How to find a girl's point of arousal - tips for men

This question excites not only young guys who have not gained enough experience in dealing with the female body. Often even mature men are perplexed: how to find a girl's point of arousal and what to do to bring her to the highest moment of pleasure as soon as possible?

What are erogenous points?

This concept implies a small area on the woman’s body (an area of ​​about one square centimeter), when touched, the nerve endings are stimulated. This causes the release of hormones (in particular, oxytocin), the brain gives a command that reaches the destination by the nerve cells. As a result, a woman is released lubricant, she is ready for sexual intercourse. The psychological state is similar in this case: she is satisfied with the partner and is ready to give affection and love herself.

The longer the effect on the points of excitement in girls will be, the more vivid orgasm can be achieved. As you know, in women it is of two types:

  • vaginal;
  • clitoral.

A common mistake is to think that the clitoris is a small organ in which there are many nerve endings. In fact, it is not so small, just on the surface of the body it is presented in the form of a small process about a few millimeters in size. And inside the body, it can reach a size of about ten centimeters. So the clitoral orgasm can be very bright, in some cases even longer and more pleasant than the vaginal.

wrists point of arousal

Ways to stimulate

How exactly to stimulate erogenous points depends on the individual preferences of each individual girl. Someone likes the touch of the tongue. Or lips, their mucous parts. And someone, on the contrary, inwardly shudders in a negative sense from wet touches. This will appeal more to caresses with warm fingers.

We can distinguish the following ways of stimulating the points of excitement in girls:

  • touch;
  • stroking;
  • biting;
  • licking;
  • kisses
  • trituration;
  • blows;
  • patting.

If sexual relations with a partner have arisen not so long ago, you should be careful and start the prelude with banal methods of stimulation - these are kisses and stroking. A sharp transition to aggressive stimulation (blows, rubbing, patting) can surprise a girl and even cause fear. Before moving on to one or another method of stimulating the erogenous zone, one should "probe the soil": find out what its relation to hard sex or non-traditional caresses is.

Female body anatomy: arousal and bring to orgasm

It’s harder for a woman to get an orgasm than a man. That is why long and high-quality foreplay is so important to her. A man can easily do without them and complete sexual intercourse in just a few minutes. For this, a woman may require from twenty to thirty minutes - with all the desire, she simply physically will not be able to get an orgasm faster.

Roughly speaking, if the partner really wants to give the woman pleasure, then the sexual act should be divided into two parts: foreplay (foreplay) and coitus (intercourse).

The average duration of the prelude (stimulation of the erogenous zones) is about twenty minutes. Depending on the individual preferences of the woman, this time may be a little less or more. The average duration of coitus is about fifteen minutes. Depending on the sexual strength of the man and his erection, this time can be longer and reach forty to fifty minutes.

woman's arousal points

Psychological moments of intimate caresses

No wonder there is an opinion that an orgasm is born in the head. If a girl is tense, her thoughts are focused on everyday problems, her partner is annoying, she is unlikely to reach orgasm. And if after mechanical long-term stimulation she nevertheless succeeds in doing this, psychological relaxation will not follow. As a result, this will affect communication and attitude towards the partner.

Some men prefer to treat her with a new partner before having sex with a glass of wine so that she relaxes. In some cases, it really helps to forget about everything and surrender to the sensations. Especially if the girl is not completely experienced.

female lips - the point of arousal

Girl Arousal Points: List

You can select areas of the body, touch which provokes sexual arousal in the fair sex. Among them:

  • Nipples of the female breast.
  • Lips, tongue, gums.
  • Hands and wrists.
  • Toes, feet.
  • Neck and ears, as well as patches of skin behind the ears.
  • Buttocks and lower back.
  • The inner surface of the thigh.

Where are the girl's erogenous zones, the stimulation of which will cause an orgasm? This is a very individual question. You can put nipples in first place - this is the most sensitive erogenous zone. In second place - lips, earlobes, neck. The honorable third place is occupied by the buttocks and the inner surface of the thigh.

foot erogenous zone of women

How to bring a girl to orgasm by stimulating the nipples of the female breast

Without exaggeration, the nipples are the most erogenous zone. Care should be taken when caressing: strong biting can cause pain and decrease excitement. In addition, hematomas are easily formed on sensitive skin of the female breast.

The best way to stimulate - gentle language movements that mimic sexual intercourse. The pace and intensity of touching the tongue and lips to the nipple should repeat those during intercourse. Such a caress will quickly lead the partner to the association and cause additional excitement.

The breasts of some girls are so sensitive that just competently performed stimulation of the nipples can be brought to orgasm. At the same time, it will be no less intense than with the oral caresses of the clitoris.

In some women, the breast is less sensitive, but this does not mean that you should not pay attention to it. Often, women like not only touching their nipples, but also compressing their breasts, massaging and even rubbing this area.

lips erogenous zone

Feet and toes

The points of excitement in the girls on the feet are the areas between the fingers, the crease on the sole, and the little finger. You can just massage these areas with your hands, you can try kissing or licking them.

It is rare that a girl can admit that caressing her feet gives her great pleasure. She thinks that it can be unpleasant for a man to caress his legs. So you can safely try to do foot massage yourself, pleasantly surprising your partner.

Do not deprive the attention also of the inner surface of the thighs, this area is also very sensitive. Hands, wrists are another underestimated area, the touch and caress of which will help the girl to relax and become aroused. You can caress them with your tongue, lips, fingers. The pace of touch can be slow and smooth or fast and persistent.

foot massage

Earlobes and neck

This is the area that is nice to kiss and caress the tongue. And it’s nice not only to the partner, but also to the one who caresses. You can use a different style of caresses: slow, with strong pressure or fast, sliding. If the partner in response tries to caress the man, then he is on the right track and she is pleased.

Most men often forget about this area or give it insufficient attention. While this is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones. There are also many nerve endings in the area behind the ears: you can lick this area several times, the partner is guaranteed to like it.

ears erogenous zone

Buttocks and inner surface of the legs

Female buttocks are a rather sensitive erogenous zone. Depending on the preferences of both partners, you can massage this area of ​​the body or cover it with kisses.

Sophisticated in sexual matters, women love not just the caresses of the surface of the female buttocks, but the kisses of the area around the anus. An even greater number of nerve endings are concentrated there. Such a caress will help bring the girl to orgasm very quickly. The simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris in women with caresses of the buttock area is guaranteed to give an unforgettable experience.

The inner surface of the legs is another underestimated erogenous zone. This area of ​​the body is very sensitive. Starting to caress her, a man will pleasantly surprise his girlfriend and give her a hitherto unfamiliar gamut of emotions and sensations.

Causes of disruption of erogenous zones in girls

Advice to men on how to give their girlfriend the most vivid sensations can be useless in only one case. If a woman has some psychological problems or disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, as a result of which the nerve endings lose their sensitivity.

There are cases of complete or partial frigidity, in which even stimulation of the clitoris in women cannot lead to orgasm. Such pathologies are quite rare, and for their correction it is necessary to seek the advice of a sexopathologist.

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