Regina: the meaning of the name, character and fate

What is the meaning of the name Regina? Strong, majestic, beautiful - it is rarely found today. What does the name mean, what influence does the fate and character of its owner have? The answers to these questions are offered in the article.

What is the origin and meaning of the name Regina

For starters, it's worth figuring out where it came from. What is the meaning and origin of the name Regina? Linguists ascribe to him Latin roots. Queen, queen, ruler - such a name has a name. Scandinavia is considered his homeland, and it is borrowed from mythology. Legend associates the name with the bloodthirsty Valkyrie Regin Lave.

little regina

Regina girls in our country are rarely called. This allows the owner of the name to believe in her uniqueness and uniqueness. Regina, Reginochka, Regka, Reginka - diminutive and caressing options. It must be borne in mind that the name is absent in the calendar. When baptized, Regina will be called differently. Abroad, it is also not widespread. In France, one can find a variation of Regin, in China - Ledzhin, and in the United States - Regina.


Patron Planet - Jupiter.

The totem animal is the eagle.

Zodiac sign - Leo.

The color of the name is purple.

Talismans - amethyst, ruby.

The plant is basil.

Regina in childhood

Queen, queen, ruler - the meaning of the name Regina. For a girl whose name is that, there is nothing more important than her own desires. From the first years of her life, she does everything possible to become the center of attention of others. If mother and father do not pay due attention to raising a child, Regina can grow up spoiled and moody. Parents should teach their daughter to direct her inherent energy in the right direction, periodically "land" her. Fortunately, she lends herself well to education.

Regina in childhood

Regina's mother and father should not hope that the girl will bring only fives from school. It is not the lack of talent that prevents the owner of the name from learning. Regina has a lively and moving mind, she is assiduous. Conflicts with teachers negatively affect a child’s performance. The girl’s relations with peers also do not add up; she constantly starts quarrels.

What else do you need to know for parents who are interested in the meaning of the name Regina for the girl and the fate of its owner? The performance and energy that it possesses help to achieve marked success in sports. The owner of the name will be happy to attend training. Regina has every chance to seriously get involved in rhythmic gymnastics and dancing.


Queen, queen, ruler - this is the meaning of the name Regina. The character of its owner is appropriate. Independent, strong, energetic and self-confident - this is how you can briefly describe the adult Regina.

character named Regina

Purposefulness, ambition are qualities that lead her through life. Regina loves to set global goals and translate her plans into reality. The owner of the name is not afraid of difficulties, they only temper her character. The more difficult the work, the more enthusiastically it will take it. This girl is endowed with the makings of a leader, knows how to rally people around her and turn them into a single team.

Accuracy, punctuality are qualities Regina also has. This girl can not be called overly economical, but she has a reasonable attitude to money.

Friendship, communication

Queen, ruler, queen - such is the name Regina. Is it any wonder that in the company of friends she always seeks to take on the role of a leader. In adulthood, the owner of the name gets along better with others than in childhood. Friends love her for her positive attitude, excellent sense of humor, and her ability to have fun. Loneliness Regina does not tolerate well, she has a wide circle of friends.

Regina’s character and fate

This is not to say that it is always easy to communicate with the owner of the name. Regina may be too demanding of those around her. It is enough for a person to let her down once so that she erased it from her life forever. This girl prefers to be friends with like-minded people. People who hold fundamentally different views on life are not on the way with it.

Profession, business

Queen, queen, ruler - this is how the name Regina is translated. The meaning of the name and the fate of its owner are interconnected. It has a certain effect on the choice of profession. Regina is suitable for jobs involving frequent trips, business trips, as she loves traveling. She may give preference to areas of activity related to sales, advertising.

Regina's career

Regina is also suitable for professions that will allow her to help people. The owner of the name can become a doctor, lifeguard, social worker. A lively and moving mind will allow this girl to succeed as a developer of the latest technologies, a design engineer, a research scientist. Regina may also prefer a creative profession, for example, to become a journalist, photographer, choreographer.

The owner of the name has every chance to succeed in business. They will help her in this ability to unite people in one team, as well as a reasonable attitude to money. However, high incomes will never be the main goal that Regina sets for herself. It is important for this girl to enjoy work. Also, recognition is important to her, which motivates her to climb the career ladder.

Love sex

Without fans, the “queen” remains rare. Men are attracted to Regina by her virtues such as sophistication, charm, sense of humor. Conquering this girl is not easy, but keeping it is even more difficult. Regina is demanding in relation to the representatives of the stronger sex, who claim her to her attention. With a man who disappoints her, she easily breaks up. The owner of the name leaves once and for all, it is not worth hoping for her return.

Regina in love

Regina is a passionate woman, sex plays an important role in her life. If the partner does not fit her in bed, he should not hope to continue the relationship. Her fleeting affair also happens from time to time. Regina can spend the only night with a man, and in the morning forget about this episode forever.

Marriage, family

The meaning of the name Regina is the queen. Such a girl wants to see next to him a man who is worthy of her. The owner of the name is attracted by strong, courageous, successful guys. Early marriage is not a typical situation for Regina. She is ready to look for her soul mate for a long time. In addition, it is important for her to spend some time with her chosen one without a stamp in her passport in order to check her and his feelings.

In marriage, Regina seeks leadership. Given that she can only marry a strong and powerful man, this is not always good. Conflicts are inevitable in the family, the goal of which is the struggle for power. If Regina does not agree to give up the “post” of the head of the family to her husband and does not learn to compromise, she should be afraid of divorce. This woman does not forgive betrayal. If a man betrays her, she will not hesitate to cross him out of her heart and life.

Regina is a wonderful hostess, in whose house coziness and cleanliness reign. She is able to spend several hours creating another culinary masterpiece, she is happy to host guests. The owner of the name prefers to raise children in severity. Her children from an early age are accustomed to discipline. Regina does everything possible in order to grow her heirs as independent and responsible people, devotes much attention to their intellectual development.


What is hiding from others a woman named Regina, the meaning of a name, character and fate of which is considered in the article? Perhaps her main secret is her vanity. For the sake of recognition from others, the owner of the name sometimes commits unpleasant acts. Regina’s apologies are not easy, even if she’s ready to admit her wrong.

mystery named Regina

Developed intuition is another secret of this woman. She knows how to predict the future, to predict the actions of other people. This ability can help her succeed in life if she uses it for good, not harm. Also, one cannot fail to mention Regina's rich imagination.


In general, the health of the owner of the name is not a concern. Regina from childhood gets used to monitor her well-being, listens to the slightest changes in her body. She will not disregard the disturbing symptoms, she will certainly go to the doctor and will follow all the recommendations.

The woman, who was so called, is recommended to protect her nervous system. Her emotional excitability can lead to sleep problems, overwork and stress. Regina also has migraines from time to time.

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