Proper balanced nutrition: a weekly menu

It does not matter whether a person has a beautiful figure or needs to be adjusted - a proper balanced diet has not harmed anyone. The work of all internal organs and systems completely depends on what products enter the body. A person who monitors what he eats, feels much better, healthier and more energetic than the one who is used to living in junk food and convenience foods. Is this not a reason to think about your diet?

It is fair to say that the state of the figure in the modern world also plays an important role. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in general help make the body more beautiful. The thing is that the appearance of a person is 100% dependent on his internal state. Therefore, in order to become better, in the first place it is worth thinking about the products used as the main factor in the healthy lifestyle.

What does the concept of “balanced nutrition” mean?

Proper balanced nutrition

For example, if a person needs to lose a few pounds of excess weight, such a diet would be the best option, since you do not need to invest a lot of effort and limit yourself to almost everything. Such food is also called rational, because the daily menu includes products that contain certain nutrients in the correct ratio. The balance of nutrients is what lies at the heart of such a diet. In other words, a person has the opportunity to lose weight, and his body does not suffer at all, since it receives all the important substances in the required dosage. This allows you to maintain activity, both physical and mental, as well as stimulate all systems for proper and productive work, which determines the general condition, including emotional.

A balanced diet eliminates the occurrence of stress that the body experiences under severe restrictions in food, especially during fasting. A properly composed menu involves the inclusion of “healthy” products of natural origin in the daily nutrition plan. And surely everyone knows how useful, for example, vegetables and fruits, herbs, fish, containing vital fatty acids, chicken, rich in protein, and so on.

In addition, a balanced diet allows you to maintain the normal functioning of internal organs in various diseases, including such severe ones as diabetes mellitus or pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Indeed, in this case, it is enough to exclude from the menu only a few products, such as sugar, salt, marinades, smoked meats, fast food, and after a while it will be possible to note a significant improvement in physical condition.

The main principles of a healthy diet: what is important to know?

Healthy eating

If you are going to change your life for the better, having reviewed the list of daily consumed products, you need to get acquainted with some of the features of PP. The main principles of a balanced diet:

  • Frequency. Nutritionists recommend that the daily norm be divided into 5 or 6 parts, that is, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and between them 2-3 snacks. Fractional nutrition for the body is better because it is easier to digest incoming food without stress.
  • Regularity. This means that you should eat daily at the same time. When the stomach gets used to the given regime, at a certain moment it will begin to secrete enough digestive enzymes to digest food.
  • Norm. It is important not to overeat and not to eat. If the body constantly feels a sense of hunger, he will think that “bad times” have come, and therefore you need to stock up on fat.
  • Benefit. The diet should be adjusted so that the body receives only the most useful. We are talking about the quality of the products and the way they are processed. It is believed that the closer the structure to the original, the better. Therefore, excessive heat treatment is useless.
  • Balance. The most important factor to keep. Balance is the ratio of consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates - BJU. These substances should be ingested daily and in sufficient quantities. You can pre-compile a balanced diet menu, distributing the norm for 7 days.





Average for any person




For slimming people




For people whose goal is to gain muscle mass (when playing sports)




  • Calorie content. Any product hides a certain number of calories. And for each person, depending on age, activity and their own desires, there is a daily rate. A deficiency or excess of calories is equally bad, since in the first case there may be a depletion of the body, and in the second - an increase in fat reserves.


Recommended Kilocalories

Children 1-3 years old


Children 3-5 years old


Children 5-10 years old


Adolescent boys


Adolescent girls




During pregnancy and lactation


Women experiencing heavy physical exertion




Men experiencing heavy physical exertion


Products beneficial to the body

Healthy dishes

What can a balanced nutrition menu consist of? The choice is very diverse, so there should be no difficulties with the preparation of the diet. It is recommended to include in the menu:

