How to learn to sing at home

A man who knows how to sing always attracts attention. In many cases, singers are appreciated even more by virtuoso musicians. But what if you really want to sing, but voice and hearing leave much to be desired? Could it be better to stop thoughts of singing songs? No, you don’t need to stop anything, since practically anyone can learn to sing, in principle. You just need to study, study, train and so on. Where to learn to sing? A good option is a music school, studio, and so on. It’s great if you can afford tutoring. What if there is no way to turn to professionals for help? You need to start doing it yourself. Yes, not everyone knows how to learn to sing on their own. It is difficult, but we live in an age of information, which means we can actually get the exact instructions.

How to learn to sing on your own

Believe in your strength - with the right approach, you will be tolerably singing in a couple of months. Well, if there is natural data. They are very important in this case. What if there are none? Engage in, but not hope for, what is unlikely. You will learn to sing decently, but you should not dream of more.

How to learn to sing at home? First, learn how to take breath. In this case, it is the basis of everything. It is important to understand that breathing is necessary precisely with the stomach, and not with the breast. This means that when breathing, your stomach should be inflated. Do not learn how to properly gain air - you will constantly suffocate while singing. By the way, this also applies to conversation.

Take in more air, fold your lips in a tube, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Then do the same, but on a syllable (mi, liu, etc.). So you learn to control your breathing. Another important point is aufact. So in singing they call the breath itself. Remember that it should be fast, swift, but inconspicuous. At the time of the performance of a musical work, it is not always easy to get a new portion of air. Making it invisible is even more difficult.

How to learn to sing at home? You need to work hard on sound quality. Singing beautifully means singing expressively. It can be achieved only by feeling the work. You must understand what you are singing about. Try to make every phrase meaningful. To achieve expressiveness will help the timbre, register and so on. Highlight intonationally the places you need to focus on. If a person sings something that he does not understand, he is simply not interested in listening.

How to learn to sing at home? Need to work on articulation. While performing works, actively move your lips and do not be afraid to open your mouth. What kind of sound can we talk about if you have it in a half-closed state? Good articulation is more difficult to achieve than it sounds. It may seem to many that working with your mouth and lips looks silly. Forget all these prejudices. Your task is to learn to sing beautifully. Do not think about the little things, but go to your goal, not paying attention to anything.

Each person thinking about how to learn to sing at home should, first of all, evaluate his initial abilities. Do you know how to hear your own voice? Close your ears and say something. That's how it sounds. Be objective when evaluating it - do not overestimate or underestimate the assessment.

You can learn to intonate correctly using acapelic singing. It's about singing without musical accompaniment. Cover your ears and chant different tunes. Analyze the result, be sure to work on bugs and problem areas. Engage in self-education and learn music. Singing on notes is a great way to develop voice and hearing. The note is rather complicated, but to understand it yourself is quite real.

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