What vitamins in melon are found in watermelon?

Watermelons and melons become the main delicacies that everyone loves to please themselves in late summer and early autumn. These products smell very nice and refresh the body in the hot season. They are not only able to replace you with water, but also saturate the human body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. What are the useful vitamins in melon and watermelon and what should be feared when consuming these fruits for people with increased weight and suffering from diabetes, we will consider in this article.

Features seasonal purchase

There is an opinion that if you buy these fruits at an earlier time, then they will not only bring no benefit, but can cause significant harm. There is some truth to this. After all, watermelons and melons, which have been sold since the beginning of the summer season, contain many chemicals that were used to make the product grow as quickly as possible. The consequence of eating such fruits can be severe poisoning, which will lead to serious complications. To the question about which vitamins in melon and watermelon at the beginning of the season, there is only one answer - harmful to the body.

The most useful - self-grown!

what vitamins are in a melon
In order to avoid such troubles, it is best to buy melons and watermelons in early or mid-August. During this period of time, they already grow on their own and do not need additional treatment with harmful substances. The most useful melons and watermelons are those that were grown in their own garden. Such foods contain a large amount of vitamins that the body needs.

What vitamins are in a melon is very simple to understand. After all, its use has a beneficial effect on all internal organs. Watermelon in its useful qualities is not inferior to its neighbor.

Why is watermelon useful?

what vitamins are in melon

The use of ripe watermelon has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart system, as well as the kidneys. It contains not only magnesium, but also other elements that contribute to the better work of all organs. In ripe watermelon there is up to 12% sugar. The presence of glucose gives a person strength and charges a positive mood.

The composition of the watermelon includes such an element as lycopene. It acts as an antioxidant for the whole organism. It is very useful for humans, especially when a large amount of fatty and fried foods is consumed. In addition, lycopene allows the watermelon to retain its color and not deteriorate during the heat.

Lycopene - a healing source for humans

what vitamins does melon contain

On the basis of lycopene, drugs have been developed for a long time that can not only relieve inflammatory processes, but also cleanse the body of various toxic substances. It is proved that this substance favorably affects vision. For people who suffer from constipation, doctors recommend eating large amounts of watermelon. The berry helps to improve the digestive process and promotes the release of waste substances from the gastrointestinal tract.

Watermelon Vitamins Storeroom

what are the beneficial vitamins in melon

The main vitamin of this product is folic acid. In its pure form, it is present only in it, in other cases it is processed and synthesized.

The presence of glucose and fructose allows you to consume watermelon for those who have diabetes. A large amount of watermelon contains vitamins B1, B2 and PP. Vitamin C and folic acid occupy a leading position. That is why watermelons are very useful for pregnant women. Also included in this product are magnesium, potassium, iron and nickel. Fiber, which is in the pulp, normalizes the intestines and stabilizes the flora in it. No need to eat watermelon before bedtime - there may be insomnia.

Those wishing to lose weight, or just to cleanse their body, experts recommend arranging fasting days, during which only ripe watermelon and purified water without gas should be consumed.

What vitamins are in melon?

Melons, like watermelons, are mostly made up of water, but they contain a little more calories. On average, this product has between 34 and 38 kilocalories per 100 grams. If the melon contains a large amount of sugar, then it will not be so watery. The amount of glucose in them is much greater than in watermelon. Use their food with extreme caution, melon is a heavy meal for the stomach. In addition, melons should be excluded from their diet for those people who are overweight.

Features of the beneficial qualities of melon

What vitamins a melon contains is not difficult to determine, because it is quite similar to a watermelon. It has long been proven that vitamins, which are part of ripe watermelons, are also found in melons. The difference is only one: in the melons of these vitamins more. For this reason, they are considered the most powerful antioxidant among all fruits and vegetables.

The beneficial effects of melon on the body

what vitamins in watermelon and melon

What are the vitamins in melon? It is very rich in vitamins A and C. Eating has a beneficial effect on vision, the condition of internal organs, as well as the skin. B vitamins are much more diverse than in watermelon. In the melon there are B1, B2, B6, B9. A distinctive feature is the presence of vitamin B5, it is also called pantothenic acid. Its medicinal properties help maintain the state of the whole body in a normal state. This strengthens the immune system.

What vitamins are in melon and how are they combined with minerals?

The presence of vitamins in the melon, of course, is a pleasant fact, but do not forget about minerals. In this product, they are also available in the required quantity. Among the significant, it should be noted the presence of such as potassium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, calcium. Chlorine, sulfur, iodine and zinc. There is a lot of cobalt in the pulp. If this microelement did not exist, then all B vitamins could not be normally absorbed by the body. Cobalt is actively involved in the blood supply and blood circulation.

Can a child eat watermelon and melon?

For children, eating melon is a must. What vitamins in watermelon and melon help in the development of the child? The presence of potassium and calcium helps strengthen the skeletal system. Iron maintains hemoglobin levels and inhibits the development of anemia. Phosphorus strengthens teeth and tooth enamel. In addition, regular use of this product in the growing season helps maintain the strength of the child. He has a lot of energy, he feels less tired. Melon also helps strengthen nails and hair. For teens, it is useful in helping to cope with acne eruptions.

What vitamins in melon and watermelon are beneficial for a child? All. Just need to know the measure. There will be no vitaminosis from overeating these delicacies, but with excessive consumption, the stomach can become sick, there is a danger of upset stomach and diarrhea.

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