  • Soup. Mostly vegetable, but can be cooked with meatballs. Soup is cooked on water or a weak meat broth.
  • Meat and fish. Varieties that contain less fat are selected. However, fish can and sometimes even need to be bought oily. It contains useful fatty acids for the body.
  • Sour-milk and dairy products. Exceptionally low fat content. You can eat sour cream, natural yogurt and cottage cheese, drink milk and kefir. A limited amount of cheese is allowed to eat low-fat varieties.
  • The eggs. It is recommended that no more than 2 per day in the form of an omelet or hard-boiled.
  • Seafood.
  • Cereals and pasta. Buckwheat, brown rice and barley are useful. Pasta is only possible from durum wheat.
  • Vegetables, fruits and berries. It is advisable to use them in their raw form. It is recommended to make vegetable and fruit salads with dressing of sour cream, olive oil and natural yogurt. Berries can be used to make jelly on xylitol or fructose.
  • Sauces. In small quantities, you can use tomato, pomegranate and cranberry. Serve meat and fish sauces with a side dish.
  • Beverages. Natural coffee with milk, black and green tea, herbal infusions, sugar-free compotes, natural freshly squeezed juices.
  • Butter, olive, vegetable and linseed oil without heat treatment.

Products must not be fried or wiped. Boiled, stewed and oven-baked dishes are allowed.

Harmful products that should be completely discarded

Harmful products

Proper balanced nutrition is the lack of a diet:

  • Pasta
  • butter bread and rolls, white flour, puff pastries, dryers, biscuits;
  • white peeled rice;
  • fatty meats, sausages (sausages, sausages), smoked meats and delicacies;
  • salted and fatty cheeses;
  • cream, sweet and fatty curds, yoghurts, cheesecakes;
  • bananas, dates, figs, raisins;
  • spicy, salty, sweet snacks;
  • cocoa, chocolate (with the exception of bitter, but also in small quantities), various sweets, pastry shops and bakery products.

Whenever possible, you need to severely limit your intake of sugar and salt. The last seasoning significantly impairs the removal of fluid from the body, which is why a person very slowly sheds weight.

Balanced diet for weight loss: where to start compiling a diet?

Principles of a balanced diet

The menu must be written in such a way that the same dish does not occur more often than once every three days. It is important to diversify the diet in order not only to eat, but also to enjoy food. When compiling the menu yourself, it is important to divide the recommended number of calories consumed by the number of meals per day. Most often, for the purpose of losing weight, the body is given no more than 1200 kcal, or 1600 kcal if the girl is involved in sports. For example, breakfast, which is the most important meal during the day, may consist of foods and dishes, the total calorie content of which will be approximately 300-450 kcal. Leave as much for lunch. For dinner, it is recommended to eat less high-calorie foods. And the rest can be "scattered" for snacks.

Calorie content is easy to determine: if it is cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, kefir, meat, fish, cereals, then the amount of Kcal per 100 g of product is indicated on the package. If the dish is prepared on its own, the Internet will help. Now it’s not difficult to find calorie content, for example, steamed vegetable soup with mushrooms or steamed fish cakes. So the task will not be difficult.

A balanced diet for weight loss in the menu may contain your favorite goodies, sweets. But! It is allowed to indulge in this way only in the morning, only after breakfast, and only once a week, or even less. And we must not forget to drink plenty of plain purified water. The recommended amount is 2 liters per day.

Example menu for the week

Balanced menu for the week

Some are not ready for such a feat as self-preparation of a diet for a week. It’s easy to choose a menu, because there are a lot of examples and options on the Internet. Below are tables with possible dishes or foods recommended for eating throughout the day. For convenience, an example of a balanced diet for a week is presented in the form of a table. There are two options to choose from. The approximate serving volume is 150-250 g, and the proposed drink is approximately 200 ml.

The first day

Option No.






Oatmeal on the water, fruit salad, freshly squeezed juice.

Steamed fish, steamed, mashed potatoes with herbs, green tea.

Vegetable casserole with low-fat cheese, olive salad with fresh herbs, compote.

A glass of kefir or yogurt, any fresh fruit (except banana).


Low-fat cottage cheese with chopped herbs, carrot, apple and sweet pepper salad with dressing from vegetable oil, coffee with milk.

Low-fat beef soup, boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad, black tea.

Seafood vegetable salad, freshly squeezed juice.

Dark bitter chocolate (not more than 25 g), drinking low-fat yogurt.

Second day

Balanced balanced nutrition

It is important not to forget that the menu of balanced nutrition for a week necessarily includes water. It is recommended to drink one glass after waking up and before each meal.

Option No.






A slice of whole grain bread, greased with a thin layer of butter, a couple of slices of low-fat cheese, a glass of yogurt.

