Is the dollar tree (Zamioculcas) a celibacy flower?

Girls are primarily interested in the question of whether Zamioculcas can be kept at home? This is relevant for many. Not only is the modern groom, accustomed to free relations, difficult to persuade to marry. So also zamioculcas ( celibacy flower ) can damage. This case must be fought in a radical way. But, on the other hand, zamioculcas contributes to the accumulation of green dollars. How to get rid of him? So you can stay aground. What poor girl to choose?

Zamioculcas celibacy flower

Is it true that Zamioculcas is a flower of celibacy?

It turns out that the issue of the action of the flower and decryption will be very important. After all, I do not want to lose the chances of either suitors or money. And what if you gave this beautiful plant? After all, the presentation was made with only one purpose - to contribute to your financial well-being! After all, do not get rid of him. Or is personal happiness more expensive? And for the sake of the wedding ceremony, can a gift in the trash be taken down? This, of course, is a personal matter. Everyone does as his soul whispers. Just before we part with the plant, let's try to consider what people say about it. Where did the information come from that Zamioculcas is a flower of celibacy? The first thing they will immediately say about him is a dollar flower. This is the main sign associated with the plant. It is believed that its green plump leaves can affect the income of the owner. At the same time, the growth of finances will be significant. Some eyewitnesses claim that as soon as the plant gives a new leaf, they receive a certain amount completely unexpectedly.

zamioculcas meaning

And yet, why is zamioculcas a flower of celibacy? According to some reports, such an unpleasant rumor came from the fact that the plant looks very similar to spathiphyllum. They have very similar characteristic flowers resembling a phallic symbol. But if spathiphyllum is a mujegon, then what about zamioculcas? The external data of plants does not yet speak of the similarity of their "characters."

There is still such a very interesting rumor among the people. They say that Zamioculcas brings happiness to the mistress. Only this pleasant phenomenon occurs at the time of flowering. Then the real female happiness can come down to the mistress. But to make this “slow” plant to bloom is very difficult. It blooms extremely rarely and only under very favorable conditions. Maybe this is the main reason for the unpleasant rumors. Imagine giving you a flower, thereby tied your fate. Now you will find your happiness when the “greedy” zamioculcas blooms. So, there is nothing to be afraid of and there is no need to hurry to the dump in a landfill. Take good care of your pet: he will help you save up money and meet your fate at the right time.

Talisman Zamioculcas

The meaning of a flower is a dollar plant. If you were given it, then caring for it is equivalent to caring for your own business. As soon as a new leaflet appears, prepare the wallet. Money will definitely come. If the plant begins to hurt, get ready for losses. Consider that, having trusted zamioculcas, you will get more protection. But you have to pay for plant magic with your own time. Fortunately, Zamioculcas is not picky. You can water it infrequently. Just make sure that there is enough moisture in the air, otherwise the leaves will begin to turn yellow.

Can Zamioculcas be kept at home

So, Zamioculcas, maybe it is a husbandman, only temporarily, until it blooms. But this event promises you real female happiness, which you do not mind waiting. Moreover, your noble plant will look after your financial well-being. So if you gave it, keep it at home and love your plant guardian angel!

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