How to remove greasy stains from clothes? Methods and means for removing greasy stains on clothing

Even greasy “blots” on clothes are not protected by pathological neatnesses. Lubricants in the car, vegetable oil in the kitchen, mayonnaise and ketchup during a snack - all potential sources of pollution cannot be listed. How to remove greasy stains from clothes so that they do not leave a trace? The answer to this question can be found in the article.

How to remove greasy stains from clothes using improvised means

There are folk methods that are passed down from generation to generation. Their effectiveness is not in doubt. How to remove greasy stains from clothes using improvised means?

stain soda

You can resort to one of the following tools:

  • laundry soap;
  • salt;
  • talc;
  • Ironing
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • petrol;
  • glycerol.

Laundry soap

A piece of laundry soap can be found in almost any home. It is effective when it comes to combating fresh pollution. How to remove greasy stains from clothes with it?

how to remove greasy stains from clothes
  • A thing that needs to be cleaned should be soaked in warm water for a short time. If you need to get rid of local pollution, you can simply attach a sponge soaked in hot water to the affected area.
  • The stain is plentifully soaped. You can even make a “gel” of a small amount of water and soap chips.
  • The product is placed in a plastic bag, which must be tied. You can get the item 9-10 hours later.
  • The stain should be rubbed with a soft brush or hands, then the clothes are rinsed.

If it is necessary to get rid of the stubborn stain, the soaped place can be additionally sprinkled with sugar. Due to this, the action of alkali will increase.


How to remove greasy stains from clothes with salt? This tool is effective in the fight against almost any pollution.

remove grease stains from clothes with salt
  • A fresh stain is sprinkled with salt. If it has already dried up, the affected area should be slightly moistened with water.
  • The granules are gently rubbed into the fibers, after which you need to wait about 20 minutes.
  • The remaining salt is removed from the fabric, then the product is sent to the wash.
  • If greasy marks remain, the procedure can be repeated.


Talc is famous for its absorbent properties. This product absorbs particles of fat, so that they leave tissue fibers. Starch and chalk are endowed with similar properties. Talcum powder is perfect for cleaning delicate fabrics, such as silk, chiffon. How to remove a greasy stain from clothes with its help?

  • The affected area is abundantly sprinkled with talc.
  • It is necessary to wait a couple of hours, this will allow the fat to soak into the powder. If starch is used instead of talc, you can limit yourself to a quarter of an hour.
  • The product is removed from the fabric with a soft brush.
  • The procedure is repeated until the desired result is achieved.

After applying talcum powder, it is important to wash and rinse the product. Particles of this product should not be retained between tissue fibers. If this recommendation is ignored, material may be roughened.


How to remove a greasy stain from clothes so that their appearance does not suffer? Those who are afraid to spoil their favorite outfit can do without detergent compositions. You just need to cook an iron, an ironing board and two sheets of paper.

removing greasy stains from clothes with an iron
  • The item is laid out on the board so that the affected area does not come in contact with a clean cloth. A sheet of paper or tissue should be placed under the stain. From above it is also covered with paper.
  • The area where the stain is located must be ironed through the paper with an iron.
  • The procedure is repeated with blank paper. This continues until the greasy traces no longer remain on the sheets.


Universal home stain remover - ammonia. This product is suitable for controlling pollution of various origins, including traces of fat. How to remove a greasy stain from colored clothes? In this case, preference should be given to ammonia.

  • A few drops of the product dissolve in a small amount of water. The sponge is wetted in the solution, applied to the damaged area. It must be kept for about 15 minutes.
  • The stain should be gently wiped, and then rinse the product in plenty of water.
  • A full wash is the final touch.

Ammonia can only be used in a ventilated area. It is known for its pungent, suffocating odor. An effective respiratory protection will be provided by a gauze bandage.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective tool that can also be used to remove greasy stains from clothing. This tool does not pose a danger to the fabric, but merciless to dirt.

