Uranus in the 8th house in the natal chart

Death, other people's money, sex, transformations, occult sciences, purification - all these are the main functions of the 8th house of the horoscope, which is controlled by the mystical and mysterious Scorpio. This astrological segment serves to expand the consciousness of man, his aspirations to grow not on the material, but on the spiritual level. The higher planet Uranus in the 8th house of the natal chart can give peculiar phenomena and changes. In the horoscope of every person, the uranic aspect is considered a sudden and destructive phenomenon, and also symbolizes unusual abilities.

Planets in space

General characteristic: effect on man and woman

A native with such an arrangement of the planet in the house of transformations often stumbles upon difficulties related to other people's finances. Uranus can provide a non-standard way of managing the capital of other people. As snow falls on the head, inheritance may fall. A person is endowed with occult talents, he is attracted to the study of parapsychology, physics, and he may also be concerned about reincarnation issues. He approaches the theme of death and sex in a very original way. Unrequited love and unusual dreams often visit the cardholder. There is a chance of an unexpected passing away that these people foresee. You must handle electricity as carefully as possible and avoid being obsessed with money, otherwise these phenomena can directly lead to bad consequences. Men with Uranus in the 8th house on the road should be careful when driving a car. Also, danger may lie in wait when negligent handling explosive objects. Those born at the time Uranus is in the 8th house are sometimes overtaken by financial troubles, because of which their mood can constantly deteriorate, which leads to depression, pessimism and lack of interest in life, trouble in marriage, quarrels and material difficulties. During a thunderstorm, all safety precautions should be observed so as not to become a victim of an electric lightning discharge. Uranium in the 8th house in a woman warns about problems associated with pregnancy and children, especially with bad aspects in the 5th house.

The eighth house of the horoscope

In Aries

Explosive reckless Uranus. In the 8th house in the natal chart of a person this is not an easy situation. Active desire to desire everything and immediately. Scandalous divorce, accompanied by scenes, beating dishes, screaming and assault. With a good aspect, brilliant inventive ideas are born. Danger can await where there is fire, war and cars. Also, all piercing and cutting objects should be handled carefully. The head is the most vulnerable organ. Extreme situations await at the time of sudden changes. Unjustified risk with disregard for the consequences.

If a person has transformed, no matter which way, then he will not become the same. After the wedding, all donated money can instantly "fly into the pipe." If you do not stop these moments, the family will constantly endure the need and squander the first bills that fell into the hands of.

There is a lot of fire and passion in sex, both partners are insatiable. Obsessed with non-traditional types of sex. What to expect from the transit of Uranus through the 8th house is the abundance of natural disasters, wars, as well as an explosion of innovative ideas.

In Taurus

A person with the earthly position of Uranus in the 8th house, namely in Taurus, perfectly “merges” into unexpected changes, without the introduction of this planet, the changes are transferred quite hard. Such people especially feel strength at tipping points. Nativa is attracted to mysticism and modern chemistry, fortune telling on coins or with the help of things.

Monotonous sexual poses quickly bore, the most attractive extreme places for intimacy, despite the judgmental looks of others. These are excellent masseurs, aroma singers, as well as acupuncture masters. A woman with excitement will let her husband’s money down the drain. To a man with Uranus in the 8th house in the sign of Taurus, fate can present a surprise in the form of a rich bride.

Born with such a horoscope is always ready to stand out from the crowd and do an unusual thing for spiritual development. The transit of Uranus through the 8th house in Taurus warns against meaningless spending and investing money in dubious banking institutions. A large inheritance is possible. Death comes calm, without torment.

Uranus in the 8th house

In the twins

Born under the influence of Uranus in the 8th house of a solarium in the Gemini air sign, he has astrological abilities, writing talents, and can also master the science of hypnosis. The word often has violent power and in this way a person can predict the future. "Friends" with technology, knows how to find a way out of crisis situations at the most unexpected moment. The native does not control his fear of intimate relationships, citing the lack of those qualities that the partner wants to see. If the sexual component of marriage is active, then there will not be enough “fire” in it. But if Scorpio stands on the ascendant, then Nativ realizes himself in sexology.

