Before the start of a new menstrual cycle and during it, each girl has a deterioration in her physical condition. In some women, the weakness is so pronounced that they become disabled. Symptoms that appear before menstruation include headache, nausea, dizziness, rashes and acne, abdominal cramps, and vomiting. In order to understand why health is worsening, you need to seek the help of doctors and pass the necessary tests. In more detail about the reasons for feeling unwell during this period further.
During menstruation, an imbalance occurs between the level of hormones in the woman’s body. Estrogen levels rise, and blood sugar, on the contrary, decreases. A hormone called progesterone is getting smaller. As a result, a symptom such as dizziness and weakness during menstruation appears. Lack of oxygen is another reason for vertigo. This is due to the fact that the human body spends hemoglobin during the menstrual cycle. Most often, such a sign of menstruation is observed in women who are overweight, dizziness stops after childbirth.
In order to get rid of increased fatigue during menstruation, it is necessary to open the windows, take a lying or sitting position and start taking deep breaths and exhalations so that oxygen enters the brain.
Key recommendations
To dizziness did not accompany the girl during menstruation, you need:
- Maintain proper nutrition.
- Less nervous.
- Take walks in the fresh air.
- Eat less junk food.
- Do not drink alcohol or coffee.
It is worth remembering that if none of the methods helps, you must contact a specialist! Self-medication in this situation is inappropriate.
Pain in the head is a symptom that manifests itself in the female most often than others during menstruation. What should this pathology tell? If the head hurts, then pathological changes occur in the human body. Migraine and weakness on the first day of menstruation says:
- About poor bowel functionality.
- About hormonal disorders in the body of a girl.
- About diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.
- About a disease such as osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
Causes can also be: poisoning with toxins, lack of oxygen in the blood, and due to the fact that the tissues squeeze the brain.
How to get rid?
The following procedures help in getting rid of weakness during menstruation: maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, cleansing the body of harmful elements. With osteochondrosis massage of the cervical and shoulder region will help. Caffeine relieves pain in the head, so doctors do not recommend excluding coffee from their diet, but only if the person is not bothered by dizziness. If migraines are caused by hormonal disruptions, then you can start to take diuretic tablets. Headache will become much less when fluid is removed from the body.
Nausea and vomiting
Symptoms such as a feeling of nausea and vomiting before the onset of menstruation are manifested:
- Due to the fact that the amount of serotonin in the fluid of the spinal cord increases.
- As a result of premenstrual syndrome, which manifests itself seven to ten days before the start of the cycle.
- Due to the fact that fluid retention occurs in a woman’s body, nausea appears, and there may be a desire for vomiting.
- As a result of increased intracranial pressure. The girl begins to feel squeezing in the temples, throbbing in the ears and a feeling of nausea. In rare cases, she may lose consciousness.
- Because of how the uterus is located and arranged. Her position in the body greatly affects the condition of the girl during menstruation.
- Due to the imbalance of hormones, the girl begins to vomit. At the same time, hormonal failure is not limited to this symptom, in addition, mood swings appear, appetite becomes stronger, and acne forms on the dermis.
- Due to the fact that a woman takes oral contraceptives that are not suitable for her, she begins to feel nauseous. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of drugs. Before you start taking such medications, be sure to go through a specialist consultation and pass the necessary tests.
Problem therapy
Treatment of weakness during menstruation does not cause much difficulty. After feeling unpleasant symptoms, you need to take the right medication. Currently, on the shelves of pharmacies you can find tablets for every taste and color. But before you make a purchase, you need to visit a doctor and find out which medicine is suitable for the human body.
A regular menstrual cycle is a good thing for every girl. Unfortunately, menstruation is accompanied by a number of inconveniences. One of these is acne. Acne occurs in eighty percent of women. The cause of the rashes is hormonal changes that occur in the female body.
There are several ways to prevent acne. The first is taking birth control pills. They will bring hormones back to normal, as a result of which there will be less inflammation. The second option is to get rid of pregnancy. There will be no imbalance of hormones, which means that you don’t have to worry about the condition of the skin.
