Facial cleaning at home: recipes, methods, reviews

The facial cleansing procedure allows you to get rid of black spots, cleanse the skin from dead particles of the epidermis, dust, sebaceous secretions. Effective facial cleansing is performed at home using a manual and hardware method. If there is no special device, then the procedure is carried out by masks, scrubs, steam baths. The main cleaning methods are presented in the article.

Why is cleaning necessary?

The sebaceous glands form a substance that protects the epidermis from external factors. This is required to keep the skin soft and healthy. But due to the genetic factor, poor ecology, unhealthy lifestyle and hormonal disruptions, the pores are clogged.

face cleaning at home

These contaminants are oxidized and black dots form on the face. And if different bacteria penetrate, then the skin becomes inflamed, which leads to the appearance of acne. Therefore, regular cleaning is necessary, with which it will be possible to remove dirt, so that the skin breathes better. In this case, it will better absorb valuable components and oxygen, pimples will not appear. Facial skin cleaning at home will perfectly replace salon procedures. According to reviews, it is effective and safe.


Facial cleansing can not be done by everyone, because instead of benefit, there can be harm. Do not follow the procedure when:

  • allergies or herpes;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema or psoriasis;
  • sensitive skin;
  • large moles;
  • tendency to scarring;
  • dystonia or bronchial asthma.
face cleaning at home black dots

In these cases, it is best to consult with a specialist. Only cosmetologists and doctors can tell which procedures will be effective and safe.

Mechanical cleaning

In the absence of contraindications, mechanical cleaning of the face is available at home. Given the reviews, this procedure is easily performed independently. First, the skin must be cleaned of cosmetics. To do this, apply cosmetic milk or gel. After that, you can massage your face with a scrub, which should be gentle, with small particles.

The scrub is prepared on its own or is taken purchased. In the absence of a finished product, it can be prepared from coffee grounds and sour cream. The last product can be replaced with olive oil. It is necessary to treat a moisturized face with a scrub and rub the skin in a circular motion. Can be left for a while.

Then you need to wash your face and thoroughly steam the skin. This will require a pot or other container of water. After boiling, you need to tilt your face over the water and cover your head with a towel. It will take 15-20 minutes to open the pores. Healing the skin will allow steaming decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is advisable to use for this St. John's wort, mint, chamomile.

After steaming, you can begin to remove the black dots. Hands should be treated with alcohol, the face with hydrogen peroxide. Disinfection protects the skin from inflammation. Do not press the skin with your nails, otherwise ugly scars will appear.

With long nails, the fingers are wrapped with a napkin or bandage. If the point is not extruded easily, do not force it. This means that it is not fully ripe, but the dirt from it will still be removed. It’s just inflammation, and in this place a few days later there will be a pimple.

During the procedure, it is necessary to treat the face with hydrogen peroxide. When using medical alcohol, the skin dries quickly and the pores narrow. So you can’t clean the pores, especially since the epidermis will produce more fat, and the pores will become contaminated faster.

It is advisable to perform the skin with alcohol after cleansing the pores. After this, moisturize the skin with a cream. Beauticians advise to clean every month, and with oily skin, sessions are performed more often. This procedure must be carried out in the evenings, so that the skin regenerates during the night.

Manual facial cleansing is optional. When steaming is done, an agent with exfoliating and cleansing action is applied. It can be done independently by mixing honey and salt. The first component should be liquid, and the salt should be fine to prevent skin injury. The composition massages the skin for several minutes without stretching it.

Using masks

At home, facial cleansing is performed in another way. For example, using special masks. Perfectly cleanses pores based on soda and salt. First you need to thoroughly soap your face with soap or foam for washing. Then apply a mask of soda and salt to the skin, mixing in equal proportions in advance.

face cleaning with calcium chloride at home

It is necessary to gently rub the skin, pay special attention to parts where black dots often occur. It is necessary to perform the procedure for several minutes. Then the mask is left for 5 minutes. Unpleasant sensations and tingling sensations may appear, but this is considered normal. Then you should wash yourself. The tool perfectly removes dirt from the pores. Procedures can be performed every week.

If the pores are contaminated with grease and dirt, a mask must be used. It can be purchased at a cosmetic store, but you can cook it yourself. To do this, you need black activated carbon (0.5 tablets), gelatin (0.5 tsp), a little water. The components must be mixed until a thick porridge is obtained.

Beat the mixture and put in the microwave for 10 seconds. The mask can be heated in a steam bath. Then, with a brush, apply the composition to the face, wait for the mask to dry. Rinse it off is not required, it is advisable to remove the film with the contents of the pores.

Gentle cleansing is performed with a mask of oatmeal: 1 tbsp. l the product is poured with boiling water. By consistency, the product should be like thick sour cream. They rubbed their skin, leaving for 20 minutes. Oatmeal is able to absorb fat and eliminate dead skin cells. Great for sensitive epidermis. According to reviews, masks based on simple products perfectly cleanse the face.