In words often sounds understatement. Money can come from the younger relatives of the wife or husband. A person can quickly “squander” inheritance, or the fact itself may turn out to be a lie. The probability of danger in the air: airplanes, altitude, extreme rides, hurricanes.

In cancer

An important role in obtaining money in a marriage will be played by the parents of the husband or wife. Long adaptation to a new job. The painful fear of change has a heavy effect on the psyche, since the watermark of Cancer in astrology is considered a symbol of old traditions. However, Uranus can give a completely new look to man on history, the revival of everything old, only in a new form. The patriotic attitude to the Motherland is also understood in a new way. These people endure tipping times in two ways: in appearance they are ready to fight with them, but in the depths of their tearing souls, non-childish bursts of emotions will rage. With stressful aspects, there may be a desire to live at the expense of others. In a good horoscope, Uranus in the 8th house gives softness and complaisance to a marriage partner and his relatives. Nativ has increased suspicion, it is likely to reveal the gift of communication with the world of the dead. The tendency to deep immersion in trance and meditative practices.

In Leo

Born with the position of Uranus in the 8th house, on the cusp of which is the sign of Leo, with great pleasure they take risks without fear of death. They love to swim in carnal pleasures, enjoy the big money and gifts from their spouse. All financial resources are under strict control of Nativ, especially when the Capricorn sign is in the first house. At the beginning of a married life, it’s a little tight with money, but, unlike the situation in Aries, where banknotes are thoughtlessly spent, the pair will have the potential for a reasonable investment. Such people are endowed with leadership qualities, powerful endurance and free judgment. With a poor study of the aspect, there is a possibility of betrayal and "squandering" of sexual energy. Astrologers warn of the danger of death from large animals, during an orgasm or heart attack. Also, selfishness and excessive pride can serve as a cause of failure.

Uranus in space

In Virgo

A person with such an arrangement of Uranus is easily trained, especially when it comes to mathematics and the calculation of financial resources. Aspect can be found among bank employees. Such people are skeptical of mysticism and the existence of paranormal phenomena. Everything should be substantiated logically and supported by material facts. Pickiness for the spouse, asexuality, exactingness to details are one of the main indicators of Virgo on the cusp of the 8th astrological field.

A pragmatic approach to family life with the division of the marriage bed. Divorce can take place with the "removal of the brain" and paperwork. If in memory there is an unpleasant small moment connected with the attitude of the spouse, then it will scroll in Nativ’s head for a long time, right up to the insane asylum.

With all the skepticism of such personalities, wonderful astrologers can turn out. Often these are centenarians, but they should not be long in the cold and in places where there is a danger of rockfall.

In Libra

An original approach to marriage is observed in people whose Uranus is in the 8th house in Libra. Individual space is of great importance to them. Such a person will never humiliate himself in front of his spouse. The stamp in the passport and the conclusion of prenuptial agreements are not their "horse", since such formality is equal to an encroachment on freedom. But if Nativ decided on such a brave step, he will act in good conscience. With a poor study of the aspect, compliance is observed, merging with the "gray masses", a wedding of convenience. Such people approach mysticism philosophically, with a share of aesthetics. If a person born with Uranus in Libra on the 8th segment of the horoscope does not step on a path dotted with bad habits, he will have a long and calm life in abundance. Possible marriage with a widowed man.

In Scorpio

Scorpio sign

The exalted position of the planet in the 8th house is a sign of transformations and the struggle with negative qualities of character. This is a generation of inborn psychologists and psychics with steel hardening and powerful enthusiasm. Born with Uranus in the sign of Scorpio in the 8th house, there is enough strength and endurance to absorb knowledge. “All or nothing,” is their motto in the battle with problems and survival in crisis situations.

Irrepressible sexuality, the depth of emotions, love of life and the ability to make the right money contributions are the main distinguishing features of the aspect. With a good "pumping" of this situation - loyalty to her husband until the end of days. The unprocessed level speaks of a scandalous and embittered person, screaming about the lack of attention to her person.

