Rejuvenating face cream "Armeria": customer reviews, manufacturer

The complex "Armeria" from wrinkles has no analogues in the world. It consists only of plant components. Tightens the epidermis and refreshes it. Makes it more elastic and fit. Gives salon care at home. It does not harm the skin and has virtually no contraindications. It consists of three complementary means. Provides complete care for the entire face, not excluding the eye area and décolleté. The effect is visible after two weeks of regular use. Suitable for all ladies from the age of 30, regardless of the type of dermis.

About the anti-aging complex

“Armeria” is a new Russian brand of cosmetics. Designed for the care of mature aging skin. The remedies are recommended for women at the first signs of aging, aged 30-35 years.

Armeria products from wrinkles positively affect the condition of the skin. Smooth up to 70% of both age and expression wrinkles. Easy to apply and absorb quickly. Do not form a film on the skin. The anti-aging cream “Armeria” effectively fights age spots and removes acne in a short time, if present. The manufacturer claims that the cosmetic product can act as an alternative to Botox. All components of the cream work at the cellular level. They stimulate the processes of tissue regeneration, restore tugogor. Remove toxins from the skin.

Enrich the dermis with useful vitamins and minerals. Smoothes complexion and refreshes the skin. They make it smooth and radiant. Tone up. Preserve and prolong youthful skin for an indefinite period. The skin after such care looks more elastic and healthy. Significantly improves its appearance.

All preparations of the Armeria complex are completely natural. They contain a large amount of nutrients that are simply needed by the epidermis. Products suitable for all skin types. Do not cause side effects. Face cream in just a few uses changes the dermis beyond recognition and effectively rejuvenates it.

All the ingredients in the complex not only combine perfectly with each other, but also mutually complement the action of each other. A whole team of professionals worked on the composition of cosmetics. All products, including face cream, have undergone numerous studies. They were tested on 40 women in the age category from 40 to 65 years. And the research results showed 100% effectiveness of these funds. Means of this brand have all the necessary quality certificates and are safe for the skin.

What is included in the complex?

armeria face cream reviews

The face rejuvenating complex “Armenia” includes the following products:

  • Mousse for washing. The product has a mild cleaning consistency. Thoroughly cleans pores from contamination. Prepares the skin for further care. Avocado extract in the composition moisturizes the dermis. Prevents premature loss of moisture. It does not have a constricting effect, so owners of sensitive and dry skin can use it. A special extract from medicinal herbs has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Increases the immunity of the skin. Protects from the negative effects of the environment. This is the first phase of facial treatment.
  • Cream filler for the area around the eyes. Stimulates metabolic processes occurring in the deep layers of the epidermis. Moisturizes the skin. Saturates the skin with all the necessary nutrients. Eliminates wrinkles in the eye area, both facial and age. Cream "Armeria" removes bags under the eyes, puffiness. The oils contained in the cosmetic soften the skin and protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Aloe juice prevents aging and cell destruction. Relieves the inflammatory process. This is the second phase of care.
  • Face cream. The product contains natural wheat collagen, due to which the skin is tightened, becomes more elastic. It is quickly absorbed and in a few moments penetrates deep into the skin, where it tightens the skin frame, tones. Natural components of the product improve blood circulation in the vessels. As a result, the dermis becomes smooth and silky. Shines with health. Wrinkle cream “Armeria” smoothes not only fine wrinkles, but also deep ones. It removes pigmentation and does not clog pores. The product is used before bedtime, after preliminary cleansing of the skin. Face cream is applied last, after the two previous remedies.

Taken together, the products act in concert and give an amazing effect in the care of dermis. Armeria face cream is especially distinguished. The manufacturer of this product is located in Russia and is registered in Moscow; it is a company LLC Lebenton.

The composition of the complex

wrinkle armeria

Cream "Armeria", intended for face and decollete skin care, consists only of natural ingredients. The product is easily absorbed by the skin and in rare cases causes an allergic reaction. The main ingredients of the cosmetic product are:

  • Biologically active substances. They stimulate the natural production of collagen. Prevent skin aging. Activate metabolic processes. Rejuvenate.
  • Olive leaf extract. Moisturizes. Retains moisture in the deeper layers of the skin. Eliminates derma irritation. It has antimicrobial and antioxidant effects.
  • Royal jelly of bees. Softens and tones the dermis. Smoothes the surface of the skin, while eliminating wrinkles. It is a strong biostimulant. Contains protein components, amino acids, lipids and organic compounds. It contains deoxyribonucleic acid. Restores the skin at the cellular level.
  • Extract from marine mollusks and algae. Stimulates blood circulation in the tissues of the epidermis. Tightens the dermis, strengthens its walls. Tones up.

