The latest technology in dentistry: a review of methods, features and reviews

Medicine does not stand still, and dentistry is especially actively developing. Logically, information technologies are also involved as powerful and accurate tools. In recent years, even the concept of "computer dentistry" has appeared. Probably, all the latest technologies in dentistry, which will appear in the future, will be associated with computer technology.

Cars to help people

Digital technologies, in the first place, are relevant in orthopedic treatment, at all its stages. Systems have already been developed and are being implemented that completely independently fill out the necessary documents. Automated work includes modeling the oral cavity of a particular client with recommendations on exactly which treatment methods in this situation should become optimal.

latest technology in dentistry

The latest technology in dentistry allows you to analyze and process graphical data extremely quickly, and examine the patient in detail, without omissions. The results obtained in the course of research can be demonstrated to both the patient and colleagues.

I must say that the first such devices cost a lot of money, but the rapidly growing competition changed the situation. There are cameras for photo and video shooting in the oral cavity, which can be connected to a PC. Using this technique is easy. In advanced clinics, they practically do not turn to traditional x-rays; instead, radiovisiographs are used that do not irradiate the patient.

Three-dimensional medicine: the future is in our hands

Efficiency was shown by computer programs that record and analyze facial expressions of the patient. These are also new technologies in dentistry. Prosthetics becomes much simpler, requires less time, if the doctor previously has a full-fledged animated model of the oral cavity on the screen of his computer, where he can rotate it and examine it at any angle. Such programs are called 3D articulators.

To choose the best treatment option in a particular case, you can use computer treatment planning. By the way, special programs for controlling anesthesia were developed - the computer can now cope even with the task of anesthesia.

Neuromuscular Dentistry: New Technologies

Only the most modern dentistry institute of new technologies can afford the neuromuscular approach. Its advantage is that the neurophysiology of the patient’s oral cavity is also taken into account. Methods have been developed to study how active the masticatory muscles are, what is the ideal occlusion.

The best effect is provided by the fact that the doctor can simulate the trajectory along which the lower jaw moves and work on the prosthesis taking into account this information. If we are talking about a patient with TMJ dysfunction, then neuromuscular dentistry is the most reasonable option.

latest technology in dentistry

The pioneer in this area is the American company Miotronics. The company's specialists developed the K7 system, which has become widespread throughout the world. It is used in the most advanced Russian clinics.

Orthopedics versus dental problems

The latest technologies have found application in dentistry and in the work of orthopedic surgeons. Modern materials and a fundamentally new approach to prosthetics have helped to reduce the time to eliminate defects in the oral cavity while maintaining a high level of reliability.

new technologies in dentistry prosthetics

First of all, new technologies in orthopedic dentistry are, of course, materials. Damaged teeth are increased with the help of composites - this is the most effective way. The material is created artificially, it includes:

  • glass;
  • quartz;
  • porcelain flour;
  • silicon oxide.

The advantage of the composite is its extensive color map. The patient can choose the material as close as possible to the native shade of the teeth. So, the updated tooth will look one to one as a "native".

Institute of Dentistry of New Technologies

Often used in orthopedic dentistry ceramics. It allows you to make really beautiful and durable prostheses, so it is used primarily for front teeth. Artificial teeth will look like real ones, even coating them is like enamel. Ceramics are completely safe for health. Reinforcement is provided by a metal frame.

Novelties of dentistry: all stages of prosthetics are covered

Modern orthopedic dentistry is also new solutions in the following areas:

  • connection of materials;
  • prosthetic lining;
  • methods of manufacturing materials.

A technique has been developed for the strong connection of composite and metal. It is based on new methods of metal processing: mechanical, physico-chemical, combined. In recent years, there has been a great demand for adhesive technology. When accessed, ultra-strong adhesion can be guaranteed.

new technologies in orthopedic dentistry

The latest technologies are used in dentistry and when working on veneers and prostheses, onlays. Of the materials, the composite is really widespread, as the highest quality. It’s no longer scary to visit a dentist to install such a prosthesis, and no patient will experience pain.

Novelties in the arsenal of dentists

The most relevant new technologies in therapeutic dentistry in the treatment of root canals. This is the direction of dentistry, which is called endodontics. The main diseases studied by this industry are:

  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis.

If the root canals were well treated, the tooth will serve for a long time, despite the removal of the nerve. But complications can arise when pathological processes spread in the jaw bone. Then they talk about cysts and granulomas. Effective modern technology will help to avoid such a disaster.

One of the most effective technologies is depphoresis. It is used if you have to treat a tooth that has already been treated with a previously obsolete method. This technology is indispensable if a patient is diagnosed with a granuloma or cyst.

new technologies in therapeutic dentistry

And, of course, one cannot fail to say about the new materials used by dental therapists. Recently, glass ionomer cements, which have proved to be the most promising, have gained distribution. These materials have a minimal level of toxicity, but they are durable and beautiful. In addition, such cements due to the increased concentration of fluorides effectively fight against caries.

Dental crowns: new technologies to guard oral health

Modern dental crowns are made of a special material created on the basis of metal and ceramics. It was possible to automate the process of designing crowns and their manufacture.

CAD / CAM - this is the name given to these advanced technologies in dentistry. Crowns made in this way are ideal for the patient, and this is ensured by computer modeling of the oral cavity, so that at any time the doctor can examine the most inaccessible areas from all sides.

CAD / CAM is used to create prostheses and pads, crowns of the most complex types and shapes. The technology is quite expensive, but it significantly reduces the length of stay at the doctor and allows you to get perfect crowns, which can not be said about older methods.

technology in dentistry crowns

You can’t save on your health

It's no secret that the dentistry of new technologies in Moscow will cost a lot. Much less money can be spent if you turn to the old, "grandfather" methods, or even go specifically to a small town on the periphery of the Moscow region, hoping to find a low price tag.

Doing so strictly is not recommended. Bad dentures can ruin your future life and lead to many problems. Therefore, really reasonable behavior is an appeal to specialists practicing the most modern methods.

Be sure to make sure that the work uses modern and effective materials.

dentistry of new technologies in Moscow

If you have the opportunity to visit a clinic offering computer modeling, you should afford it without looking back at the price tag.

Patient Experience: Usefully

When choosing a dental clinic, you should definitely study the reviews: find out from friends and acquaintances where they treated their teeth, what are the general impressions. Gathering information, it is necessary to analyze not only how positive the reviews are, but also how much you can trust them.

The latest technology in dentistry is the key to a perfect smile, as evidenced by the reviews of satisfied patients.

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