  • Two cotton pads need to be saturated with hydrogen peroxide.
  • They are applied to the stain on both sides, aged about 20-30 minutes. Time will help determine the degree of contamination of the tissue.
  • The material must be slightly rubbed, after which the item goes to the wash.

Dishwashing liquid

Removing greasy stains from clothes with a dishwashing detergent is also popular among the people. A small amount of liquid must be applied to the affected area and allowed to soak. Then, gently rub the fabric with a brush or fingernail. Half an hour later, the item goes to the laundry.

removing greasy stains with dishwashing detergent

Dishwashing liquid can be mixed with baking soda, this will enhance the effect. You need to add so much soda to get a mass that resembles a toothpaste.


How to remove an old oily stain from clothes? This can be done quickly and easily with gasoline. With its help, it is possible to remove stains not only from food products, but also from lubricants.

It is necessary to moisten a piece of cloth in gasoline, which is then placed under the stain. From above, the affected area should be rubbed with a sponge, also impregnated with this agent. Next, wash the product using a large amount of powder. Then the thing needs to be dried in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. This will get rid of the smell.


How to remove a greasy stain on clothes? If we are talking about things made of delicate silk or fine knitwear, it is best to give preference to glycerin. A little funds should be evenly distributed over the stain, and then wait 30 minutes. Next, the contaminated area must be rubbed with a sponge, which is pre-wetted in hot water.

removing greasy stains from clothes with glycerin

Then the sponge is impregnated with ammonia, the treatment of the spot continues. After 30 minutes, the thing needs to be washed.

Stain removers

What to do if improvised means do not help. In this case, it remains to hope for the effectiveness of the stain remover from oily stains on clothing. What do shops offer?

  • Ace Oxi Magik. This powder is suitable for cleaning white and colored products. The first he returns the original whiteness, the second cleans without compromising on color. It can be used as a standalone tool or together with an ordinary machine wash powder. It is affordable, takes care of the fabric, has a pleasant smell.
  • Udalix Oxi Ultra. This tool copes with almost any kind of stain. It must be used when soaking things in hot water. Profitability, affordable cost are its other advantages.
  • Astonish Oxy Plus. This tool completely removes stains, carefully treats tissue, does not pose a danger to the environment and humans. It also refreshes colors.
  • Amway PreWash Spray. Ease of use is the main advantage of this product. A dry spray is sprayed onto the stain, some time later the clothes go to the wash. Unfortunately, he effectively copes only with fresh spots.

Custom approach

How to remove a greasy stain on clothes? You can resort to one of the non-standard methods, which are discussed below.

removing greasy stains from clothes with cola
  • Carbonated drinks. With Coca-Cola, you can not only remove soap deposits from plumbing and clean the kettle from scale. This product is also effective in combating stains on clothing. It must be applied to the affected area for three hours, and then wash the item. Coca-Cola is not suitable for resuscitation of white things. In this case, it is better to give preference to another carbonated drink.
  • Bread. This product is indispensable if you need to clean velvet items. A small slice of fresh bread should be pressed to the stain. It is necessary to wait some time for the product to “take” the fat.
  • Mustard Powder. If a stained stain persists even after washing and ironing, you can remove it with mustard. The powder must be diluted with water to a paste-like state. The agent is applied to the fabric for 30 minutes.
  • Shaving foam. This tool is effective if you need to get rid of stains on outerwear. A small amount of foam should be applied to the contaminated area, rub it thoroughly. Five minutes later, the stain should be treated with a sponge, which is pre-wetted in warm water.
  • Shampoo. This tool will help, if necessary, to rid delicate fabrics of minor pollution. The composition is applied to the stain for five minutes, after which the affected area should be slightly rubbed. Further, the product can be washed.

The funds that are discussed in the article can not only save your favorite outfit, but also hopelessly ruin it. Be sure to test the composition in a small area on the wrong side. This will help to understand how the material reacts to it.

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