Novice researchers: the object of science is ...

The scientific vocabulary is quite complicated for novice researchers. However, without understanding the exact meaning of the terms, further study of something is impossible. The “conceptual mess” in the head threatens with serious misconceptions and obtaining false results of research, which has far-reaching negative, and sometimes tragic consequences. Among them, the “deuce” in the set-off is a mere trifle.

What is the object of knowledge

It is necessary to distinguish often confused concepts - the object of science and the subject of science.

In existing reality, there are many phenomena and material objects independent of man and his consciousness. For many reasons (protection, curiosity, practical use), he seeks to maximize their study and makes the object of study. That is, the object of science is a part of all scientific knowledge. It is often indicated in the very name of the discipline: mathematics, biology, computer science.

object and method of science

The cognitive need of a person encourages him to research the external and his own, inner world, and then to their transformations in accordance with the needs (material and spiritual, individual and social).

The object of science is not only what can be felt by the senses, but also accessible only to the human mind (for example, philosophy, psychology).

Subject of scientific knowledge

The subject of cognition is a narrower concept; it denotes a part of an object, its fragment, which is under investigation. For example, psychology is an object, and the psychology of production management is a particular issue of psychology, a narrower sphere of scientific analysis, that is, it is a subject of study.

object of social sciences

Starting a scientific work, you should first select the object of study, then determine its aspects, problems that can become objects of detailed scientific research. For example: the object of study is preschool pedagogy, the subject is the organization and methodology of physical education of children of primary preschool age in the family. In jurisprudence, the object of science is the rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation, the subject is its right to social security (education, medical care).

Methods of scientific knowledge

Most often, an object of science is a complex combination of its properties and qualities, conditions of existence, interaction with other objects. Therefore, the study of objects and phenomena requires special tools.

object and method of science

These are the methods of scientific research. The close connection between the object and the methods of science is due to its features and conditions of study, the degree of knowledge.

Methods are ways to get information. Consider the main ones.


  • analysis (highlighting the essential features, properties, qualities of an object);
  • synthesis (combining the obtained disparate data into a whole);
  • abstraction (“sifting” of the results of analysis and synthesis for in-depth study of a specific side of an object);
  • concretization, formalization (displaying new knowledge in graphs, tables, formulas, symbols);
  • object modeling for the purpose of a more detailed study.

Empirical (general and particular) are based on sensory perception: examination, study and generalization of experience, experimental work, experiment, observation, survey.

Practice shows that in pure form these research methods are not used.

Research Techniques

Research methods are carried out by a number of necessary and consistent actions, which are called techniques. For example, the method of collecting information about an object can be carried out by the following methods: conversation (with the object itself, if it is a person, with other persons), interviews, study of documentation, literature with information of interest to the researcher, video materials, observation in different conditions of the existence of the object.

The choice of methods (techniques) for the rational implementation of the method depends on the topic, goals of scientific work, real technical and other possibilities of the researcher's work, conditions (for example, the presence of an equipped laboratory or its absence).

Object and methods of sociology

The closely studied object of sociology is a human society, and the subject of study is its social life: connections, relationships, interactions that ensure the satisfaction of the needs of people belonging to very different societies, classes. In textbooks on sociology, one can find descriptions of the characteristics of groups, organizations, social institutions (family, economics, education), movements, related problems, development prospects, causes of destructive manifestations.

object of social sciences

Widely applying general scientific research methods, sociology also uses specific ones: oral and written surveys (questionnaires), content analysis of various documents in order to obtain reliable information, observation, experiment.

Man as an object of social sciences is studied from different points of view by medicine, psychology, pedagogy, cultural studies, philosophy, and a number of other disciplines. They, in turn, are developing their own methods of scientific research.


Subjects and objects of science - this is an endless series of reasons for research in view of their diversity and manifestations of the material and non-material world.

Society is extremely interested in the progressive development of scientific knowledge - this guarantees the physical security and material, spiritual well-being of mankind. That is why huge contributions are made to various branches of science, the most gifted scientific personnel are cultivated.

object of law

Scientific progress also depends on how well the researcher is fluent in the theory and practice of scientific work. He must be free from prejudice and prejudice and at the same time be able to defend his opinion, prove, convince.

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