How to get rid of a husband’s mistress forever: conspiracy, prayers, rituals

If a woman found out that a certain rival had crossed her path, then she immediately wonders: how to get rid of her husband’s mistress forever? The conspiracy that our ancestors used several centuries ago can help. It is worth recognizing that even the most ideal wives may have competitors capable of bewitching a loved one, so captivating him with themselves that he will begin to seriously think about leaving his family permanently. Often in such a situation, persuasion, a call to common sense turn out to be meaningless. Then you have to resort to magical means. In this article, we will talk about effective conspiracies and rituals that can help solve this problem once and for all.

The main thing is not to despair

Ward off a lover from her husband

Already more than one woman, using one of the methods described in this article, found out how to get rid of her husband’s mistress forever. The conspiracy helps even those who do not have special knowledge or talents. Anyone can conduct it if he strictly and clearly follows all the recommendations.

Remember that you do not need to let the situation go by its own, hoping that it can be decided by itself, and your spouse will change his mind sooner or later. It is necessary to start active action. The sooner you start them, the higher the efficiency will be.

Try to connect all your charms - a tool that every woman possesses. Remember how much you used to love each other with your husband, were literally ready for anything. To restore these feelings, proceed with family reunion. Of course, to begin with, try the methods proven by many women: buy new erotic lingerie, prepare a romantic dinner, arrange an unexpected and pleasant surprise for your spouse.

If this does not help, go on to “heavy artillery”. In this case, a plot will come in handy. It is guaranteed to succeed in quarreling a husband with a mistress forever with his help.

Basic Rules

Waning moon

There are basic recommendations and rules that must be observed during the ceremony. Any woman who finds out how to eliminate her husband’s mistress forever should remember them. A conspiracy will only work if the recommendations are strictly followed.

All rituals are required only on the waning moon. Otherwise, they will be ineffective or completely useless. Such a moon takes away everything bad, helps to establish relationships in personal life.

It is strictly forbidden to wish evil to your rival. Remember that such curses tend to return. There is a great danger that the same thing will happen to you that you would want a wanderer. Moreover, bad desires come back much faster than good ones. So for the sake of preserving the family and your health, the main thing is not to overdo it.

During the rituals, it is recommended to use exclusively purple candles. Traditionally, it is considered the color of separation, so it will help to permanently quarrel a husband with his mistress. A conspiracy to fulfill this condition will be even stronger.

It is worth noting that conducting a magic ritual will be effective only if your husband is really stupefied by another woman, and she previously used methods to bewitch him. But if this is true love, and the spouse has finally cooled off for you, it will be much more difficult to help. Remember that conspiracies primarily remove love spells, but do not work if everything in your family life is already behind.

Effective method

Purple candle

It is believed that one of the most powerful and effective methods of turning a lover from her husband forever is a conspiracy on paper and a candle. To perform the ritual, you will need a purple candle, pens and a sheet of paper.

Perform a ceremony on a waning moon, preferably at exactly midnight. You should stay home all night. Close all doors and windows tightly. Light a candle on the table, and on the piece of paper on the one hand write the name of the opponent, and on the other - the name of your beloved.

Roll a leaf and bring it to a burning candle. Be sure to burn it in half so that the names you write appear on different sides. Say the following words at this time:

As I tear apart the candles, so I disconnect you! As I burn a leaf, so I destroy passion! Amen!

After completing the ritual, put out the candle with your fingers and open the window to properly ventilate the apartment. Together with the smoke from your life, a female sorceress should also leave.

Conspiracy to salt

Conspiracy to salt

Here is another way to get rid of her husband’s mistress forever. The salt plot has already helped many women who almost lost their family.

Its essence lies in the fact that your beloved has lost all interest in the love of the house, ceasing to consider her charming or attractive. After such a ritual, a woman who seeks to destroy your family will surely lose sleep when she feels something is amiss. She will no longer be calm, she will not be able to keep your husband near her.

For the ritual, take ordinary table salt. Pour it into a deep plate. Take from there, pouring from one palm to another. Be sure to repeat the following words:

I’ll pour salt and conjure it, I ask for help. Let her fall asleep in the sleep of my rival-rival, so that she couldn’t fall asleep calmly, so that she understood that she was breaking the family and wailing. As soon as she forgets my husband, she will be able to sleep normally! Amen!

This text should be repeated three times in a row. After this, pour the charmed salt into a cloth bag. It needs to be hidden in a secluded place. As soon as you notice a change in your husband’s behavior, you will feel that he is losing interest in the woman’s home, take this salt to the nearest intersection at midnight and pour it there. As a result, you will forever get rid of this woman in the life of your family.

L hate you

How to discourage a husband from his mistress forever? A strong conspiracy will not only help to return the beloved to the family, but also make him hate the woman who almost destroyed his marriage. This is a special rite that is held on food. With it, you kind of combine the ancient female charms with the feeding of your man, because it is no secret that the path to his heart lies through the stomach.

When cooking, pronounce these words:

As a cat fights with a dog, so (husband's name) quarrels with (name of his mistress). As fire drowns ice, so my love drowns the heart of my husband. As water boils over this fire, so our feelings are raging from each other's passions. May it be so! Amen!

Be sure to carry out the ritual on the women's day of the week. To do this, come up with some original and unusual dish made from fresh and high-quality products. Ideally, this should be a dinner that you spend together with your loved one. After feeding your husband, make sure that he is sure to be satisfied. In this case, the plot is guaranteed to do its job in the near future.

