Green base for makeup: application, manufacturers review, reviews

The cosmetic market is filled with a huge number of caring and decorative products for a beautiful and healthy appearance. Professional makeup artists recommend using special primers before applying the tonal foundation. A green base for makeup is in demand among a large number of buyers, as it has a number of positive properties.


Many girls believe that a primer is not a necessary tool for creating makeup, but a successful commercial move by cosmetic companies. However, this tool performs several functions. According to professional makeup artists, a green base for makeup is the best option for oily, sensitive and problematic skin.

How to apply a green base under makeup

The main properties of the cosmetic product are as follows:

  • neutralization of a red tint on the skin;
  • masking inflammation, irritation and other imperfections;
  • relief alignment;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • making the face dull.

It should be noted that the effect of using a green base for makeup persists throughout the day, and the pigment is able to neutralize redness from temperature extremes. Having a small amount of silicones helps protect pores, smooth the surface and fill in any wrinkles.

Instructions for use

The green base for makeup needs the right application to get the perfect result for the whole day. Before applying, it is necessary to cleanse the skin with a cleanser, then use a tonic and moisturizer. After the preparatory phase, you can begin to use the primer. There are two main ways:

Reviews about the green base for makeup
  1. For owners of problematic and sensitive skin. This type is especially prone to the appearance of redness, the presence of imperfections and a vascular network on the surface. Professional makeup artists recommend applying it with your fingers on the entire face with a thin layer. To absorb it, it takes several minutes, after which you can apply decorative cosmetics.
  2. Spot masking. Every girl often faces the problem of the sudden appearance of imperfections on her skin. In this case, the green base for makeup is applied exclusively to the area of ​​inflammation and redness. It is very important to blend the boundaries of the product to create the perfect look.

The assortment of the global cosmetic market is filled with many trading brands that are in demand among buyers. Thanks to the reviews of makeup artists and ordinary girls, you can make a list of the best green makeup bases at an affordable cost.


Polish budget cosmetics company produces a huge number of caring and decorative products. The green base for makeup "Evelyn" won the hearts of millions of buyers in just a few months. This tool is intended to mask imperfections, redness and the vascular network. It is developed taking into account the needs of all skin types, moisturizes and quickly evens out the natural shade and relief, and also prepares for the application of decorative products.

Green base for makeup "Evelyn"

The liquid consistency is perfectly distributed over the face due to the presence of volatile silicones. The base lies with an invisible veil and merges completely with any skin tone. Professional makeup artists in reviews of the green base for makeup "Evelyn" recommend applying it with a driving motion. After a few minutes, the redness completely disappears, the surface is leveled, the pores are narrowed and the irritations become less noticeable. This tool is quite persistent and the effect persists throughout the day. To use a small amount of base is needed, so the expense will be incredibly economical.


This cosmetic company is used both by professional makeup artists when working with clients, and by ordinary girls at home. The green base for makeup “Smashbox” is enriched with many moisturizing, leveling, soothing and filling ingredients, as well as herbal extracts. Packaging from a soft tube allows you to easily get the required amount of funds, which has a slightly gel consistency. It evenly lays on the skin and almost completely merges with the natural shade.

Green base "Smashbox"

This base is suitable for point correction of imperfections, as well as for application to the entire face. Buyers in the reviews claim that it perfectly hides redness in the nose, cheeks and chin, smoothes the surface and hides any imperfections. Due to the presence of filling components, pores and expression lines are smoothed out. The durability of this cosmetic product is quite high - about 8 hours, and the coating is absolutely not felt throughout the day.


The assortment of this brand presents 6 options for makeup base. Green is more popular because it combines several properties. A huge advantage of a cosmetic product is its packaging - a soft tube with a dispenser greatly facilitates the application process and ensures hygiene of use. The manufacturer claims that the tool is designed for professional correction of skin tone, masking redness, smoothing the natural relief and giving the dermis a healthy glow.

Green base "Clarins"

The manufacturer recommends applying the primer to the entire face or to individual areas for correction. The consistency is rather dense, creamy, but easily distributed and merges with the skin. The composition contains a small amount of shimmer to create the perfect tone. Reviews of the green base for makeup show that it perfectly conceals pores and stays on the skin all day. Due to the density and a large amount of green pigment, the product hides all redness and imperfections on problem skin.


To create the perfect make-up, it is necessary to use special tools that improve the appearance of the integument and help hide imperfections. The green base for makeup, according to customer reviews, is in demand due to the large number of properties. It will become an indispensable tool for owners of problematic, oily and sensitive skin types.

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