No less useful substances are contained in the other two products of the anti-aging complex. So, the mousse contains extracts of medicinal field herbs, which are an excellent antiseptic and help to remove the inflammatory process. The second component of the means for washing is an extract from pant Altai deer. It gives the skin strength, radiance. It has a healing effect. Restores the damaged structure of the epidermis. Micellar water contained in the product helps remove contaminants. Promotes a more thorough cleansing of the skin. Normalizes lipid metabolism. Replenishes the lack of moisture. Brown seaweed is a valuable component for the skin. They contain many nutrients, including iodine, magnesium and calcium. They are rich in vitamins E, C, A and B9. This substance activates blood circulation in the tissues of the dermis.

Cream filler is intended for skin around the eyes. The product is quickly absorbed. It has a delicate texture and natural composition, which includes such components as:

  • Aloe juice. This substance protects cell membranes from damage. Smoothes wrinkles. Prevents aging of the skin. Contains beneficial vitamins and minerals. It is a natural biostimulant. It has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Successfully heals wounds and removes irritation.
  • Wheat germ oil. The component helps to eliminate toxins and toxins. Stimulates cell regeneration. Tones up the skin. It nourishes with useful substances. Softens. Contains Vitamins A and E.
  • Thistle oil. It contains a whole range of valuable nutrients. It acts as a tissue regenerator. It is characterized by antiseptic, bactericidal, wound healing, immunomodulating properties. Prevents premature cell fading.
  • Amaranth oil. It acts as a good moisturizer. Prevents premature loss of moisture. Slows down skin aging. It contains vitamin E, as well as squalene and a number of essential amino acids. It nourishes the dermis.

All components of the products have a unique 100% herbal composition. Work in the deep layers of the skin. The most positive way affect the state of the dermis. They give a lasting and lasting result. The effect is noticeable after 14 days of regular use of the Armeria complex.

Indications and contraindications

armeria cream

Cosmetics "Armeria" is suitable for all women whose age has reached 30 years. It is at this age that the first wrinkles appear and more thorough and intensive skin care is required.

Face lifting cream is recommended if:

  • The skin has lost its elasticity and tone.
  • Swelling and wrinkles appeared.
  • There is age-related pigmentation on the skin.
  • The skin color is dull, it has a gray tint.
  • The product is recommended for first and deep wrinkles and if the oval of the face begins to "swim".

Face cream "Armeria" can act as an independent product, be used without the use of other means of the anti-aging complex. In this case, it will not be possible to guarantee a 100% result. Indeed, only acting together, the means are able to give the maximum effect and provide full face care.

Cream-lifting practically has no contraindications, but it should not be used if there is an individual intolerance to the components that make up the specified funds. Before using a cosmetic product, in order to avoid negative reactions, it is recommended to conduct a test for the sensitivity of the dermis. Especially if a person is predisposed to allergies.

The tool should be used with caution by people suffering from diseases of the skin. Pregnant and lactating women should consult their doctor before using an anti-aging product. The cream should not be used by ladies under the age of 30, as this cosmetics is designed to care for mature skin. Use it at a younger age does not make sense.

Apply face cream

armeria cosmetics

Means "Armeria" for the face is applied to the face two hours before bedtime. To do this, a small amount of product is squeezed into the palm of your hand and distributed over the entire surface of the skin. The cream should be applied along the massage lines, from the center to the periphery. When applying cosmetics, do not forget about the neck and decollete. Cream-lifting should be applied to cleansed and prepared skin. To cleanse the dermis, it is recommended to use mousse, which comes in combination with the specified product. The product works for 24 hours, so when using it there is no need to use a daily cream.

Mousse foam acts delicately and does not tighten the surface of the skin, so owners of dry and sensitive skin can use it. A little mousse is squeezed into the palm of your hand and spread over a moistened face. Foaming with light movements, a little massage of the skin. All wash away. Wait until the skin dries. And after that apply a cream-lifting, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth.

To care for the sensitive eye area, the company advises using a special cream, which is part of the anti-aging complex. To use it, squeeze a small amount of the product onto the fingertips and “hammer” into the skin with tapping movements. This technique of applying the composition allows the cream to penetrate deeply, which gives the maximum result.