Use of body-boot

The recipes for cleansing the face at home are different. According to reviews, it is advisable to use those products that are better tolerated by the skin. For cleaning, a body-wash is used, only before use it is necessary to check if there are any negative reactions to it. It is sold in the form of a gel, powder. The gel is easier to use, but its effect is not the same as that of the powder. It should be applied to the face and allowed to stand for 10 minutes, and then rinse.

home facial cleanser

The powder should be diluted with hydrogen peroxide (3%). The resulting slurry should be applied to the skin. Keep it should be no more than 10-15 minutes. During the session, burning and tingling may appear on the skin. Redness usually appears because a rush of blood is stimulated.

There may be peeling, so after the procedure you need to apply a moisturizer. Cream can be replaced with olive oil. This method of cleaning removes dirt and grease, and updates the upper layer of the skin. According to reviews, facial cleansing at home using bodyagi improves the appearance of the skin, cleanses pores.


There are many types of cosmetic clay, and each of them has its own properties. Cleaning the face from black dots at home is excellently done with black clay, as dirt is drawn from the pores with it. In addition, it is suitable for any type of skin. Often, after using black clay, inflammation and rashes occur on the skin. This is considered normal since pore cleansing occurs. It takes several sessions to completely cleanse and improve the skin.

ultrasonic facial cleansing machine at home

Clay is sold in the form of a powder, which is diluted in water before use. It will turn out a slurry similar in density to sour cream. The mixture is applied to the face and is expected to dry completely. Then you should massage your skin with wet fingers, after a few minutes you can wash yourself. Then you need to perform a light peeling and moisturize your face. Judging by the reviews, the use of such a mask gives excellent results: the skin acquires a healthy and neat appearance. Clay is a deep cleansing of the face at home. After the procedure, the skin will be clean and fresh.

Calcium chloride

Facial cleansing and calcium chloride are performed. This product is not suitable if there is irritation and inflammation on the skin. Do not follow the procedure for people with sensitive skin. For its implementation, calcium chloride, distilled water and baby soap are required. Calcium chloride is sold in the pharmacy in the form of ampoules.

One ampoule must be opened and poured into a container, moisten the skin with water. Then soap is applied to the skin, but so that there is no foam. Then you need to moisten your fingers in calcium chloride and rub your face. It is advisable to proceed with the chin, and then move to the cheek and forehead.

If the skin is dry, but cleansing continues, it is necessary to repeat the procedure. You should not wash your face for this. You just need to soap the skin and again perform the β€œrolling” of calcium chloride. The procedure is repeated 3 times. After that, wash and apply a moisturizer. According to reviews, with such a cleaning, it will be possible to clean the pores by updating the epidermis. Sessions should be done no more than 1-2 times a month.

Ultrasonic cleaning

You can carry out ultrasonic facial cleansing at home. It is more suitable for sensitive and oily skin. The procedure helps to eliminate stale complexion, enlarged pores, pigmentation, wrinkles and other skin defects.

facial skin cleansing at home

It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the ultrasound apparatus, the modes, and the rules for holding the plate so that the correct angle of inclination is. A peeling composition and mineral water are applied to the face for 20 minutes. Cleaning is carried out in a circular motion throughout the face.

The device for cleaning the face at home does not scrub deep comedones and pimples, so you should not press hard. Also, do not use your funds, replacing them with gels.

Ultrasonic Cleaners

The following devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing at home are used:

  1. Gezatone hs2307i. An innovative device is multifunctional. In addition to cleansing, peeling, toning and micromassage of the skin. All elements are made from non-allergenic materials. The device operates in several modes. The device is safe for use at home.
  2. LW 006. The low-cost device has many functions. Peeling, cleaning and micromassage are performed with it. The device is convenient to use, lightweight and practical.
  3. Gess star face and Gess you. The devices are designed to perform cleaning without irritation. The skin tones with them thanks to the micromassage function. Devices make the skin taut, remove facial wrinkles, improve complexion.
  4. Welss 7050. The device has several cleaning modes. The device is convenient to use and has an affordable cost.

Vacuum cleaning

You can carry out vacuum facial cleansing at home, and not just in salons. To do this, you need to purchase a special electrical device that cleanses the pores of the face. Thanks to the vacuum nozzle, dirt and comedones are drawn from the epidermis. You should only read the instructions and follow the rules of the session.

deep facial cleansing at home

Vacuum Cleaners

The following devices for vacuum facial cleansing are in demand:

  1. Gezatone Super Cleaner.
  2. Panasonic EH2511.
  3. Power Perfect Pore MC 0084.

Judging by the reviews, vacuum cleaning eliminates many facial defects. It is enough to use the device according to the instructions, follow the rules of execution. Cleaning your face from black spots at home is safe and effective.


To prevent peeling on the skin, after cleansing you need to use a mask or cream with a moisturizing effect. Procedures are carried out 30 minutes after that.

A mask of sour cream helps a lot. She should grease her face and wait for it to dry. Then you need to cleanse your face with warm water. An effective mask of honey and grape seed oil. The products are taken in the same amount, heated in a water bath. The tool lubricates the face and removes it after 10 minutes. The use of home masks allows you to soften the skin, moisturize it.

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