Apples or pears - which is more beneficial? Which is tastier? What is your favorite? As studies show, in our country it is for these two fruits that there is more demand than any other. Do I need to choose what is more beneficial for the body: a pear or an apple? Or is it better to buy everything at once and enjoy them together? Let's try to figure it out.
So familiar and so mysterious
Ask any of our compatriots which fruit is the most familiar and familiar to him, and most pears or apples will immediately come to mind. It's no secret to anyone how useful green, round, juicy, fragrant fresh apples are. They are good for the body, and help out with diets, and are rich in vitamins - a real storehouse. But pears are often remembered as a fruit with a wonderful aroma and incredibly sweet, honey taste. Rarely do people seriously think about what is more beneficial - apples or pears, and in the second place there are no less trace elements and vitamins that a person needs than in the first.
And what to choose?
In fact, there is no definitive answer that is universal and universal. Which fruit to give preference to, is decided only by the person himself. Apples or pears are not an easy choice; many dwell on their favorite taste. And this is the surest approach!
And in fact, and in another fruit, there are many important substances that can bring certain benefits in certain diseases. On the other hand, if there is a pathology, then you need to go to the doctor and choose effective medications with a specialist. No matter how good apples or pears, they will not heal the ulcer and the joints will not save. But from vitamin deficiency, no doubt, protect.
How to eat?
It is no secret that there is also a benefit from dried apples and pears, but the maximum saturation with vitamins and microelements will be when eating fresh fruits in their raw form. If you want to cook them, you can make juice, grind it in mashed potatoes or treat yourself to a vitamin milkshake. But heat treatment is recommended to be avoided, if possible, since a significant percentage of useful compounds are lost.
If fresh fruits are available, but the season is coming to an end and the crop needs to be harvested somehow, then the best option would be to dry apples, pears, cut into slices, and also make compotes, juices, preserves. Fruits can be dried. In the general case, preforms are considered more useful, during the preparation of which the products were not subjected to long-term heat treatment.
Pear: a healthy cocktail with a branch
Like an apple, fruit is useful as a preventative measure of vitamin deficiency. Its strengths are a high concentration of vitamins A, B, C, P. Pears contain a certain percentage of folic acid and some active trace elements: iodine, zinc, potassium. The use of pears also has a positive effect on the human body by providing an influx of iron, sodium, and magnesium.
Traditional medicine recommends
For a long time, the pear was considered a healing fruit. For example, its antibacterial qualities were known. Eating in reasonable amounts helps to normalize the gastric microflora and intestinal function. With constant eating of pears, you can not be afraid of the development of colonies of pathogenic microorganisms.
The fruits of a wild pear are considered more useful than domesticated. Arbutin, an antibiotic of natural origin, is present in such fruits. You can eat fruits raw or cook compote with them. Both options are useful for diseases of the genitourinary system, eliminate inflammatory processes. Pear compote, as some doctors claim, helps with prostatitis.
Is it possible or not?
One of the features of pear fruit is a high content of fructose, sucrose, and glucose. It would seem that this should ban the use of the fetus in food for diabetes, but in reality the situation is different: in reasonable quantities, pears are not just allowed, but recommended. A sweet, vitamin-rich fruit is usually served with dessert.
Apples, Apples!
Pears are pears, and apples were and will be a favorite in our latitudes, if only because they grow both in cultural conditions, in orchards and in adjoining areas, and in the wild - no special care is required. According to scientists, apples on our planet take first place in terms of prevalence among fruits. At the same time, they are rich in useful components, which makes the fruits indispensable for vitamin deficiency. It is recommended to eat apples with anemia, eliminating constipation. Fruits improve appetite, positively affect intestinal function and are a prophylactic against a number of pathologies.
Apples to children
One of the common childhood problems is acute diarrhea. You can cope with it without the use of medicines if you feed your baby green apples: daily they give fruit puree without added sugar - up to 150 g. This dish contains plenty of pectin, which heals and soothes the body’s tissues. Improving digestion is provided by the presence of tartaric, malic acid.
When is it still useful?
It is believed that apples will help restore body functions in colitis, gastritis, dyskinesia. It is better to choose sweet and sour varieties. Sweet fruits in mashed form can be beneficial in acute colitis and renal pathologies.
And what to choose?
This is not to say that apples are healthier than pears, although many are of that opinion. As nutritionists assure, the best option is a combination of fruits. You can cook juices and mashed potatoes from pears and apples at the same time, you can pamper yourself with a fashionable smoothie based on these fruits. The main thing is to remember that both fruits are useful fresh, and when processed they lose most of their positive qualities.