Longing for a wife

How to quarrel a husband with a mistress

Another method to get rid of her husband’s mistress forever is a conspiracy, after which he will immediately begin to yearn for his legal wife. This ritual is associated with the cooling of feelings for a lover, so that the complex guarantees the desired result.

Stay alone in the kitchen in the evening and boil water. The plot must be pronounced throughout the time it boils.

As water boils, so do you (husband's name) cool down to it.

Like water is freezing, so you (husband's name) yearn for me.

As steam disappears, so your feelings fly away.

Everything was, yes passed.

Let it be, in my opinion! Amen!

Then repeat these words until the water has boiled completely. As soon as this happens, the plot will immediately take effect. The husband will immediately feel that he wants to return home and wrap you in his arms.

Get the opponent out of the way

This method will help at an early stage to ward off a lover from her husband forever. The plot is effective when your spouse’s romance on the side is only in the development stage, has not yet gone too far. The ceremony is carried out for washing things.

After sunset on the waning moon, start washing, be sure to manually. Only in this way you can charge things with your energy, which will contribute to the return of the spouse.

To carry out the ritual, take the dirty things of a loved one, soak them in the bathroom or in the basin. Wash them carefully and lovingly, paying attention to each speck. Be especially gentle with collars and sleeves. In this case, you should constantly repeat:

As I erase stains, so I (the name of the rival) remove from life.

As the water becomes dirty, so your feelings get cold.

As I charge with freshness, I fill our family

Love, care and warmth!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

When things become clean, the plot will immediately begin to act.

Provoke a quarrel

Judging by the reviews, it helps to ward off a mistress from her husband forever a conspiracy to quarrel. If a serious conflict arises between them, the rite will help them to interrupt any communication, and the spouse will finally return to the family.

This ceremony is carried out using salt. You will need the most common salt that you use for cooking. It is important to remember at the same time that you want to quarrel your husband with your mistress, and not with any other person. During the ceremony, do not mention the names of other people, otherwise its effect may be unexpected.

When conducting this ritual, the text must be pronounced as follows:

Just as salt is strong, so quarrel is important!

As the salt is white, the quarrel is close!

May it be so!

Talk salt, and then use it while cooking for the family for a week. The competitor in this case is guaranteed to disappear.

Winter way

Winter conspiracy

There is a special conspiracy in the winter, so that the husband forever falls out of love with his mistress. To carry out the ritual you need to leave home, taking water and a glass with you. On the very bottom of the glass, on the outside, stick a piece of paper on which first write the words: "Love for her husband" and indicate his name.

After that, pour plain water into a glass and leave it in the cold. This is a very effective lapel action that always works great. While the water freezes, repeat the plot:

As the water cools

let her heart cool.

As the water freezes

let love (the name of the mistress) to her husband freeze forever

An important condition for the ritual is that for the next week no one sees this glass and does not touch it. This rite can only be carried out on your legal husband, whom the lover wants to lead. It is not recommended to turn away another's spouse in this way. If you do this, you will have to take on the karmic debt that you or your children will repay.

Rite with rose hips

Rite with rose hips

There is a very simple rite that can help restore peace in the family. For him, you don’t even have to say any words. All you need is a piece of paper, salt, a pen and some dry flowers of hawthorn.

Pre flowers should be crushed as finely as possible. On paper write the name of your rival, and then tear the sheet into small pieces. At the same time, you should give yourself completely to the ritual, expressing as many negative emotions that this woman causes you.

Then throw the paper directly on the floor, and sprinkle salt and hawthorn flowers on top. At the same time, pour out all the negativity that has recently accumulated inside you. Then gently sweep everything and thoroughly wash the floor. With the help of this rite, you will clean the energy in the house, return the world to the family.


It is believed that turning to God can help to discourage a husband from his mistress. There is an effective and powerful prayer before which you wash your beloved's clothes in the basin and then wash your feet with this water. The main thing is that no one sees you at this time.

Water from a basin should be poured under a tree. It is desirable that it be a birch, aspen, cherry or apple tree. Then say a prayer:

I will get up, blessing, I will leave, crossing myself, from my house, from all the doors, from the last door to the gate and from all the gates to the blue sea, a wide free zone. There are twelve brothers, all have twelve wives. I will cry out, call their names: one is longing, the second is dryness, the third wife is heartache, the fourth is headache, the fifth is heartache, the sixth is desire, the seventh is torment, the eighth is the stanchion, the ninth is slumber, the tenth is boredom, eleventh is hot blood, twelfth is ardent love. Oh you, demonic twelve wives, may the servant of God (name) be surprised at my article, wounded by my mind, subjugated with this conspiracy, captivated now, forever and endlessly. Let your wives give him sadness and longing, so that he would miss me, God's slave (name), bored, shout with a loud voice, could not live without me for a minute, for a second, for a day to spend, not a single night to pass: not at the moon is clear, nor under the red sun. In the morning I would get up a little light, take my name to mind-mind, get bored, yearn, shout in a bad voice. Let the other girl seem to him a terrible tigress, like fiery parts, like a tadpole owl, and I would be to him in the hot afternoon - water, in severe hunger - food. But be all my words, strong, strong, sticky. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and ever. Amen.

You will need to notice an improvement in your relationship with your husband in the very near future.

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