White clothing is most in demand in the summer. She looks spectacular and always refreshing. However, snow-white blouses, T-shirts and sundresses have one significant drawback: after a certain time they are covered with ugly stains from sweat and deodorant. Let's talk about how to remove yellow spots from white clothes.
Wash clothes more often in summer
Sweat marks are the most common problem you face in the summer. Due to its organic nature and high salt content, the fluid secreted by the human glands leaves a reminder in the region of the armpits, back and chest. Fresh powder stains are easily handled by regular powder. In some cases, you will have to soak your clothes for a couple of hours before washing. Not sure how to remove yellow spots from white clothes? You can use bleach or a special tool to remove persistent contaminants, which are many in stores today. For old spots, grandmother's recipes, which have not lost their effectiveness, are also suitable.
How to remove yellow sweat stains with hydrogen peroxide?
This tool is famous not only for its disinfecting effect, but also for its whitening effect. Earlier , women bleached their hair with hydrogen peroxide , and we will try to return the clothes to their former whiteness.
You will need a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a cotton pad. Put liquid on cotton and gently wipe the stain. Next, wash thoroughly using soap and hang the item to air dry. Peroxide is able to cope exclusively with small and not too old spots.
How to remove yellow spots from white clothing with acetylsalicylic acid?
In medicine, it is often called aspirin and is used as a painkiller. Surprisingly, a tool designed to combat headaches, perfectly whitens things. Crush the two tablets into a fine powder and mix with warm water. Apply the solution to the stain with a tissue. You will have to wait a couple of hours until the pollution disappears completely. Normal washing will be the final step.
How to remove yellow spots from white clothes with salt?
The most common table salt was often used by our grandmothers as a substitute for washing powder. She perfectly fights with any kind of pollution, and is also able to return things to a snow-white color. However, salt is a fairly aggressive substance, so do not use it for delicate fabrics.
Stains from cotton and flax can be easily removed with salt and ammonia, which should be mixed in equal proportions. A small stain will leave a teaspoon of each ingredient and a glass of warm water. Soak the area with contamination in this mixture, and you will forget about such a minor nuisance as a yellow spot.
How to remove stains from deodorant?
This is another common question that many housewives ask. Deodorant is called to fight with perspiration, but he himself sins traces on clothes. How to get rid of yellow stains on your favorite things? Make 4 teaspoons plain soda. Mix it with warm water until a thick mass. Soda has a wonderful whitening effect. After applying the mixture to the stain, the latter disappears after an hour.
Persistent stains can be handled by technical alcohol. Wipe the area of โโcontamination with a cotton pad and wait a quarter of an hour. Further, the thing must be washed and rinsed well.