Turbocharged engine - closer to the dream

Who would not want to squeeze out all the power from his car and ride like a real racer? However, not all cars allow this, because conventional engines are not designed for very high speeds. That is why the turbocharged engine has become a salvation for many car owners. Of course, you can buy a foreign car, in which the turbine is already installed on the engine from the factory, but what about the one who is the proud owner of the domestic automobile industry. On their shoulders lies the task of installing this design on their own.

Compared to foreign countries, the CIS countries are not so much interested in such engines, although they also try to make this dream a reality by installing mechanical inflation and turbocharging. What is the difference between the two? The thing is that the first inflation involves the operation of only one turbine, which is driven by an engine.

how to turbo engine
The turbocharger operates on two turbines, the first being driven by exhaust gases and activating the second. She in turn pushes air into the engine. Thanks to this well-coordinated design, the turbocharged engine does not need additional power.

Before turbocharging the engine, it is necessary to know exactly the pressure indicator of the turbine, if it is low, then you can not redo the old engine. But if you decide to install a turbocharged engine with high pressure, you will have to work hard.

Since most foreign cars do not require such changes, but domestic cars are often subjected to engine changes. After all, every driver, well, or almost everyone, is a racer at heart and wants to ride with a breeze. It is also worth noting that, despite the fact that the speed of a car increases several times, while its fuel consumption remains at the same level.

turbocharged engine

Engines based on atmospheres do not have the same dynamics as a turbocharged engine. Even small sedans and hatchbacks become straight racing cars, on which you want to fly even faster, breaking the horizon. The increase in speed is due to the fact that a direct-flow accelerator is installed on the turbine, which also also facilitates the operation of the engine itself.

In most cases, when choosing a tuning, turbines with distribution fuel injection and low pressure are chosen, since they are easier to install. The crankshaft, standard connecting rods and cylinder head are also involved in the work. During installation, there will be a need to change the pistons to those specially designed for the turbine, and you also need to increase the combustion chamber, otherwise there will be a difference between the pistons and the cylinder head.

installation of a turbine on an engine
After the turbine is installed and ready for operation, it is necessary to attach special importance to engine warming. It is not necessary to quickly gain momentum, since the air first passes through the turbine, and thereby, when quickly typed, it will have to do double work. The turbocharged engine itself should calmly reach 1.5 thousand, and only then it can be adjusted. However, after the momentum has gained momentum for the first time, it is better to drop it and raise it again to 3 thousand. It is also necessary to monitor the sound made by the engine: if it looks like a howl, then everything is in order, but if a metallic whistle is heard, then you need to stop the engine and carefully check everything.

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