Can I pass on the rights of externally?

Suppose a person needs a driver’s license. For example, his career success, which means his personal material well-being, depends on the possibility of using a car. But he cannot regularly attend an educational institution (in this case, we are talking about a driving school) due to a banal lack of time, or due to family circumstances. In order for a person to have the possibility of self-realization, despite the current difficulties, an externalization system was created. That is, a person undergoing training (externs) is engaged in the study of the necessary material independently, at home, however, he passes the volume of the studied course at the exam on a general basis.

pass on the right externally
Thus, in order to pass on the rights of an external student, you must contact a driving school in order to register in it, but the future driver of the car will study the training course on his own.

Now it is possible to more fully disclose the topic of how to pass on the rights of external students, and the first thing that should be clarified to whom and for what reasons is the right to self-study granted without visiting a driving school?

The right to pass exams for an external driver license is granted:

  • in certain family circumstances, such as caring for a small child, an elderly or seriously ill relative;
  • with remote living from the city (village, village);
  • while studying at a higher educational institution.

An application for one of the reasons given, filed with the STSI, must be documented. In the absence of relevant information, it will be proposed to take a full-fledged training course on a common basis.

To pass on the rights of an external student you will need the following documents:

  • valid passport (expired or invalid identity documents are not allowed to be considered);
  • certificate of medical examination;
  • a set of completed forms, including an application for passing exams, for issuing an examination sheet and driver card;
  • 3x4 photo;
  • payment receipts (state duty, exam admission, driver's license payment receipt)

There is another problem: is it possible to pass on the rights of an external student, if a person does not have registration, or if he does not constantly live in the place where he plans to be examined? Then it is necessary to provide a certificate of permanent residence (registration) to the above documents.

Next, the traffic police checks the history of the external

After the delivery of all the relevant documents, the traffic police will check whether the applicant has received the right earlier, and if there has been a case of deprivation thereof. Then, through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a request is sent to the external residence of the permanent residence, excluding his being wanted, the answer can come both in a few days or in two months. After the inspection has collected all the information, an external permit is issued.

Is it possible to pass on the rights of external

An external student must pass a theoretical exam, implying knowledge of traffic rules. Tickets can now be purchased in specialized stores or downloaded from the Internet. Successful delivery of the theory will depend on the relevance of the material being studied, therefore, of course, it should contain all possible additions, innovations and corrections.


To pass the practical exam, the student needs to master the skills of driving a car on a special site and along city streets. Maneuvers at the HIDD site include:

  • slide;
  • parallel reverse parking and entry to the garage;
  • a snake;
  • U-turn

When driving around the city, the main role is played by the psychological mood of a person.

how to pass on the right externally
If you are too nervous, grabbing the wheel and frantically searching for signs, you should not hope for a successful exam. It is necessary to try to remove excessive stress, slowly making maneuvers, while carefully monitoring traffic signs and switching traffic lights, let pedestrians walking along the pedestrian crossing.

After successfully passing the exams, you can only get your driver’s license in the traffic police.

However, most recently, amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Road Traffic Safety” were adopted, in the first part of Article 26 on admission to passing exams there is no such thing as “self-study”, read “externship”. Therefore, everyone who wants to pass on the rights of external, should hurry up.

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