What to give for a wedding: good advice

what is given for the wedding
A wedding is such a holy and personal celebration that it is simply impossible to compare with a wedding. Therefore, many have a legitimate question - what is given for the wedding? This tradition in the last century was somehow unfairly pushed into the background by citizens, and only
in recent decades, a revival of ancient culture began to be observed. Nevertheless, people must confirm their good intentions not only before people, but also before God.

Guests of those couples who perform the sacrament of weddings on the same day as marriage registration at the registry office do not think about what to give for the wedding . As a rule, in this case, the gift is the same for both events and implies a typical wedding gift. But in recent years, couples have more and more often been married, who for years have checked their relationship in a legal marriage and decided to confirm their feelings before the Almighty. In this case, the question: β€œWhat is given for the wedding” is quite complicated, and we will try to help you find answers to it.

what to give for a wedding
First of all, it is worth realizing that, unlike a wedding, it is a more serious and solemn event, so the gift should correspond to it. The most common and appropriate wedding gift is an icon. And it is best to give the face of the Lord, Our Lady or the Fedorov Icon, which since ancient times in Russia was considered the patroness of young wives and the true protector of the new family. This will be not only a good gift, but also a constant reminder that the young have made a promise to God to love and help each other.

Another option is the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia, who are the patrons of lovers. To make the gift more outstanding, you can choose an icon in an expensive frame (gold or silver) or embroidered with threads or beads. Such a face of saints will look very beautiful in any setting and will forever remain the main decoration and heritage of the family. Parents can give those icons that are passed on in the family from generation to generation, it will be very symbolic and with a bit of mysticism - you will pass on your blessing and preserve the young. However, keep in mind that it is better to consult with the other guests beforehand, because it can turn out to be very inconvenient if everyone decides that only icons are given for the wedding and the gifts turn out to be the same.

In order not to deviate from the theme, except for the faces of the saints made by icon painting, you can turn your attention to figurines, for example, lamps and even a beautifully bound Bible. Naturally, the newlyweds have already passed the sacrament of baptism, so for the wedding you can give the original chains or crosses, made in a suitable style, and always paired. You can give holy wine, that is, Cahors, only in a beautiful bottle or in combination with a pair of originally designed glasses.

If you want the gift to be more practical, then you can choose quite traditional gifts that are often presented at a wedding celebration. For example, original thematic photo albums, cutlery sets or bedding. To please believing spouses, give them a ticket for two to holy places, believe me, this will be a great gift.

We hope that we have helped you to decide what is given for the wedding to your friends and relatives. Remember one thing - the gift itself is not important, but your sincerity and sincere wishes.

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