How to make a DIY fishing trough at home

A feeder feeder is an integral part of successful fishing. Due to its light weight, the bait is thrown over a long distance and allows you to hold the nozzle nearby. Today you can find many types of feeders: they differ in shape and material. Before you make a fishing trough with your own hands, we will get acquainted with the characteristics and types of fishing devices.

Feeding characteristics

Metal feeders are stronger than plastic. But the second is indispensable when fishing in a pond with depth differences. After cutting, such a feeder easily passes difficult areas. The metal device may not be particularly reliable, therefore, when choosing, you should pay attention to the place of soldering, the strength of the connection of the components.

how to make a cork fishing trough

Also, feeders are loaded and ordinary. The first view is characterized by a high level of noise when falling. This can frighten away the fish, especially if the pond is shallow. To avoid this, use a lighter feeder of the original form. One that can prevent noise. With a strong current, throw tackle with a loaded feeder.

In addition, they are closed and open type. The former are not suitable for a strong current, since water will be washed out of the bait. In this case, it is better to use a closed view of the feeder. Before being thrown into a pond, bait (maggots or small worms) is driven directly into it. At the bottom, she gets out through the opening of the feeder, attracting fish.

There is another type of closed device, in the form of a cell. It is called a "rocket." Use it for long casts. Before you make a fishing trough, you need to pay attention to the characteristics. "Rocket" has aerodynamic properties, allowing you to use sinkers of different weights at the time of fishing.

The most popular are open feeders. They are used in bodies of water with a weak current or with stagnant water. They need the simplest bait. Sometimes maggots, small worms or bloodworms are added. It is very important that the feed is loose. When the feeder is submerged, you need to make a small jerk so that it completely sinks under the water.

Varieties of feeders

There are several feeders that the fishermen make themselves. One of them has already been mentioned - this is a "rocket". Its peculiarity is that it is made of fishing line, and not of metal. Before you make a fishing trough, you need to determine the exact dimensions. Since it is designed for a large amount of bait.

how to make a feeding trough for fishing at home

The classic spring feeder is designed for long casts. It is filled with viscous mixtures, for example, porridge with the addition of oatmeal and clay.

But the most original device for fishing is the "maze". Before casting, the feeder is placed in a container with maggot, it climbs inside it, and then casting occurs. The β€œLabyrinth” is more suitable for delicate fishing. Because of the light weight, this device is far from being abandoned.

how to make a wire fishing trough

You should be aware that any of these types of feeders can be built independently. It happens that a product made by oneself is more successful than a manufacturing one.

How to make a fishing trough for donka

Experienced fishermen will surely remember the old-fashioned method of fishing on the donka: strong fishing line, large donka, large worm. Today, this method has been replaced by a new device - a feeder. With it, the bait is delivered directly to the place of fishing, periodically activating the fish to bite. This device in the store is inexpensive. But there are situations when a fish bites, and at that moment the line breaks off, in which case you have to buy a new feeder. To minimize costs, it is better to do it at home.

Tools and materials

Before you make a fishing trough, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • galvanized fence mesh;
  • copper wire;
  • sheet lead to wrap the cable;
  • electric drill;
  • bolt with nut.
    how to make a fishing trough do it yourself

First of all, a strip of the required length is cut from a grid sheet. Next, the slices are carefully bent inward and the strip is cut into equal parts. Before you make a fishing trough with your own hands, you need to decide what shape it will be: round, triangular or rectangular. Once this has been decided, the selected shape is attached to the grid, and a bracket for attaching the fishing line is made of wire. Next, the lead sheet is folded several times and the resulting strip is folded in half, and a hole is made in the center. A wire fastener is inserted between the two sheets and the finished structure is inserted into the mesh frame. At the last stage, the bolt is inserted through the drilled hole and fixed with a nut. Since making a fishing trough for fishing at home is quite simple, up to 30 such devices can be built in an hour.

Cork fishing

Among fishing enthusiasts, such a method as cork fishing is common. This tackle refers to passive methods. Cork is also called the modernization of the nipples. Most often they catch crucian carp with its help. Sometimes small carps or bream. The mechanism is as follows: the feed is fed directly to the point of fishing and is equipped with several hooks for fish. Sold several varieties of this gear. Various hooks can be purchased at the store.

Work stages

Before you make a fishing trough out of a cork, you need to drill four holes symmetrically into each other in it. Then, in three of them, stretch along the cambric and fasten the leashes. Cambrices prevent rubbing of fishing line on the edge of the cork. The leashes are made from a fishing line 5 cm long, which is tied to a hook with a short forend, then it will be slightly immersed in the bait. Since you need to make a feeding trough for fishing correctly, then the nodes must be performed clearly. To do this, you can turn to experienced fishermen for help.

how to make a fishing trough

Next, the bait is mounted on a hook and the hole is fixed with a swivel with a fastener, where the main fishing line is tied. A weighting agent is mounted inside the cork. For this, sheet lead is used, from which a small piece of a cylindrical shape is cut. It should be smaller than a cork in size. To fix the sinker, a hole is drilled. And then they connect the cork to the load with the help of a wire, making a twist of several revolutions inside the gear. After that, a viscous or tight bait is killed there, so that it is washed out by water. Next, the hook with the nozzle is inserted with the ringlet down so that it hides. So we looked at how to make a fishing trough for wire and cork.

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