Broccoli soup with a spoonful of sour cream, boiled meat with steamed vegetables, cranberry jelly.

Cheesecakes with dried fruit compote.

Curd with jam, natural vegetable juice.


Steamed omelet from two eggs, a thin slice of doctor's sausage on a slice of bran bread, a mug of natural coffee with milk.

Vegetable soup in chicken broth (with mushrooms), baked fish with low-fat cheese (with lemon sauce), yeast-free bread, berry compote.

Fritters from vegetables, green tea.

Bread rolls with tomatoes, a glass of fermented baked milk.

Day three

Option No.






Milkshake (1 banana can be added), cottage cheese, coffee with milk.

Pea soup, vinaigrette, green tea.

Salad with seaweed and seafood, pomegranate juice.

Orange drinking yogurt.


Millet porridge, steamed pumpkin, berry smoothie.

Mushroom soup, charlotte with apples, black tea.

Boiled rice with beans and fresh tomatoes, apple compote.

Handful of walnuts, fruit smoothie.

Day four

A balanced diet for women who want to lose weight eliminates the addition of salt. Therefore, you need to try to cook dishes without it. The first time, it may be very difficult, the food will seem fresh and tasteless. But over time, the body will get used to it, and will react to salt already as it did before. The same goes for sugar.

Option No.






Muesli with milk, curd cheese, green tea.

Greek salad with boiled meat, black tea with lemon.

Meat stewed with vegetables, green tea.

Avocado, kefir, pear.


Buckwheat porridge in milk with honey, freshly squeezed fruit juice.

Baked salmon with green salad, cranberry jelly.

Boiled fish, vegetable stew, tea with lemon.

Mineral water, grapefruit, apple.

Fifth day

Option No.






Salad of green bell pepper, apple, kiwi, dill and olive oil, beef liver patty, rosehip drink with a spoon of honey.

Pearl barley porridge with mushrooms, fresh cabbage salad with cucumbers.

Baked apple, cottage cheese pancakes with dried fruit compote.

Dried fruits with nuts, cocoa with milk.


Cottage cheese casserole with berries, orange, green tea.

Chicken broth, boiled potatoes with herbs, steamed fish, berry compote.

Vegetable salad with meat and chopped herbs, tea from currant leaves with honey.

Orange juice, crackers.

Sixth day

What else should women know? The balanced nutrition menu can be varied with harmful products. After all, sometimes you want to drink sweet tea or coffee, eat a chocolate bar, enjoy the taste of blueberry muffins or sugar donuts. Of course, occasionally you can treat yourself, it will even be a plus for the body. But the key word here is occasionally. And it is advisable to include such products in breakfast, since in the morning the body converts sugar into energy in order to “charge” until the evening. Therefore, he does not have time for fat deposition.

Option No.






Barley porridge with milk, fresh berries I have yogurt, coffee.

Fish soup, fresh vegetable salad, brown rice, black tea with lemon.

Carrot casserole, vegetable juice.

Sweet curd with fresh berries, yogurt.


Egg omelet with mushrooms, a couple of slices of bran bread with boiled sausage and a slice of tomato, cocoa with milk.

Steamed cutlets, mashed potatoes sprinkled with herbs, salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage and bell pepper, berry jelly.

Barley porridge with mushrooms, coleslaw, avocado and cucumber salad, apricot compote.

One sponge cake or marshmallows, green tea.

Seventh day

Option No.






Oatmeal with milk and honey, freshly squeezed juice.

Seafood soup, brown rice with fish baked in foil in the oven, black tea with lemon.

Boiled chicken breast, tomato salad, baked apple, green tea.

Two or three oatmeal cookies, peach, freshly squeezed fruit juice.


Millet porridge on the water, a sandwich with whole grain bread and feta cheese, green tea.

Borsch on meat broth with sour cream, stewed potatoes with meat, vegetable mixture, green tea with lemon.

Cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots and almonds, black tea with lemon.

Tomato juice, several crackers with sliced ​​cheese.

So you should eat constantly. A balanced diet must be made your way of life, because otherwise it will not work to maintain health and figure in good condition. A person gets used to everything, so the difficulties that will disturb in the first days will pass in about a week. Moreover, a balanced diet is a rather diverse food.

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