Acne Treatment
Acne treatment sometimes takes a lot of time, from several months to several years. There are a lot of ways to get rid of inflammations. You can be treated with medication, for this you need to visit a doctor - a dermatologist, it is he who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment. Girls can visit beauticians and do procedures that will help them get rid of acne. It should be remembered that one trip to the beauty salon is not enough. It is necessary to monitor your own diet, do not eat fatty, salty, smoked and fried foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink about two liters of water per day.
Intestinal cramps
Weakness during menstruation, discomfort and discomfort in the stomach are associated with such reasons:
- Violation in the hormonal process, the phenomena of ovulation and menstruation.
- Diseases of the female urogenital organs.
- The use of contraceptives.
- Reduced amount of endorphins in the human body.
- Lack of progesterone hormone.
- Premenstrual symptoms.
How to get rid of them?
Currently, in medicine there are a large number of ways to get rid of cramping. Sometimes it’s enough just to drink an anesthetic, but there are situations when you need to contact specialists urgently.
There are many medications that can help get rid of pain and cramps in an accelerated mode. There are many over-the-counter medicines in the pharmacy. If such pills do not help, you should consult a doctor, and he will prescribe a medication with a stronger effect.
Getting rid of pain in the stomach and intestines is a heating pad. If it is not in your house, then you can pour warm water into a bottle and put it on your stomach. Also, taking a bath will alleviate unpleasant symptoms. In order to fight pain, it is necessary to massage the abdomen and lower back. This will relax the female body, cramps will stop.
Also to stop the pain will help:
- Having sex is another way to fight pain. Chemicals that form in the human body during intercourse are equated with an anesthetic.
- With menstruation, hot tea helps. But do not drink a drink with raspberries, as the amount of secretions will increase.
- Do not eat foods that will only increase stomach pain. These foods include: fatty, salty, smoked, fried. As well as alcohol and coffee drinks.
- Scientists have proved that if a woman leads a healthy and active lifestyle, she almost does not experience weakness during menstruation.
- Taking hormonal contraceptives significantly helps reduce cramping. But in order to apply this method of dealing with pain, you need to visit a gynecologist. He will prescribe a suitable drug for the woman.
Situations in which you need to see a doctor
You should seek medical help if:
- If the volume of discharge has become larger, unlike the previous menstrual cycle.
- If the pressure during menstruation drops below 90/60.
- If a person has a feeling of nausea, vomiting, these symptoms are accompanied by intolerable pain. These signs do not disappear with time, no drugs help, but, on the contrary, become stronger.
- If a woman has signs of sexual disease. There is a burning sensation, itching, discharge of various kinds and consistencies, pain during a trip to the toilet.
What vitamins to drink during menstruation?
Many are interested in whether vitamin complexes are an effective remedy for menstruation symptoms. In order to reduce the number of spasms during menstruation and PMS in women (decoding - postmenstrual syndrome), you need to drink vitamins. During the menstrual cycle, a woman should eat healthy foods that contain calcium, zinc and vitamin B. Potassium and magnesium will help reduce headaches. These substances have a positive effect on the vascular system of the human body. These elements are found in foods such as nuts, bananas, potatoes, cabbage and apricots.
Iron and vitamin E are equally important for a woman’s health. Their sources are cocoa, brewer's yeast, nuts, soybeans, and vegetable oil. These vitamins are especially needed for girls who have heavy bleeding. Calcium is found in cottage cheese and hard cheeses. Vitamin D is found in seafood, in eggs, and in butter.
If a person does not like to eat foods from this list, then he can always replace food with vitamins sold in pharmacies.
General information obtained from the article
For some, critical days turn into hell, there are several simple tips to help women and menstrual periods easier to transfer (the decoding was given above):
- To live an active lifestyle.
- Do not eat junk food.
- Do not drink alcoholic beverages or drinks containing caffeine.
- Drink decoctions of herbs, warm teas, except raspberry.
- As supplements, take vitamins. For the right choice, consult a specialist.
- Visit a gynecologist, take tests, only after that you can draw conclusions about whether to take hormonal contraceptives or not.
- Less nervous, get a lot of positive emotions.
- Walk in the fresh air as often as possible.