Cosmetics "Armeria" should be used in combination. Only in this way the active substances of the products will harmoniously complement each other and will give the best result.

Face cream "Armeria": reviews of cosmetologists from the official site

armeria cosmetics reviews real

Reviews of cosmetologists from the official website of the company are only positive. They note the natural composition of the cream. They say that he is able to fully care not only for the face, but also for the neck, décolleté. According to them, the product gives aging skin everything that it needs so much. It cleanses the pores and tones the dermis. Saturates with vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances. Slows down the aging process. It activates the processes of tissue regeneration at the cellular level.
The composition of the face cream helps smooth wrinkles, remove age-related pigmentation, strengthen the dermis frame, and restore the damaged structure of the epidermis. It refreshes and heals the skin, removes inflammation, redness, helps get rid of acne, makes the epidermis radiant, younger and smoother.

Specialists from the site say that the cream is able to replace salon procedures and is inexpensive. It is recommended to use it in combination with mousse-foam and cream-filler for the eyes. These reviews of Armeria face cream describe him as the best product and set him apart from other cosmetics. They note that this is an affordable and convenient way to prolong the youthfulness of the skin. According to these experts, the product tightens the skin so well that there is simply no need to use Botox injections and other salon procedures.

These dermatologists say that lifting cream brings aging skin in order in a short time. And all that is needed is five minutes of free time. They recommend using it at the first sign of aging. According to them, the appearance of wrinkles is easier to prevent than to get rid of them later. These people note that the cosmetic product is completely safe and has all the necessary quality certificates. Consider it a godsend for every woman. It is strongly advised to use it in combination with other products of the anti-aging complex.

Real reviews of specialists

Despite the effect that “Armeria” cosmetics gives, real reviews are not so common and make one doubt the quality of these funds. Reviews of cosmetologists make it clear that they do not consider face cream a professional tool. They note that he is not able to replace salon procedures, including botox. In their opinion, the cream has too weak a composition. They do not see in it those substances that really rejuvenate the dermis. These are hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin.

The product does not contain UV filters, therefore it is not able to protect the skin from sunlight. These experts do not believe that this cream can compete with such salon events as mesotherapy, microdermabrasion, botox, and peeling.
They note that this remedy is nothing more than a mediocre night cream. He did not pass all the necessary tests, does not have the necessary certificates. Its quality is in doubt, and the manufacturer is not known in cosmetology. Previously did not specialize in the release of care products.

It is advised not to place high hopes on cream-lifting "Armeria" real reviews. They recommend paying attention to the packaging, which does not contain all the necessary information about the composition and manufacturer. According to them, it is better to use cosmetics from well-known and trusted brands for skin care.

Positive customer reviews about lifting cream

armeria real reviews

Face cream “Armeria” reviews has both positive and negative. People belonging to the first category are completely satisfied with the result that the lifting tool gave them. They note that you should not buy only one cream.

It is said that only an integrated approach allowed them to achieve the best effect.
Women claim that positive changes are noticeable after several uses. Small wrinkles begin to be smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable. The skin becomes more elastic, smooth. The oval of the face is noticeably tightened. The surface of the dermis is rejuvenated. The tone of the skin is lightened, and the surface is leveled. The appearance of the dermis improves from application to application. Many ladies are delighted with the natural composition of the product. It is noted that it is valid for 24 hours and there is no need to use an additional day cream.

Users indicate that the cream is easy to apply and quickly absorbed. It has a light airy texture and a pleasant smell. Does not clog pores and does not create an impermeable film on the surface of the dermis.

For these ladies, Armeria wrinkle cream has become indispensable. The reviews of these individuals claim that they use it constantly and are completely satisfied with the result. Cosmetics did not addictive to women and did not provoke side effects. Women claim that using this cream, they were able to rejuvenate the skin by ten years. They advise you not to spare money and order this tool for yourself.

Negative face cream reviews

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Means "Armeria" (face cream) also caused negative reviews. These people claim that all the assurances of the manufacturer are a hoax. The site requires 990 rubles for the complex, and when women call, they are told that for such an amount they will be able to purchase only one remedy. For the rest should be paid separately.

These users were unsatisfied with these funds, including cream-lifting. According to them, it has a specific smell and a sticky, sticky texture. «». , . . . , .

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