April 29: zodiac sign of a man, character traits, strengths and weaknesses of a person

Born April 29 men on the zodiac sign - Taurus. They have perseverance and practicality. A man knows how and loves to work, he is able to create comfortable living conditions for himself. Taurus can be kindly envied, because nature has endowed them with the best traits of character. This allows men to move through life freely and confidently.

general characteristics

What is the zodiac sign of a man born on April 29? According to the horoscope, this is Taurus. They are endowed with leadership qualities. Taurus is able to instantly navigate and make the right decision, not to succumb to panic moods. They have logical thinking, as well as the ability to calculate their actions and their subsequent results. In order to succeed in the financial sector, men should not fully trust people.

Taurus has a very developed understanding of how other people relate to them, they see how they feel. This helps to control the situation and your behavior. Sometimes Taurus, in order to look better, behaves differently than always. Especially often this happens with new acquaintances, when they transform into various images.

April 29th zodiac sign male compatibility

In men born on April 29, the characteristic according to the sign of the zodiac is as follows: they always monitor their appearance and demand the same from others. They are always dressed according to chance, and the ability to control their body and voice speaks of them as sophisticated personalities. However, sometimes men can shock society with a special trick.

At the same time, Taurus maintains equanimity and ease, thereby even more shocking others. So manifests their unstable psyche. At the same time, men are so deeply confident in their complete predictability that they sometimes behave defiantly. Only their closest associates can they show their true face and relax in their company. After all, Taurus trusts them immensely, they can be real with them. For the sake of their loved ones, they become open, honest and laid-back. The main thing for men is orientation to real values.

Zodiac sign Taurus

Men clearly know what people think about them, as if they carry a mirror with them or periodically look into it. When they first meet, they behave perfectly. This does not mean that men are not confident in themselves, they know exactly what they should do in different situations. Thanks to the ability to transform, Taurus quickly achieve the location of others and appear before them in the desired light. They also fail, even among special people like them.

Men born on April 29 what zodiac sign? They are Taurus, in the behavior of which there is a desire not to take a leading position, but to gain stability and a place in society. Any changes that occur in their own image are perceived by them extremely painfully and are hardly approved by others. Men sometimes have the feeling that they have become hostages of personal predictability, they want to take a chance, but something prevents them from doing this.

By nature, the representatives of the sign are reliable and responsible people. This becomes burdensome if there is a desire to play or commit any innocent nonsense. It was at this time that men could be in their own guise, having thrown off the shackles of their created image. They are very grateful to their friends and relatives who are close at rare moments of reincarnation.

Taurus is especially scrupulous in terms of dress, manners, posture and even voice, which is fully calibrated. And they also relate to the image of others. The most extravagant of men can sometimes be completely indifferent to their clothes and appear on people in old shabby suits. At the same time, they play complete ease.

If Taurus want fame and luxury, then they begin to pose as powerful persons. And when personal happiness exceeds ambition, then more sincerity awakens in them.

April 29th zodiac sign male compatibility with other zodiac signs

Born 29 april men with zodiac signs have compatibility with women who can understand their character. Indeed, under an impenetrable mask hides a sensual, passionate and gentle person.

Advantages and disadvantages

The men born on April 29 (Taurus according to the zodiac sign) also have negative character traits, such as laziness, stubbornness and love for pleasures. Bad attitude to bad companies and unpleasant events. A man, maintaining external calm, sometimes hardly restrains internal aggression. At this moment, he can not do any business and constantly complains to his loved ones, until everything changes for the better. Taurus is jealous, but will not show his feelings until he makes sure he is sure that the rules of decency are not violated. Barely restrained anger sometimes erupts into scandal and a showdown. A man can be greedy, limited by material interests.

29 april, what zodiac sign is a man

There is another Taurus that is sensitive and susceptible to others. He can become a famous psychologist. Having accumulated a lot of knowledge and information, he predicts the future, thanks to his intuition. A man becomes a philosopher and a mystic in his soul. Taurus are considered the best friends in the world, because one of their main positive qualities is constancy. If it comes to love and friendship, then he is completely devoted.

Job and career

The men born on April 29 according to the zodiac sign Taurus have such personality traits as quick wit and ability to quickly remember information. In front of Taurus, many roads are open, despite this, it is very often visited by boredom. The basis for success in men is diversity, but grabbing everything at once is not recommended. They are usually interested in activities that are related to communication and people.

April 29th zodiac sign male characteristic

The most gifted of Taurus will be able to find themselves in journalism or literature. They can turn out designers, advertising specialists and art historians. Leadership will help Taurus succeed in the business world or in politics. Artistic imagination will allow them to become actors or musicians.


The weak points of Taurus include the throat and neck. Subject to not only colds, but also nervous breakdowns due to overload. Men tend to be overweight due to overeating. They prefer flour foods, cereals and root crops, which is not always good for them.

Taurus confirmed thyroid disease and hormonal imbalance. Representatives of the sign should take food slowly, chewing thoroughly.


Despite being blunt, Taurus is secretive when it comes to their personal lives. Men need to get rid of their suspicion of their partners and learn to perceive love relationships as a valuable spiritual experience.

Character Features April 29th Man

A man born on April 29 with a zodiac sign has good compatibility with women who prefer strong family relationships and are serious about marriage.


For many women, Taurus acts as the ideal future husband. After the beginning of the relationship, the Capricorn and Virgo women do not withstand constant obstinacy and nit-picking on his part.

Born April 29, men with the zodiac sign are compatible with other signs and have the following: the best relationships can be built with a female twin, Scorpio, Leo and Aries. At the same time, the chosen ones must completely obey their husband. An alliance with Pisces or Taurus Cancer cannot be built, because women will constantly torment him with jealousy.

April 29 zodiac sign male compatibility with other signs

A representative of the sign of Libra will be able to complement the positive qualities of a man, making him softer.

Taurus Tips

Men need to move away from the once chosen image. If there is a desire to play with children in the sandbox, then do not give up on this. After all, what the heart of Taurus requires at this moment is much more important than the impression of those around him.

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