In order to avoid mortal danger, extreme care must be taken with medicines, avoid radioactive zones, suspicious gangs, and swim less in deep and dubious bodies of water. Favorable position for an unexpected inheritance.

In Sagittarius

A native with this position of Uranus in the 8th segment of the astrological chart is freedom-loving, smart and impulsive. The craving for non-standard study of cultures of other countries knows no limit. A traveler at risk in dangerous but fascinating places.

He carries over divorces with ease, without clarification of relations and division of property. With a low "pumping" aspect, life often presents Nativa with not the most pleasant surprises. The dismissal from work with a bang, the breakdown of family relations, the lack of money the native endures, without losing heart. The energy and vigor of his spirit will be enough to get out of this “swamp” and wipe his nose out of trouble. There is a chance to get a tidy inheritance from abroad, especially if the sign of Taurus is located on the cusp of 1 house.

These people prefer to talk more about sex and learn interesting details, can they really just do it. The risk of fatal danger on long trips, among a crowd of people or from injuries sustained through contact with fire.

In Capricorn

A transformer man who is not afraid to overcome life's obstacles. A sober head filled with fruitful ideas to change a turning point. One of the family members will be at a high position.

The native endures all difficulties steadily and unshakably. Long divorce proceedings, a long search for work or a lengthy dismissal, red tape with an inheritance - all this corresponds to the capricorn position in the 8th house, where Uranus is located. If you put spiritual values ​​higher in difficult times - there is a risk of no-depression depressions that can directly lead to the "yellow house". This is a long-liver, in whose heart there is a considerable fear of dying.

The native manages the foreign money correctly; he knows the account of each bill. With a spouse (spouse) often behaves strictly, does not allow the throwing of money down the drain.

In Aquarius

Sign of Aquarius

Uranus is in its place of honor. Double Aquarius. People with the location of this planet in the 8th house are famous for their extraordinary abilities. They are attracted to the future and everything connected with it: space, UFOs, scientific discoveries, new technologies, new sex technologies. These are rather freedom-loving individuals who have their own point of view, even if it is a theme of death and rebirth. All the rules, foundations, the old, "worn to holes" is swept away from the path.

Nativ approaches sexual relations in a new way, with a share of curiosity, playfulness and Aquarius coolness. Such people should be more selective in choosing a partner and not enter into intimacy with anyone.

As in the case of Virgo or Gemini, there is a chance to develop astrological abilities. Friends can support the existing marital union and provide material support. Death can occur unexpectedly and quickly, from an unfortunate combination of circumstances.

In Pisces

The period of scientific discoveries in the field of medicine, computer technology, new religious movements. A person with such Uranus is inclined to give an individual assessment of the topic of worship. Often these people are looking for an idol for worship, they plunge headlong into newfangled currents. With good Pisces, these are talented individuals who realize themselves in art. They subtly perceive crises, rely on their "sixth sense", but they are easy to fool. Thoughts about the imperfection of reality hardly leave their heads, which subsequently can lead to mental disorders, long-term depression and even suicidal attempts.

Sexual relationships play a secondary role in marriage. Having perfected his intuition, Nativ can master the occult sciences, his abilities for magic, clairvoyance, and the predictor of dreams. Unexpected inheritance. Extreme care must be taken with medicines and water.

solar system

Retro uranus

In one year, the movement of Uranus in the opposite direction is observed for 155 days. Depending on the astrological segment where the planet enters, its direct impact on humans is taken into account. The retrograde rotation of Uranus introduces sharp changes in the usual alignment of events that accompany natural force majeure situations. All ideas and Napoleonic plans instantly turn upside down. The native, in which retro-Uranus is found in the map, does not tolerate any framework and obligations. Freedom, the thirst for personal space, the desire to stand out from the crowd, strong intuition, high intellect - these characteristic features can endow this planet, patronizing the sign of Aquarius.

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