Why a woman does not end during sex: reasons

In the modern world, the topic of female orgasm is discussed regularly. Numerous discussions on this subject are held not only on the Internet, but also on central television. Despite the popularization of this issue, it remains incomprehensible to most men who still cannot understand why a woman does not finish during sex.

How to find a reason

To establish the exact reason why a woman does not end is not as simple as it might seem. The thing is that such female sexual dysfunction can be caused by completely different factors, for example, a moral barrier, hormonal failure. The most accurate way to determine the problem, and then to eliminate it, will help the sex therapist, who needs to be contacted immediately if problems of a similar plan arise. Perhaps our article will help you, from which you will learn about the main reasons why a woman does not finish during sex.

why doesn’t the woman end


Anorgasmia is a condition familiar to many girls. During intercourse, a woman is able to experience some satisfaction, pleasure. However, she cannot enjoy the highest degree - orgasm. Many researchers who are interested in this topic equate anorgasmia to frigidity. Symptoms are really very similar, but a frigid woman is not even able to get aroused by the touch of her sexual partner, while with anorgasmia they enjoy, but not as much as we would like. Let's look at what types of anorgasmia exist, and also find out why a woman does not always end.

Types of Anorgasmia

There are two types of anorgasmia: primary lack of orgasm and secondary. Women suffering from the first type of illness have never experienced an orgasm. Those who have a secondary lack of orgasm previously ended during sexual intercourse, but emotional trauma, such as unsuccessful sexual experience or rape, dramatically affected sexual life, making it impossible to experience the highest level of pleasure.

Anorgasmia is divided into:

  • Relative . A woman can get an orgasm, but only in a certain position and with a specific partner.
  • Absolute . A woman is not able to enjoy either intimacy with a man or masturbation.
  • Partial A woman can not finish during sex with a man, but she is able to bring herself to orgasm, masturbating and stimulating erogenous zones.

Causes of the appearance of anorgasmia

why a woman does not cum during sex

Most of those women who stop receiving satisfaction from sex don’t even try to find the answer to the question: “Why doesn’t a woman end during sexual intercourse?” They prefer to come to terms with what is happening, which often leads to rather sad consequences.

As everyone knows, an unsatisfied woman can turn into a real monster who will constantly “growl” at all members of the family, remain unhappy in any life situation. Until this happens, you need to contact a sex therapist, who will establish the cause of the appearance of anorgasmia, and also determine the most effective treatment in a particular case.

There are many reasons that contribute to the appearance and development of anorgasmia, but they can be divided into two groups: psychological and physiological.

Psychological reasons

Often men ask themselves the question: “Why do some women end up and others do not?” Without realizing that it is in them that the root of the problem lies. Some sexual partners can provoke the development of dysgamia in women. Dysgamy is a situation when there is absolutely no harmony between people who have sex. As a rule, this is due to the incompatibility of the temperaments of the sexual partners.

why do some women end up and others do not

Premature ejaculation can provoke the appearance of dysgamia. Some women need a lot of time in order to experience an orgasm. Even if a man quickly reaches orgasm, sexual intercourse can be prolonged, for example, using foreplay.

Psychological problems that flow into anorgasmia can be traced back to childhood. According to statistics, the fairer sex, having problems with sexual life and not understanding why a woman does not finish during sex, very often were brought up in strict families. They are in constant tension, they are afraid to do something wrong, they cannot completely trust their partner. All this leads to the fact that a woman can not enjoy intimacy.

Often, girls who practice contraception such as interrupted sexual intercourse suffer from anorgasmia. This is not surprising, because they have to constantly monitor the process and only think about how not to miss the most crucial moment, so as not to get pregnant. Constant fear of being in a position makes it impossible to enjoy intimacy.

Physiological reasons

why some women do not end

Anorgasmia can not only appear as a result of any stress, but also become a consequence of various diseases: diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis. At risk are girls who have gynecological pathologies. Very often, anorgasmia develops during childbirth or in the postpartum recovery period, after surgery in the pelvic area, due to infections and lag in sexual development, as well as due to hormonal failure.

Sometimes girls stop experiencing pleasure after taking potent drugs. It is no secret to anyone that drugs affect not only the source of pain. Thus, getting rid of one disease, we can discreetly acquire a new one. Often the question: “Why can’t I finish the woman?”, Ask the ladies who have been taking antihistamines, high-pressure tablets or antidepressants for a long time.

