How to draw a wild boar naturally? Practical advice.

A boar is not a cute pet like a pig at all. Although many children and even some adults are convinced that he is only "her husband." No, that’s not at all. The animal is wild, which, of course, is reflected in its character, appearance. Therefore, to understand how to draw a boar, you first need to carefully look at it.

Get to know the boar better

how to draw a boar

If it occurred to a person to capture a formidable lover of acorns on a piece of paper, then he absolutely must first study the body structure and habits of this resident of dense forests. This is necessary so that its image is as reliable as possible.

The boars have a short and powerful neck, a pointed head in the form of a wedge and not very long legs. The front of the body is much larger than the back. On the upper front of the back, the bristles form a kind of mane with a comb. The ears are wide and long, the eyes are small, and the snout protrudes powerfully forward. In males, the lower fangs stand up. Despite its predominantly vegetarian diet, the wild boar's temper is rather nasty, and its character is tough and uncontrollable.

First preparatory steps

Having studied the structure and habits of the animal, the artist, as a rule, begins to think about how and how to draw a boar? With a pencil, this can be done much faster and easier, especially since the image can later be painted. So, it’s better to start by drawing a few straight lines - for artists they are called axial so that the picture later comes out symmetrical and proportional.

how to draw a boar with a pencil

At the preparatory stage, it is important to establish the dimensions of the boar image, and draw one of the lines horizontally, as if outlining it with the lower boundary on which the boar will be located.

How to draw a boar in stages

Finally, you can begin to draw the image of the boar itself.

  • The body is easily depicted using two circles: one large and the second smaller. The head fits perfectly into the triangle. Next, four short broken lines are drawn - the future legs of the boar.

how to draw a boar in stages

  • At the next stage, the body of the animal is formed. In front of the top of the body, the line extends smoothly up to emphasize the crest on the back.
  • Next, a head is drawn with all the details: wide and long ears (with one ear, if the boar is drawn in profile), small eyes, a powerful and elongated snout with a patch on the end. It is important not to forget to draw the lower fangs.
  • The next step is to draw the legs and tail. At the same time, it is especially important to peer into a photo or drawing of a boar in order to correctly depict the corners and the smallest details of the legs. It should be noted that the wild boar is a cloven-hoofed mammal, so it is worth paying special attention to the bifurcation of its hooves.

how to draw a boar with a pencil

  • The drawing is almost ready, you need to remember to erase all the auxiliary and extra lines. Now you need to draw the surface on which the boar is located.
  • At the last stage, shading is applied using shading so that the boar looks as believable as possible.

how to draw a boar with a pencil

Now you know how to draw a boar. Believe me, this is not so difficult.

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