian? Cranium is a skull. Accordingly, the cranial is cranial.

Where is this word used?

The word "cranial" is very often found in the writings of ancient physicians. It is also found in culinary and handicraft essays, namely in fishing and cattle business.

Of course, you need to clearly understand that Latin was used in ancient Rome and some other states of antiquity. During this period, mankind was only interested in military affairs and medicine. During this period, the first operations on the skull were performed, such as craniotomy, suturing of scalped wounds. Therefore, the bulk of the written documents of the time where the word "cranial" can be found is the work of anatomists and doctors, leading surgeons of antiquity.

Cranial anatomy

As mentioned earlier, cranial is in the cranial anatomy. But this is far from the only use case for such a word.

It is very easy to use the word “cranial” when describing parts of the cranium. For example, the base of the skull is the basis of crania. The name of the facial section of the skull will look like this: crania (skull) fasialis (facial).

parts of the skull

Or if you need to describe a specific area of ​​the skull, then the word "skull" is written, and then its section is called:

  • Kranii parietalis - parietal (parietal) area of ​​the skull.
  • "Crani occipitalis" - the occipital part of the skull.
  • "Crani temporalis" is the temporal region of the skull.

On the skull itself there are so-called cranial fossae. There are only three of them: front, back and middle. So, an indication of such fossa will look like this: fossa (fossa) of the cranium (skull) anterior (front).

Do not confuse the word “cranium” with the word “caput”. If the cranium is the skull, then the caput is the head as a whole, including the cranium, all parts of the skull, soft tissues and organs of the head.

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