Bad habits affect the female body: smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs. If your partner is abusing alcohol, then you should not even be surprised why a woman does not end up with a penis, as well as from stimulating erogenous zones during masturbation.

Menopause can also seriously affect a woman's sex life, making it impossible for her to feel an orgasm. During complex processes associated with the restructuring of the body during the last independent menstruation, estrogen in the blood decreases significantly, which affects the sensitivity level of not only the clitoris or nipples, but also the vagina.

why a woman does not end during sexual intercourse

Anorgasmia treatment

Before you turn to professionals for help, you must understand the severity of the problem. Often, most girls looking for the answer to the question: “Why do some women don’t end?” Do not consider such a pathology a disease. However, a frivolous attitude towards one's own body can play a cruel joke.

It should be remembered that today there are effective methods of combating anorgasmia, and the sooner you turn to the doctor, the faster it will turn out to return to normal sex life. We recommend that you do not postpone the resolution of this issue until later, as marriages in most cases break up due to a lack of harmony in intimate relationships.

why a woman does not always end

A sex therapist will help get rid of anorgasmia, who will be able to maximally intelligibly talk about how the body works, how the woman's reproductive system works. After talking with a professional in your field, you will realize how to better understand your sexual partner, what to do in order to give each other maximum pleasure. And you can also get rid of the mass of unnecessary complexes that have created certain barriers for you over time.

Going to see a sex therapist, be prepared to answer the most unexpected and frank questions. For example, a doctor may be interested in such moments:

  • how long there was no orgasm;
  • Does a woman feel agitated while in bed with her beloved man;
  • at what age she began to live sexually;
  • Is the woman satisfied with her current relationship and her sexual partner?
  • Did the parents talk to her about sex when she was a teenager?

The patient who asked the doctor with a question: “Why doesn’t the woman end?”, Must be extremely honest during the conversation. Only after collecting all the necessary information, the sex therapist can prescribe the correct and effective drug treatment.


Men, not understanding why a woman does not end vaginally, are often in a hurry to accuse their sexual partner of frigidity. Unfortunately, a similar diagnosis exists in medical guides, it means a decrease in sexual desire. A woman may be indifferent to sexual intercourse or even be disgusted by it. However, as practice shows, the percentage of women with a similar pathology is extremely low. Most often, one of the types of anorgasmia is found.

There are several types of frigidity: symptomatic, primary frigidity (constitutional), retardation and psychogenic.

Constitutional frigidity

The primary type is encountered by women who have a poorly developed sensory component of sexual desire. Girls with delays in the development of sexual sensuality also very often suffer from symptoms of retardation frigidity.

Symptomatic frigidity

If you had everything in order in terms of intimacy with men, but after some time they stopped experiencing pleasure and are looking for the answer to the question: “Why doesn’t the woman end?”, We recommend that you contact a gynecologist. After all, frigidity can be the result of gynecological diseases. Often during the course of the disease, some organs from the reproductive system become inflamed, which leads to a decrease in sensitivity.

Symptoms that indicate the appearance of this type of frigidity can appear due to bad habits if a woman uses alcohol or drugs.

Psychogenic frigidity

why it is not possible to finish a woman

According to statistics, the largest number of women who do not get satisfaction from sex suffer from psychogenic frigidity. There are many reasons for the onset of the first symptoms and the development of the disease itself. For example, one of the factors may be the fear of becoming pregnant from a partner in which a woman does not see the father of her children. Most girls who have experienced sexual abuse stop enjoying intimacy.

Psychogenic frigidity can develop after an abortion or an unsuccessful sexual experience with one of the partners, especially if he showed excessive rudeness during intercourse. According to official statistics, more than 60% of women experience chronic sexual dissatisfaction.

The presence of a hidden homosexual drive cannot be ruled out. Perhaps a woman who does not get satisfaction in bed does not want a man at all. Barriers to success can arise complexes that are deeply embedded inside. It is important to get rid of them, to get away from stereotypical thinking, if it interferes with enjoying relationships.

How to get rid of frigidity?

If all the symptoms indicate the development of psychogenic or symptomatic frigidity, we recommend that you seek the help of a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications. Rest will not be superfluous. Take a vacation and spend it in the company of your beloved man. If vitamins and maximum relaxation have not yielded results, then make an appointment with a sex therapist.

Most importantly, do not conceal the problem that has arisen, as many women do. Remember that harmony during intercourse is the key to strong and happy relationships.

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