How to reduce screen brightness on a computer: tips and guides

Setting the display of information on a computer plays an important role. These parameters are responsible for the comfort of working with the operating system. Today we will talk about how to reduce the brightness of the screen on the computer. The answer to a similar question can be useful to everyone. For example, an amateur gamer or laptop owner. The task set before us has many simple solutions, but not everyone knows how to use them. The instructions below will help shed light on adjusting the brightness of the image in the operating system in one case or another.

Power and Brightness Settings

In games

Often, users think about the "game" with the brightness of the image during the launch of a variety of virtual toys. In particular, horror. In them, brightness is responsible for the atmosphere of the gameplay.

Usually, when launching a particular toy, users are prompted to set the previously mentioned parameter. Before starting a game session, the brightness adjustment screen appears on the display. It is enough to move the slider in one direction or another, and then confirm the changes.

If you want to reduce the brightness of the monitor on the laptop during the game, you can use the application options. To cope with the task, you need:

  1. Go into the toy.
  2. Open Options.
  3. Go to the "Screen" section.
  4. Set image display options in the "Brightness" section.
  5. Click on the "Save" button.

That's all. Usually this option helps to customize the display of a particular toy. A significant drawback is that the user will have to set his own image brightness parameters in each application.

Keyboard to help

How to reduce screen brightness on a computer? Users have the opportunity to choose an action algorithm. Next, consider the universal tricks. They will help to change the display settings of all information on the computer.

Where to adjust the brightness of the display

For example, you can cope with the task using the keyboard. Reception is most often used on laptops.

What to do to activate it? To adjust the brightness of the computer screen, you will have to:

  1. Press the Fn button.
  2. While holding down the key, hold down F5 or F6. In the first case, the brightness will decrease, in the second - increase.
  3. As soon as the desired result is achieved, release the keys.

Optionally, the F5 and F6 buttons will be responsible for the brightness settings of the display. Just look at the top panel of the keyboard. There will definitely be buttons with the image of the sun. They are responsible for brightness. More detailed information will have to be clarified regarding each keyboard or laptop.

Important: monitors also have specialized buttons. They can be used in exactly the same way as a laptop keyboard.

Power supply

How to reduce the brightness of the screen on a laptop or increase it? For example, you can use the power settings. There will definitely be a parameter "Brightness".

To enter the corresponding menu, you need:

  1. Open the "Control Panel" in any known manner. For example, through the menu item "Start".
  2. Go to the "Equipment and Sound" section.
  3. Click on the "Power" item.

To adjust the brightness, you will have to move the slider at the bottom of the window to the right or left. Once the desired result is achieved, you can close the active service. How to reduce screen brightness on a computer?

Fast passage

The following technique allows you to quickly go into the power settings and adjust the brightness of the image in the operating system. Usually this method is relevant for laptops.

Correcting brightness in a specific power mode

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Hover over the battery image. It is located to the left of the clock, in the PC tray.
  2. Click RMB.
  3. Click on the inscription "Power Settings".

Now you can adjust the brightness of the display and close the corresponding window. Fast, easy and very convenient!

Important: as an alternative method, it is proposed to select the "Adjust brightness" option. You can find it in the same place as the "Power Settings". Now it’s clear how to reduce the brightness of the screen on a computer or laptop.

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