How to choose glue for plastic

There are a lot of varieties of plastic, but they are all divided into two groups: thermosets and thermoplastics.

Therefore, for the high-quality repair of plastic products, it is necessary to know what type of plastic they are made of, this will help determine with which adhesive to glue the plastic of a certain group. After all, even in this seemingly uncomplicated matter, there are tricks. So, for example, a plastic toy can be repaired with a conventional soldering iron, but for a carbalite ashtray, it is better to use glue for plastic brand BF-2.

adhesive for plastic
I propose to consider both groups in more detail in order to understand all the subtleties of bonding split parts.

Repair and bonding of thermosets

Items made of this type of plastic cannot be softened, melted and reshaped, and if a thing is broken, then it can only be glued. From such plastic make dishes, perfume jars, buttons, cases for phones and cameras, sockets and plugs. All of these items can easily break or crack when dropped, and for their repair you will need glue for plastic grade BF-2 and BF-4, as well as nitrocellulose, polyvinyl chloride and polyvinyl acetate adhesives.

best glue for plastic

Bonding is carried out in several stages:

  1. The kink is thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt, and must be degreased. To do this, it is better to wash the broken parts with hot water and soap.
  2. Glue a thin layer on carefully dried surfaces and dry it so that it does not stick to the fingers.
  3. The second layer of glue is also applied to both surfaces and held for 1-2 minutes, after which the parts are combined and put under the press.
  4. The drying process lasts 3-4 days.

Repair and bonding of thermoplastics

Plastics of the thermoplastics group are easily softened by heat and can melt under the influence of certain solvents. Such plastic is used in the production of stationery pens, soap dishes, combs, eyeglass frames and children's toys. Previously, all these items were made of combustible plastic celluloid, but now it is increasingly being replaced by non-combustible cellulose acetate. Both the one and the other plastic dissolve well in acetone. Glue for this type of plastic can be made independently; for this, a solvent (2 parts) and celluloid sawdust (1 part) acting on the desired type of plastic will be required. The ingredients are mixed and stored in a vessel with a tight lid.

how to glue plastic

Bonding of thermoplastics differs from thermosets, it can be implemented in several ways:

1 way

The split parts are lubricated with a solvent acting on the plastic and wait until the edges of the split become sticky, after which the parts are folded and placed under the press until they are completely hardened.

2 way

For bonding use nitrocellulose glue for plastic brands "Mars", "Ts-1" and "MTs-1."

3 way

The edges to be glued are heated over the fire or hot metal is applied to them, after which the softened edges of the parts are connected. When heating, it is necessary to prevent burning, so that the seam is not dark.

So that the repaired thing lasts a long time and does not lose its appearance, you need to choose the best glue for this type of plastic. After all, only correctly selected glue will provide a reliable connection.

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